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Travelers say Qatar Airways has the best business class, thanks to its QSuite with sliding doors and double beds: See inside

Skytrax has named Qatar Airways' QSuite as the world's best business class for over a decade.
  • Skytrax named Qatar Airways the world's best airline for business class for the 11th year.
  • Introduced in 2017, the QSuite sports industry-first double beds and fan-favorite sliding doors.
  • Qatar is expected to unveil an updated "QSuite 2.0" later this year.

Every year, the aviation ranking website Skytrax compiles and analyzes thousands of customer satisfaction surveys to determine the best of the best among some 350 airlines.

Qatar Airways stole Singapore Airlines' crown as the 2024 world's best airline this year. It was also, for the 11th year in a row, named as the best airline for business class.

The win is no surprise given Qatar's reputation for luxury at the front of the plane.

Qatar revolutionized premium flying when it introduced its famous QSuite, its first suite-style business class with fully closing doors. Several cabin layouts are possible, too, including first-of-its-kind double beds and quad-seating.

QSuite was an industry-changing design that raised the bar for premium seating worldwide.

Other airlines, like Air India and British Airways, have since adopted their own hotel-like cabins and multi-person seats.

Still, it appears travelers prefer the original — and Qatar is evolving it even further with the unveiling of its "QSuite 2.0" later this year.

Qatar has equipped all of its Airbus A350-1000s, some of its Airbus A350-900s, and most of its Boeing 777s with the QSuite.
Qatar Airways QSuite comes with linens like pillows and blankets.

Qatar's narrowbody planes don't have QSuite, nor do its Boeing 787 Dreamliners or Airbus A380s, though the mammoth quad-jets have an inflight lounge and bar.

Without major changes, QSuite wouldn't fit on the narrower Dreamliners, so Qatar created a different version. The 787s sport a 1×2×1 business class with sliding doors and similar soft products but without the QSuite's versatility.

The seat comes with the regularly expected business-class perks, including a giant television, power, gourmet meals, and storage.
The door is fully closeable.

QSuite food is rated the region's best, and it won Skytrax's 2024 Best Business Class Onboard Catering in the Middle East award.

Qatar's business class is also staffed with specially-trained flight attendants, though the airline's entire crew earned praise this year for being named the best cabin crew in the Middle East by Skytrax.

Its 1x2x1 configuration means there are no middle seats and every passenger can get up as they wish.
The QSuite on a Qatar A350 displayed at the Farnborough Airshow.

This freedom has become the standard in airline business class, though a few outliers, like Air India and Germany's Lufthansa, still fly some cramped planes without direct aisle access.

The latter, however, has recently introduced a new and improved "Allegris" business class on its widebody planes.

However, the seat is award-winning for its convertible beds, quad-seating, and privacy.
Qatar's QSuite on display at a 2017 trade show in Berlin.

In order, Singapore, All Nippon Airways, Emirates, and Cathay Pacific were the other top five winners behind Qatar.

Delta was number eight, while United was number 17. American didn't make the list.

Qatar's QSuite was the first airline business class with a double bed.
Qatar is one of the few airlines in the world with double beds in business class.

The bed is created by combining two lie-flat seats into one, and closing both privacy doors creates a small pod — making it perfect for families and couples.

Big beds on airplanes are rare, meaning Qatar has a special edge helping it draw in customers willing to pay for the space.
The QSuites come with linens, an amenity kit, pajamas, and slippers.

Singapore has refreshed its Airbus A380 business class with seats that combine into a double bed. It also offers double beds in its first-class suite, and Etihad Airways does in its three-room "The Residence."

Cabin designer Ameco was shortlisted for the Crystal Cabin Awards for its concept of a double bed — but as a sleep option for economy.

The QSuite's versatility also draws customers, especially since it uniquely accommodates up to four people in one conjoined space.
The QSuite quad dining setup on a Boeing 777.

Qatar has several seating configurations.

Next to the window, there are front-facing and rear-facing single seats. The center section has double suites and four-person spaces, though they can also be used individually and blocked off by raising a middle divider.

The quad-seating is achieved by dropping the partition between two rear-facing and two front-facing center seats. It's good for families or colleagues traveling together who need to work, meet, dine, play games, or watch a movie together.

This multi-person seating has gained traction, with more business class buddy seats popping up across the industry.
JetBlue Airways Mint Studio has space for two people to sit.

JetBlue Airways has offered a second seat in its Mint Suites for years, while Lufthansa, Virgin Atlantic Airways, and German leisure carrier Condor also offer the option.

Air New Zealand is adding a companion seat to its new Business Premier Suites cabin launching next year.

Sliding doors like Qatar's have become the most noticeable new business-class trend.
The door closes completely for each Qsuite.

Doors revolutionized privacy. JetBlue Airways and Delta Air Lines were among the first to offer this feature when their Mint and Delta One suites launched in 2014 and 2017, respectively.

Delta is the only Big 3 airline to offer doors in business class, but American will join once its new door-equipped Flagship Suites debut later this year. United's Polaris business class remains door-free.

Carriers, including Air France, British Airways, All Nippon Airways, and Malaysia Airlines, have all added privacy doors.
A view of British Airways door-equipped Club Suite.

The list continues: Air India, Lufthansa, Virgin Atlantic, and Cathay Pacific Airways have added the perk.

Notably, five-star carriers Singapore and Emirates lack sliding doors in business but offer them in first-class suites.

For US-originating travelers looking for a QSuite, Qatar flies it between Doha and seven cities.
One of the window seats in the QSuite.

According to Qatar's website, the QSuite flies nonstop to New York-JFK, Chicago O'Hare, Houston's George Bush Intercontinental Airport, Washington Dulles, Los Angeles, Dallas/Fort Worth, and Boston.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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