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Rugby League Supporters Association Online 

Bradford Bulls - RedAmberandBlack.net • Predictions League UPDATED TABLE Week 5

A truncated week due to the weather, but here are the results. Not a lot of movement in the scores, and nobody got remotely near the bonus of course, but anyway here's the latest table...

Bull Northern35
bull on a canary35
Le Penguin34
Herr Rigsby31
roger daly31
Bulls Boy 201129
Steel City Bull29
tackler thommo29
Dr Feelgood26
Ricky... Читать дальше...


Nasdaq's 2.6% tumble intraday threatens to drag the tech-heavy stock index below a key trend line

A sharp drop in technology stocks on Monday was threatening to push the Nasdaq Composite Index beneath a closely watched short-term trend line. The Nasdaq was off 2.6% in recent trade at 7,286, with a drop below its 50-day moving average at 7,283.90, providing a bearish signal for chart watchers. Market technicians follow moving averages to help assess bearish and bullish momentum in an asset. Among its benchmarks peers, Nasdaq has been an outperformer, up 5.9% so far in 2018, compared with the... Читать дальше...

Europe Online Magazine 

Ukraine fordert EU-Sanktionen gegen Organisatoren der Krim-Wahl

Brüssel/Kiew (dpa) - Aus Protest gegen die russische Präsidentenwahl auf der Halbinsel Krim hat die Ukraine EU-Sanktionen gegen etwa 140 Personen gefordert. Außenminister Pawel Klimkin habe bei einem Besuch in Brüssel dafür eine Liste der örtlichen Organisatoren der Wahl übergeben, meldeten ukrainische Medien am Montag. Kiew plane auch eigene Strafmaßnahmen, hieß es weiter. Am Sonntag war der russische Präsident Wladimir Putin für eine vierte Amtszeit gewählt worden. Trotz internationaler Kritik... Читать дальше...

New York Post 

Newell Brands will let Carl Icahn name four board members

Newell Brands has cut a deal with Carl Icahn to ease the pressure on its board. The embattled maker of Rubbermaid storage containers, Elmer’s glue and Sharpie pens said Monday it has agreed to name four directors of Icahn’s choosing — even as Jeffrey Smith’s hedge fund Starboard Value agitates to revamp its board entirely....


Salah leads four-goal phenoms

Mohamed Salah was one of three players to score four goals last weekend. He tops our weekly countdown, with fellow four-goal heroes Cristiano Ronaldo and Mauro Icardi close behind. Who else made the list? Player Power Rankings &#187


Salah leads trio of four-goal phenoms to top Player Power Rankings

Ronaldo, Salah and Icardi score four, Messi scores his 25th in La Liga, Ajax have some fun and more feature in this week's In Case You Missed It. ESPN FC's global editorial desks nominate their top weekend performers. Mohamed Salah leads a trio of four-goal heroes in this week's top 10. 1. Mohamed Salah | Liverpool Why he's here: Salah was one of three four-goal performers from the weekend, his heroics in Liverpool's 5-0 win over Watford on Saturday taking the Egypt international four goals clear atop the Premier League scoring charts. Читать дальше...


An actress started an Instagram account to prove there are more important things than your weight — and people can't get enough

Jeff Spicer/Getty Images

  • Jameela Jamil, a model, "The Good Place" star, and radio presenter is an outspoken advocate for body positivity. 
  • She recently started an Instagram account called I Weigh where people can show how they measure themselves in ways besides their weight.
  • People submit pictures of themselves juxtaposed with the positive ways they measure themselves.
  • She was inspired to start the I Weigh movement after seeing a viral meme that body-shamed... Читать дальше...

Sports - Google News (us) 

Tyronn Lue taking leave of absence from Cavaliers due to health reasons - Yahoo Sports

Yahoo Sports

Tyronn Lue taking leave of absence from Cavaliers due to health reasons
Yahoo Sports
Cleveland Cavaliers coach Tyronn Lue is taking a leave of absence to address the health problems that have kept him from finishing three games this season, the team announced in a statement on Monday. “After many conversations with our doctors and ...
Cavaliers coach Tyronn Lue steps away from team due to lingering illnessSB Nation
Tyronn Lue temporarily... Читать дальше...

«Seattle Post-Intelligencer» (seattlepi.com) 

The Latest: NYC launches investigation into Kushner Cos.

NEW YORK (AP) — The Latest on disclosures the Kushner Cos. filed false documents with the New York City (all times local): 11:50 a.m. A New York City official is launching an investigation into falsified documents filed by the Kushner Cos. with the city, saying that they should have been discovered earlier because the documents were hidden in plain sight. Councilman Ritchie Torres says that the Department of Buildings should have spotted the falsified numbers because paperwork at the city taxation agency contradicted those them. Читать дальше...

Sputnik International 

India Risks Default on Russian Loan Repayment for NPP Projects Amid Fund Crisis

India's critical nuclear projects have been left in the lurch due to a severe funding shortage. The dearth of funds with the nuclear power corporation has put it in an embarrassing situation, as it has not been able to repay loans availed from Russia for the ongoing nuclear power plant projects.

Sputnik International 

Putin, Macron Have Tough Talk Amid Re-Election Celebrations in Russia

MOSCOW (Sputnik) - Russian President Vladimir Putin in phone talks with French President Emmanuel Macron on Monday pointed out at the unsubstantiated nature of accusations of Russia's involvement in the nerve agent attack on ex-spy Sergei Skripal in the UK, as well as discussed bilateral relations.


CRYPTO INSIDER: A secretive Wall Street trading firm has been trading bitcoin

Carl Court/Getty Images

Welcome to Crypto Insider, Business Insider’s roundup of all the bitcoin and cryptocurrency news you need to know today. Sign up here to get this email delivered direct to your inbox.

Jane Street has jumped on the cryptocurrency bandwagon.See the rest of the story at Business Insider

NOW WATCH: The rise and fall of Hooters Air — the airline that lost the 'breastaurant' $40 million

See Also:

Voice of America 

Saudi Crown Prince to Visit White House Tuesday

Saudi Arabia's crown prince Mohammed bin Salman is visiting Washington this week, as Saudi Arabia's rivalry with Iran heats up.   Mohammed bin Salman comes to the U.S. touting a vision for a new Saudi Arabia. And he'll likely have a receptive audience in President Donald Trump on Tuesday. Trump has explicitly sided with the Sunni monarchy in its rivalry with Shi'ite Iran. The crown prince, known as MBS, seems eager to take advantage. In an interview with CBS, he compared Iran's leader to Hitler and said if Iran gets nuclear weapons... Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Saudi Crown Prince Meeting With Trump at the White House

Saudi Arabia's crown prince Mohammed bin Salman met with President Donald Trump at the White House Tuesday as part of a trip to the U.S that comes amid heightened tensions between Saudi Arabia and Iran. A senior White House official said the meeting is a "tremendous opportunity to make progress" and discuss "Iran's destabilizing activities in the region."  Trump has explicitly sided with the Sunni monarchy in its rivalry with Shi'ite Iran. The crown prince, known as MBS, seems eager to take advantage. Читать дальше...

Voice of America 

Trump Touts Saudi Arms Deals in Oval Office Meeting With Crown Prince

Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman met U.S. President Donald Trump at the White House on Tuesday amid heightened tensions between Riyadh and Tehran. “Iran has not been treating that part of the world or the world itself appropriately,” Trump said alongside Crown Prince Mohammed in the Oval Office. “A lot of bad things are happening in Iran.’ Citing the near demise of ISIS in the Middle East, the president declared that the U.S. military forces will be departing from “certain areas... Читать дальше...


Trump is reportedly using nondisclosure agreements to stop staffers from speaking out

They’re supposed to last forever.

If you’re eagerly awaiting juicy tell-alls from Gary Cohn, Hope Hicks, Reince Priebus, or any of the multitude of Trump administration officials who have headed for the exits, don’t hold your breath: The president has reportedly required staffers to sign nondisclosure agreements that last, essentially, forever.

Ruth Marcus at the Washington Post on Sunday reported that President Trump, in the early months of his administration, asked White House... Читать дальше...

New York Post 

The rise of ‘fake news’ is producing more journalism majors than ever

Zoe Ginsberg, an 18-year-old freshman journalism major at USC’s Annenberg School, said she and her classmates have many discussions about the way media is viewed in recent years. “With so much going on in politics, I think we as students are concerned we haven’t been paying attention and holding government officials accountable enough for their...

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

Не издал и звука. Годовалый малыш утонул с надувном бассейне на участке

«Папина гордость». Лиза и Николай Песковы. Одна бесит общественность, второй «борется» за звание героя

Деньги будут «жечь»: что ждёт россиян со сбережениями, предупредил эксперт

За кулисами бизнес-конференции MEDIABOSS


Жители Москвы и Петербурга в среднем добираются до работы около часа


Куда сходить москвичам и гостям столицы 13 июля - Мытищинский форсаж: часть вторая

Дирекция по качеству АО "Желдорреммаш" посетила локомотивостроительные заводы ТМХ

За кулисами бизнес-конференции MEDIABOSS

S&P повысило прогноз по рейтингу «дочек» Freedom Holding Corp. до позитивного


Собянин предупредил об аномальной жаре 4 июля и грозе 5 июля в Москве

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Музыкальные новости


Рэпер Тимати после выступления не мог улететь из Сибири

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

Саша Стоун был замечен с новой девушкой после расставания с Надеждой Сысоевой

Сила знания. Какие загадки разгадывают дети на этноолимпиаде

Куда сходить москвичам и гостям столицы 13 июля - Мытищинский форсаж: часть вторая


Бекхэм оценил шутку Радукану о сравнении её игры на Уимблдоне-2024 и Англии на Евро-2024

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


ЛДПР предложила повысить районные коэффициенты для жителей северных территорий

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России