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Новости за 26.06.2024


Browse for deals and discounts at Saha Group Fair

"Fair & Fest" is the concept of the 28th Saha Group Fair which will kick off tomorrow and run daily from 10am to 9pm until Sunday, at Bitec Hall 98-100, Bang Na-Trat Road.


Catch the late Donald Sutherland in these films

There is more to Donald Sutherland than President Snow. Although the veteran actor who died last week was most recently known for his role in The Hunger Games franchise (2012-2015), Sutherland actually starred in many films and won 24 awards, including an Honorary Oscar in 2018. He also won a Primetime Emmy in 1995 for Outstanding Supporting Actor in the miniseries Citizen X.


The target of 1.5C must prevail

The world is burning, and our political leaders are failing us. With temperatures rising at an alarming rate, it seems that anyone who believes it is still possible to limit global warming to 1.5° Celsius is in a rapidly shrinking minority.


Job reminder for the 'permanent five'

Upon the victorious end to World War II for the Allied forces, the five victors -- namely the United States, the Soviet Union (later the Russian Federation), China (the nationalist government and later the communist government), the United Kingdom, and France -- drafted the Charter of the United Nations and established the Headquarters of the UN in New York City based on the generosity of the...


Selling out the public

Prime Minister Srettha Thavisin's plan to revise the law to entice more foreigners to buy condominiums seems to be backfiring already.


Finnomena nudges investors to focus on foreign stocks

Finnomena, a Thai investment management platform, recommends 100% investment in foreign stock markets until Thailand resolves its economic and social structural issues to drive economic growth, allowing listed companies to prosper.


NT pauses OneWeb satellite deal

Last week the board of state telecom enterprise National Telecom (NT) put the brakes on the master service agreement between itself and OneWeb, a low Earth orbit (LEO) constellation satellite service owned by the Eutelsat Group, giving NT's legal subcommittee 30 days to scrutinise the conditions and legal terms and evaluate the benefits in the contract.


Mice market set to beat expectations

International visitors are expected to drive the Mice (meetings, incentives, conferences and exhibitions) segment in Thailand to exceed the target by 5% this year, which would help compensate for the sluggish domestic market.


New state investment fund planned

Stock analysts are throwing their support behind the Finance Ministry's plan to set up a new fund to invest in Thai shares, saying it could increase trading in the fourth quarter.


How Will GenAI Empower Target’s Retail Associates?

Target announced plans to distribute a new GenAI-powered chatbot tool to all its associates across its nearly 2,000 U.S. stores by August. Where do you see GenAI technologies particularly helping in-store associates?

Technology Review  

Recent books from the MIT community

Sparking Creativity: How Play and Humor Fuel Innovation and DesignBy Barry Kudrowitz, SM ’06, PhD ’10ROUTLEDGE, 2023, $39.95 Open Building for Architects: Professional Knowledge for an Architecture of Everyday EnvironmentBy Stephen H. Kendall, PhD ’90, and N. John Habraken ROUTLEDGE, 2023, $44.99 Measurements-Based Radar Signature Modeling: An Analysis FrameworkBy Joseph T. Mayhan, senior staff member at…

Technology Review  

Sprayable gel simplifies surgeries

Colonoscopies are a boon for preventing colon cancer, but patients may develop gastrointestinal bleeding or dangerous small tears in the intestine if doctors end up having to remove polyps in the process. Now MIT researchers have developed a gel that can be sprayed through an endoscope onto the surgical sites, where it instantly forms a…

Technology Review  

Sweat may protect against Lyme disease

Most people’s sweat contains a protein that can prevent Lyme disease, researchers at MIT and the University of Helsinki have discovered. They also found that about one-third of the population carries a less protective variant that makes the tick-borne infection more likely. By running a genome-wide association study, the researchers identified three variants more common…

Technology Review  

Drugs are more effective at certain times of day

Using engineered mini-livers derived from donated human cells, MIT researchers have found that the time of day a drug is administered could significantly affect how much of it is available to the body and how much may be broken down into toxic by-products. The researchers identified more than 300 liver genes that follow a circadian…

Technology Review  

Evaporation without heat

In a series of painstakingly precise experiments, a team of researchers at MIT has confirmed an astonishing discovery: light can cause water to evaporate without involvement from any source of heat. The phenomenon can occur at any surface where air and water meet, whether it’s flat like a pond or curved like a droplet of…

Technology Review  

Artificial reefs could protect coastlines and marine life

In tropical waters, coral reefs shelter marine life and buffer islands from stormy seas—but these natural structures are threatened by the effects of climate change, which is also multiplying the extreme weather events that leave coastal communities vulnerable to flooding and erosion.  An MIT team now hopes to fortify coastlines with “architected” reefs—sustainable offshore structures…

Technology Review  

SuperLimbs for astronauts

It’s hard not to laugh at NASA’s blooper reel of astronauts falling and bouncing in slow motion on the moon. But coping with inertia where gravity is one-sixth that of Earth is no laughing matter when you’re wearing a constricting space suit and need to finish an exhausting task. So mechanical engineering professor Harry Asada…

Technology Review  

Fighting fatphobia

“I felt too fat to be a feminist in public.” The startling admission appears in the opening paragraph of Kate Manne’s new book, Unshrinking: How to Face Fatphobia. With that single frank and sobering sentence, Manne, an associate professor of philosophy at Cornell, captures the pervasiveness of anti-fat bias—and its stifling impact.   Manne had…

Technology Review  

Depression is different for women. One-size-fits-all drugs aren’t helping.

The trauma of an accident, an assault, abuse, or even simply losing someone we love can have long-term effects. For some, it can trigger mental illnesses. But what if, in the hours after the experience, you could take a pill that made you less likely to fall ill? And what if there were such a…

Technology Review  

Stress test

Elizabeth Sajdel-Sulkowska was just three months old when Nazi soldiers set fire to her family’s home in the midst of the Warsaw Uprising of August 1944, as the Polish resistance attempted to seize control of the city from the Germans. When that revolt ultimately failed, the city was razed, and there was no time to…

Top Stories (uk) - Google News (com) 

Manchester United can complete £70m deal in next five days as club forced into transfer stance - Manchester Evening News

  1. Manchester United can complete £70m deal in next five days as club forced into transfer stance  Manchester Evening News
  2. Man Utd have secret weapon on the way to seal blockbuster Jarrad Branthwaite transfer  Express
  3. Man Utd: Ratcliffe has 'top-end valuation' for defender with two alternatives on Ten Hag's 'radar'  Football365

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Другие популярные новости дня сегодня

Новости 24/7 Все города России

Топ 10 новостей последнего часа

Новости России

«Галицкий сказал: «Передай этому французу — у нас за стукачество по морде бьют!» Топ-интервью легенды РПЛ

В Воскресенске росгвардейцы задержали гражданку, находящуюся в федеральном розыске

Вице-мэр Ракова рассказала о самых востребованных специалистах в столице

Во Владимире в 12-й раз состоялся межрегиональный фестиваль поэзии «Музыка души»


AFAKE: мелодичная и многогранная сенсация на стыке жанров


За кулисами бизнес-конференции MEDIABOSS

В Воскресенске росгвардейцы задержали гражданку, находящуюся в федеральном розыске

S&P повысило прогноз по рейтингу «дочек» Freedom Holding Corp. до позитивного

Фестиваль троечной езды и гастрономии "Русский драйв"


Собянин подвел итоги проекта «Золотая маска. Послесловие»

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Мы не навязываем Вам своё видение, мы даём Вам объективный срез событий дня без цензуры и без купюр. Новости, какие они есть — онлайн (с поминутным архивом по всем городам и регионам России, Украины, Белоруссии и Абхазии).

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В любую минуту Вы можете добавить свою новость мгновенно — здесь.

Музыкальные новости

Вячеслав Бутусов

Легенда русского рока Вячеслав Бутусов поздравил Магнитку

Спорт в России и мире

Алексей Смирнов – актер, которого, надеюсь, еще не забыли

До 15 лет лишения свободы: По делу о терроризме задержали тренера молодёжной сборной России по борьбе

И все-таки готовят убивать: в Москве по делу о терроризме задержан тренер молодежной сборной России по борьбе

Зарема о Виллиане Жозе в «Спартаке»: «Бразилец в Москве обязательно найдет, чем заняться поинтереснее футбола. Сравнения с Мозесом неактуальны, Амарал берет игрока на закате карьеры»

Анастасия Пивоварова

Теннисистка Пивоварова назвала травму Джоковича шагом к завершению карьеры

Новости Крыма на Sevpoisk.ru


Порядка 300 поливомоечных машин проводят аэрацию воздуха в Подмосковье

Частные объявления в Вашем городе, в Вашем регионе и в России