WikiLeaks' Julian Assange pleads guilty in plea with US, to return home
WikiLeaks Julian Assange pleads guilty in plea with US to return home
WikiLeaks Julian Assange pleads guilty in plea with US to return home
The district is screening 14 trails to determine which can continue to support hiker or equestrian access if bicycles are introduced.
NEW YORK — Snapchat is trying to make it harder for teenagers to be contacted on the app by people they don’t know, its latest effort to stop the sexual and financial exploitation scam known as sextortion.
(JNS) -- The parents of the 12-year-old girl, identified only as “A,” who was gang raped in a Paris suburb on June 15 recently spoke with French daily Le Parisien “to bear witness to the ordeal experienced by their eldest daughter.” The incident sent shock waves through France. Hundreds demonstrated in Paris on June 19…
Award-winning duo and all-time internet legends, Dan and Phil are back with their biggest worldwide tour to date, Terrible Influence - a screamingly hilarious brand-new live stage show.
Severe flooding is affecting millions of people in the Midwest. In Minnesota, the National Guard has been activated to help against rising waters. CBS News correspondent Tom Hanson has more from Mankato.
Check out the highlights from Argentina vs. Chile at Copa América 2024!
The region's police conducted checks on several streets in Makhachkala urging people to flee the area after reports of an armed man on one of the city's squares,
The daughter of one Maryland couple was still searching for answers about her parents’ deaths. The State Department said it was possible that more deaths could be confirmed.
J.D. Davis lost his job for a few days, but when he landed on his feet, he did so at the opposite end of the standings and on a much bigger stage. After the Yankees acquired Davis from the last-place Athletics on Sunday to bolster the middle of their hurting lineup, he arrived at Citi...
Coming from an *expert* in packing a 50-pound carry-on.
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Motorola is launching two new Razr models today to compete in what will likely be another hot foldable summer.
State-owned Punjab & Sind Bank has signed an initial agreement with the Indian Army on defence salary package which will come with a host of facilities, including free insurance cover.
"We expect the market to maintain its positive momentum as we draw nearer to the event. Globally, investors would track US Consumer confidence data," said Siddhartha Khemka, Head - Retail Research, Motilal Oswal.
While some, like OpenAI, are striving for Artificial General Intelligence (AGI), a new frontier in AI is generating debate: Artificial Superintelligence (ASI). This hypothetical technology would surpass even AGI, fundamentally changing humanity. What exactly is ASI, and how would it impact people? ET explains.
Authorities say a man fatally shot five people and wounded a 13-year-old girl before shooting himself as he was confronted by police near Las Vegas. The North Las Vegas Police Department said Tuesday the suspected shooter killed himself Tuesday as officers closed in. Police say they found 47-year-old Eric Adams armed with a gun in a residential neighborhood after receiving a tip that he was seen in the area. The department hasn't disclosed a possible motive for the shootings Monday night at separate apartments in North Las Vegas.
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The English singer spoke candidly about her relationship to her husband, sex, and alcohol.
Boston Bruins fans have been listening to the NHL rumor mill since before the trade deadline last March. On Monday, all the speculation became a reality when the B’s announced they had in fact split up the goalie tandem and traded Linus Ullmark to the Ottawa Sentators. Ullmark sent a heartfelt message to his Bruins […] — информационный сайт, транслирующий новости города Вашего города онлайн. Всё, что происходило и происходит в городе — в оперативной ленте ежедневных новостей в интерактивном режиме на сайте
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