UCLA Police Chief Reassigned in the Wake of a Pro-Palestinian Protest Melee
University of California, Los Angeles, officials have been widely criticized for their failure to stop attacks on pro-Palestinian protesters at a campus demonstration.
University of California, Los Angeles, officials have been widely criticized for their failure to stop attacks on pro-Palestinian protesters at a campus demonstration.
LONDON, UK - British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced that the country will hold its general election on July 4.
The PM made the shock announcement outside Downing Street amidst pouring rain around 5:00pm on Wednesday.
MASTERCHEF declared a “worthy” winner as the show celebrated its 20th anniversary on air.
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PORTLAND, Oregon: A man has been charged in last year's deaths of three women in Oregon and Washington.
Читать дальше...The actress revealed to Kelly Ripa what her son's face looks like.
CRISPR/Cas9 remains the most powerful tool to generate mutations in plant genomes. Studying the various combinations of mutations has significantly increased the scale of experimental setups, necessitating more space to grow numerous plants.
Circle the date on your calendar. June 3, 2024. This Fancy Old Canoe: A Comprehensive Guide To Restoring Antique Canoes will be available on Amazon.
Trump comments "unmoored from reality and with no concern about the threats of violence that they provoke”
The latest scandal over seemingly appropriating a movie star’s voice will only inflame tensions between Washington and Silicon Valley.
With the Tories trailing so far behind in the opinion polls, Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s decision to call an election just six weeks from now on July 4may look like insanity
'Mongoose' is all about a thrilling car chase between the police and an extraordinary Liam Neeson who plays the role of a former Special Forces soldier.
One of the biggest questions heading into MultiVersus’ 1.0 launch has been answered. WB Games’ crossover platform fighter dropped in Open Beta in 2022, and the plan at the time seemed to be a smooth transition to a full launch. Instead the game was temporarily shut down, despite having run multiple Battle Passes and…
Читать дальше...“In this Republican-controlled House, it is okay to talk about the trial, but you have to call it a sham,” Rep. Jim McGovern, D-Mass., said.
Baltimore City has opened the competitive process to determine its next e-scooter and e-bike providers.
A key D.C. Council member voiced her support Wednesday for a new bill aiming to address repeat juvenile offenders in the city, but some local activists don't think the proposal gets to the heart of why so many District youth turn to crime.
"It's the first time that they completely see each other, and they’re on a level, and it's like, Let's go."
Читать дальше...It comes after the first human case of bird flu was identified in Texas last month and also linked to cattle.
With just over one month to go until they face off on the debate stage for the first time, a new national poll indicates President Biden and former President Trump are nearly deadlocked.
Each Dec. 26, the Roman Catholic Church celebrates the execution of St. Stephen, the first of what would become millions of witnesses --- the English equivalent of the Greek word "martyr" -- to the faith.
While the $800 billion in PPP loans has largely self-liquidated through the forgiveness process, SBA continues to service the longer-duration EIDL portfolio and will likely be doing so for years to come after opting to hold on to the loans.
Alones/Shutterstock" src="https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/oPCShDY4qGvCxoygPiYz0Q-/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTY0MQ-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_conversation_464/67410acff3c7da640e 7b724e0a007a4c" data-src= "https://s.yimg.com/ny/api/res/1.2/oPCShDY4qGvCxoygPiYz0Q-/YXBwaWQ9aGlnaGxhbmRlcjt3PTk2MDtoPTY0MQ-/https://media.zenfs.com/en/the_conversation_464/67410acff3c7da640e7b724e 0a007a4c"/>
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UPERFECT is running a crowdfunding campaign for another dual touchscreen monitor, this time with a choice of 16 inch or 18 inch models featuring 2560 x 1600 pixel, 120 Hz displays. After a pretty disastrous launch of its first product, the makers of the Humane Ai Pin are looking to sell the company. And there […]
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Julian Assange faces 18 criminal counts in the United States for his alleged role in unlawfully obtaining and disclosing classified documents related to national defence. He has been detained in the United Kingdom since 2019 and is currently being held ...
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