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Taylor Swift’s royal selfie confirms William & Kate are triple-A celebs – here’s why, says expert

TAYLOR Swift’s iconic selfie confirms William and Kate are triple-A celebs, a royal expert has claimed.

Prince William took his eldest children George and Charlotte to Taylor Swift’s Eras Tour concert at Wembley Stadium last Saturday night.

Taylor Swift poses with Prince William, Prince George and Princess Charlotte[/caption]
William, George and Charlotte, with Swift and Travis Kelce[/caption]
The Sun
Charles Rae spoke to The Sun’s Matt Wilkinson about the iconic selfies[/caption]

William, who was celebrating his 42nd birthday, posted a selfie with the global superstar the next day with the caption: “Thank you Taylor Swift for a great evening!”

Swift also shared a cute snap she took after the gig with William, George, Charlotte and her American football player boyfriend Travis Kelce.

George, 10, grinned in a blue buttoned Ralph Lauren shirt and jeans, while Charlotte, nine, donned a sparkly top for their big night out.

Now, legendary former royal correspondent Charles Rae has said the selfie makes the royals “triple-A” celebrities on The Sun’s Royal Exclusive show.

Talking to The Sun’s royal editor Matt Wilkinson, attention quickly focused on the Prince of Wales’ big night out at Wembley Stadium to mark his 42th birthday with his kids in tow.

Swift’s boyfriend Travis had called the heirs to the throne “an absolute delight” in a podcast after taking a selfie with the Royals.

And former royal correspondent Charles believes that he is not the first person to be “blown away” by the royals.

Charles said: “When you meet a member of the royal family you are in effect meeting a triple-A celebrity.

“It blows you away believe me. It happened to me when I first met a member of the royal family as well.

“I’m not surprised Travis was blown away and came out with those sort of comments.”

Travis also told his podcast listeners that “Prince William was the coolest” and that Charlotte was “adorable and a superstar”.

Speaking on the podcast comments which gushed over the royals, Charles said it was a sign of how popular they were.

The royal expert said: “Everything was so positive about William and about Catherine.

“I just think this is what happens when you meet royalty, you don’t just meet them you get selfies with them.

“Now you can get a record with them.

“If you’ve got someone like Taylor Swift, one of the best singers in the world taking a selfie, then that is a big accolade for her and shows her friendship with William.”

Charles added that the selfie was a sign of the times and symbolised a “new royal family”.

He said that one of the late Queen’s complaints was that she couldn’t see the faces of people as she walked about, as people had their phones out with flashes going off.

The royal expert continued: “The late Queen was obviously of a different age but now it is common practice.

“Everybody’s got a mobile phone and a camera and nothing is really private anymore.

“It’s a sign of a new royal family who don’t mind taking selfies.”

“We met royalty, guys. There was royalty at the show. I got there early and got to meet Prince William. How bout that? Your Royal Highness.”

The American football star and his brother Jason gushed over “superstar” Princess Charlotte‘s “fire”, revealing she was full of questions.

Travis praised William and Kate’s parenting, added of Charlotte: “She had fire to her.

“She was asking questions… I love it when parents ask their kids to be present, be vocal… Encourage them to take a lead in the conversation.”

Kate's sweet snap of William and kids shared to mark birthday

Princess Kate shared a sweet snap of Prince William with their children to mark his 42nd birthday.

The royal, also 42, posted a never-before-seen picture of Wills and their adorable little trio on a beach outing.

The fun action shot shows Princess CharlottePrince Louis and Prince George holding hands as they leap from a sand dune.

Kate wrote a heartwarming message alongside the snap, which she took herself, it read: “Happy birthday Papa, we all love you so much! Cx”

It was uploaded on The Prince and Princess of Wales’ official Instagram account.

It appears to be from a beach in Norfolk, where the family have their country home.

The Princess shared a heart-warming picture of William with the kids at a similar setting on Father’s Day.

Meanwhile, the Royal Family shared an adorable baby photograph of William in King Charles’ arms.

The Monarch, 75, shared a heartwarming picture showing the prince perched on his lap as a tot.

In the touching black-and-white snap, Charles looks lovingly at his son, who is also brimming with joy.

Footage posted online showed William dancing in the crowd among thousands of fans as Swift sang her hit Shake It Off.

He was seen – dressed in a buttoned down shirt and blazer – swaying his arms as he got into the music on the terrace.

The video, filmed by someone on a lower tier, shows Swift on the stage in the distance as she performs Shake It Off before panning round to William shaking his arms and torso.

A post of it on X adds: “Prince William being a 1989 girlie is taking me OUT.”

William previously shared the stage with Swift at Kensington Palace in 2013 to perform Livin’ On A Prayer by Bon Jovi for a charity event.

He later said he obeyed “like a puppy” the singer’s request for him to join her.

He revealed in a 2021 interview:  “I can’t believe I’m actually telling you this story – I turn up and Jon Bon Jovi and Taylor Swift are at the event, which nearly knocked me off my feet.

“And then, I went inside, met everybody, a lot of handshaking to do those nights, a lot of chatting. I try and be charming and interactive. 

“She puts her hand on my arm, looks me in the eye and says: ‘Come on, William – let’s go and sing’.”

He added that he was “cringing” just recalling the incident.

William dances away to Shake It Off[/caption]
Swift performs on stage during The Eras Tour at Wembley Stadium[/caption]

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