Alice Lloyd College hosted the opening convocation for the 2025 spring semester on Tuesday, January 28th. Читать дальше...
In this year’s district Governor’s Cup competition, the June Buchanan School is extremely proud to announce that two of its students placed in the top ten for the entire state on the General Knowledge exam. Sophomore Austin Moore placed third in the state, and senior Taylor Marshall placed tenth in the state.
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Alice Lloyd College significantly contributes to the local and regional economy, generating an impressive $33 million in total economic impact for the Fiscal Year 2021-2022, according to a recent study commissioned by the Association of Independent Kentucky Colleges and Universities (AIKCU).
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Alice Lloyd College is proud to announce that its prestigious Caney Scholars Program will now be known as The Gatton Winston Scholars Program in honor of the generosity and legacy of The Bill Gatton Foundation. This renaming follows a historic $10 million endowment gift from the foundation in November 2024, the largest endowment gift in the College’s history.
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Alice Lloyd College hosted the opening convocation for the 2025 spring semester on Tuesday, January 28th. After the invocation and performance of our national anthem by the Voices of Appalachia, ALC President Jim Stepp welcomed the ALC student body. President Stepp’s message inspired students to strive for success and informed them of ways that the […]
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Alice Lloyd College is excited to welcome students back from Christmas break! Despite the snow and ice, ALC students were able to register and return for the 2025 Spring Semester, which officially kicked off on Monday, January 13th. The College’s winter student workers, faculty, and staff did a wonderful job removing snow and ice from […]
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Alice Lloyd College would like to congratulate the following students for earning a high level of academic distinction during the Fall 2024 semester. We encourage you to submit an announcement of your achievement to your hometown newspaper. Download the corresponding press release template below, insert your information in place of the items in parentheses and send the release to your local news organization.
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Jonathan (Johnny) Zuidema is a senior at Alice Lloyd College pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in communication studies. Upon graduating this December, Johnny plans to attend Cornerstone Theological Seminary in Grand Rapids, MI. After completing a Master of Divinity, Johnny’s desire is to become a career missionary, devoting his life to spreading the word of […]
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Mr. Hank Mutter, affectionally known as “Mutt”, graduated from Alice Lloyd College in 1979 with an Associate in Science. He also earned a Bachelor of Science in Math/Secondary Education with minors in biology and physics from Pikeville College and a Master of Arts in art education and instructional leadership from Eastern Kentucky University. Mutt dedicated […]
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Alice Lloyd College is honored to announce a $10 million endowment gift from The Bill Gatton Foundation. This remarkable contribution, the largest endowment gift in the College’s history, will bolster ALC’s mission of providing post-graduate opportunities for young people who desire to return to the Appalachian region. This unprecedented gift is a testament to the […]
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by Micah Turner, Student Writer Each year, Alice Lloyd College’s student clubs, organizations, and athletic teams come together to host Trunk-or-Treat in Pippa Passes. This year, on Halloween night, hundreds of community members came together for an evening full of candy, games, laughs, and fun. Campus organizations and athletic teams each had displays set up […]
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