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The Princess & The Frog: 10 Best Quotes | ScreenRant

Released in 2009, The Princess and the Frog was a nostalgic return to the traditional animated Disney princess movie, with memorable musical numbers and a refreshing twist to the typical princess-focused fairy tale. The movie is surprisingly underrated, but with the Disney parks' Splash Mountain ride being reimagined with a Princess and the Frog theme and a Disney+ series on the way, that could potentially all change.

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What makes The Princess and the Frog such a wonderful movie is the marvelous characterization, catchy songs, and lessons on working hard and not losing sight of what is most important. With these in mind, it's easy to see why some of the movie's best quotes reflect all of these factors.

10 "All My Life, I Read About True Love And Fairytales. And Tia... You Found It! I'll Kiss Him! For You, Honey! No Marriage Required."

Tiana's childhood friend is Charlotte "Lottie" LaBouff, the daughter of a wealthy sugar baron. Lottie is a very underrated character in Disney in general; despite being spoilt and self-centered, she has a heart of gold and is a really good friend to Tiana.

Lottie shows various acts of kindness and support to Tiana throughout the movie, but her biggest act was putting her own fairytale dreams of marrying a prince aside so Tiana could have her happily ever after with Naveen. It's little wonder people want to see her in Tiana's Disney+series, and, hopefully, she will get her own well-deserved happy ending then.

9 "All Women Enjoy The Kiss Of Prince Naveen. Come, We Pucker. *CROAK* That's New."

The Disney Prince of the movie is Prince Naveen of Maldonia. Although a rather flawed character to start with, Naveen is an entertaining character and a refreshing change to all of the Disney princes beforehand. As a result of his flaws, he provides a number of comedic moments in the movie.

His initial flaws include womanizing and extreme self-confidence and even becoming a frog does not seem to affect either of these. His suave attempts to convince Tiana to kiss him to change him back are all the more hilarious in his amphibious form due to some frog quirks, such as a sudden throat bulge when he puckers up ready for a kiss.

8 "You Know The Thing About Good Food? It Brings Folks Together From All Walks Of Life."

Food plays a huge part in The Princess and the Frog, as Tiana's dream is to open her own restaurant. As shown at the start of the movie, it has been her dream since she was a child, as it was her father's own wish to open a restaurant.

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This line about food is both fitting for fuelling Tiana's dream and for Tiana's epiphany when she realizes her father had everything he loved and needed already. Whilst they didn't have a restaurant, they made home-cooked meals for all of the neighbors, which always bought them all together in a moment of peace and joy.

7 "She's Just Speaking Out Of A Broken Heart. That's All It Is."

One of the biggest character traits of Ray the firefly is that he is a hopeless romantic. He loves love, whether it's between others or his great adoration for a star called Evangeline. His heart and celebration of love are perhaps his biggest strengths, and it drives him to help those he cares about.

A bittersweet example is when Tiana, heartbroken in believing Naveen had left her for Lottie, angrily tells Ray that Evangeline is just a star and not a firefly. Although tearful, Ray's love for Evangeline—and his adoration for Tiana and Naveen—is too great to be broken, and he is only driven to set things right.

6 "Y'all Want To Be Human, But You're Blind To What You Need!"

Voodoo queen Mama Odie doesn't get much screen time compared to the other main characters, but her debut is one of the funniest scenes in The Princess and the FrogWith her eccentric personality, invaluable advice, and singing one of the movie's best songs, she certainly makes an impact.

It is Mama Odie that teaches Naveen and Tiana about figuring out what they need rather than what they want. This line is spoken before Mama Odie begins to sing the iconic 'Dig A Little Deeper.' It's a fitting quote, as it is the start of teaching a key piece of advice, and, ironically, Mama Odie is blind.

5 "Travis, When A Woman Says Later, She Really Means Not Ever."

While Lottie is a good-hearted person, she is also a very funny character to watch. Like Naveen, she provides a number of comedic moments in the movie, and one such example is when she shoots down a doting admirer at the masked ball while waiting impatiently for Naveen to arrive.

What makes this scene so funny is that Lottie delivers the hurtfully true line in a cool and collected demeanor, but, the moment a despondent Travis leaves, Lottie goes into a frenzied panic at Naveen's absence and nearly storms off to her room with mascara streaking down her face.

4 "Dreams Do Come True In New Orleans."

"Down in New Orleans", the opening song of The Princess and the Frog, sets the scene of the movie perfectly. It's an energetic opening number and showcases a variety of characters that reside in the famous city, including Facilier scamming an innocent citizen and Naveen as he arrives on a royal visit.

The last line of the song, "dreams do come true in New Orleans," sums up the movie as a whole. Almost all of the main protagonists have big dreams that they all want, from Tiana's dream to open a restaurant to Louis dreaming of playing the trumpet with the jazz greats, and those dreams do ultimately come true. This is also the last line of the movie, but, this time, it's sung by Tiana.

3 "Why, The Bayou's The Best Jazz School In The World."

The first friend that Tiana and Naveen make in the bayou is the lovable alligator Louis, who immediately bonds with Naveen over a mutual love of jazz music.

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When Naveen delightedly asks where Louis learned to play the trumpet well, Louis simply exclaims that "the bayou's the best jazz school in all of the world," as the jazz greats play on the riverboats that go through the swamps. Louis' introduction is a welcome shift from the terrifying dark swamps that Tiana and Naveen initially see, and it shows that the bayou is just as magical and musical as the city of New Orleans itself.

2 "I've Got Friends On The Other Side."

The villain of The Princess and the Frog is the charismatic Facilier, a cunning witch doctor with sinister plans to take over New Orleans. Bringing back the classic Disney villain archetype with a bang, Dr. Facilier is perhaps the most underrated Disney villain yet.

He is a very memorable character, and one key reason is his brilliant villain song "Friends on the Other Side." It's the perfect introduction to such a great villain and ultimately gets the movie rolling as he transforms Naveen into a frog during the song's finale.

1 "Tiana... She Is My Evangeline."

Naveen starts off in the movie as spoiled, lazy, and narcissistic, but his experiences as a frog in the bayou and spending time with Tiana changes him for the better, and he matures into a selfless individual who is willing to do what it takes to make Tiana happy.

In the context of the movie, with Ray's undying love for Evangeline, referring to Tiana as "his Evangeline" is perhaps the most simple yet romantic and heartfelt way for Naveen to express how much he loves and cares for Tiana.

NEXT: 10 Most Overlooked Disney Couples

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