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April 30, 2023
MADISON, S.D. – Dakota State (S.D.) led 8-3 in the first game of the windy North Star Athletic Association softball doubleheader Sunday at Thue Field but was outscored by Valley City State (N.D.) in the final four innings. The Vikings won by the score of 12-9 in the first game. VCSU closed out the four-game series with a 5-3 victory over the Trojans in the regular-season finale and final home contest.
April 29, 2023
DES MOINES, Iowa – Dakota State (S.D.) ended their busiest week schedule Saturday on the final day of the 113th annual Drake Relays, presented by Xtreme, at Bulldog Stadium. The Trojans competed for five days during the week in three different meets (April 24 in Vermillion, April 26 in Yankton, and April 27 through April 29 in Des Moines). Conner Tordsen highlighted Saturday's meet with an impressive hammer throw performances by throwing over 60 meters on all six attempts... Читать дальше...
April 29, 2023
BELLEVUE, Neb. – The North Star Athletic Association baseball regular-season title was not decided until the final regular-season contest Saturday afternoon at John Stella Field at Brown Park. Dakota State (S.D.) had a one-game lead before entering Saturday's contests and fell short of the conference title after the nationally ranked Bellevue swept the Trojans by the scores of 5-2 and 12-1.
April 29, 2023
MADISON, S.D. – Valley City State (N.D.) pounded out eight extra-base hits in the North Star Athletic Association softball four-game series opener at Thue Field Saturday afternoon, holding off Dakota State (S.D.) by the score of 12-7. The Trojans answered back in the second game with a thrilling 5-4 walk-off victory in eight innings over the Vikings for the first home win of the season.
April 28, 2023
DES MOINES, Iowa – Dakota State (S.D.) continued their action on the second day of the 113th annual running of the Drake Relays, presented by Xtreme, at Bulldog Stadium. Friday's highlights included a pair of women's relay teams placing in the school record book's top ten times, while Conner Tordsen placed in the Top 10 discus throwers from NCAA Division I and II schools.
April 28, 2023
BELLEVUE, Neb. – The North Star Athletic Association baseball regular-season title will be decided this weekend as Dakota State (S.D.) and NAIA's nationally ranked No. 5 Bellevue (Neb.) opened their four-game series Friday at John Stella Field at Brown Park. It took 15 innings to decide the series opener, won by the Trojans 9-6. The Bruins held off DSU's late comeback in the second game 6-4 to earn a doubleheader split.
April 28, 2023
This Week's Preview
MADISON, S.D. (April 28, 2023)—The Dakota State University (S.D.) Trojan softball team (12-29 overall record, 11-12 NSAA record) looks to snap their eight-game losing skid this weekend as they continue their home stand at Thue Field. The Trojans host Valley City State (N.D.) (21-20 overall record, 15-6 NSAA conference) in the regular-season finale in the North Star Athletic Association action. Читать дальше...
April 27, 2023
DES MOINES, Iowa – Dakota State (S.D.) competed on the first day of the annual prestigious outdoor track & field meet in the Midwest region, the 113th annual running of the Drake Relays, presented by Xtreme, at Bulldog Stadium. The Trojans had a pair of 4 x 800-meter relay teams, producing top five times in the school record book.
April 27, 2023
MADISON, S.D. – Dakota State (S.D.) played their first home softball contests of the season on a cloudy, rainy showers weather at Thue Field Thursday, after playing 39 straight games away from Madison. The Trojans could not hold on to their 11-3 lead in the first game, falling short to the North Star Athletic Association's conference leader Bellevue (Neb.) by the score of 18-16. BU completed the doubleheader sweep by winning the second game 7-1.
April 27, 2023
This Week's Preview
MADISON, S.D. (April 27, 2023)—The Dakota State University Trojan baseball team (33-13 overall record, 23-1 NSAA record) wraps up their regular-season schedule Friday and Saturday on the road. The Trojans prepare to take on nationally ranked Bellevue (Neb.) (38-7 overall record, 22-2 NSAA conference, No. 5 in the latest NAIA Baseball Coaches' Top 25 national poll) in the battle of the top two teams in the league... Читать дальше...
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