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Expert Predicts SHIBASHOOT Could Be the Next 100x SHIB – Shiba Shootout Presale Review

Expert Predicts SHIBASHOOT Could Be the Next 100x SHIB – Shiba Shootout Presale Review

Michael Wrubel Tips SHIBASHOOT Could Be the Next 100x SHIB – Shiba Shootout Presale Review

Prominent crypto YouTuber Michael Wrubel reviews one of the newest meme coin presales today, predicting it could be the next… Continue reading Expert Predicts SHIBASHOOT Could Be the Next 100x SHIB – Shiba Shootout Presale Review

The post Expert Predicts SHIBASHOOT Could Be the Next 100x SHIB – Shiba Shootout Presale Review appeared first on ReadWrite.

Michael Wrubel Tips SHIBASHOOT Could Be the Next 100x SHIB – Shiba Shootout Presale Review

Prominent crypto YouTuber Michael Wrubel reviews one of the newest meme coin presales today, predicting it could be the next 100x Shiba Inu.

In recent months, meme coins have surged in value, dominating the crypto market in Q1-Q2 2024. Some experts believe this domination will continue for the rest of the year.

Recognizing this trend, Michael Wrubel increased his investments in meme coins. One project that caught his attention is Shiba Shootout, currently in its presale phase.

Now, let’s explore why experts like Michael Wrubel call Shiba Shootout the next 100x Shiba Inu.

What is Shiba Shootout (SHIBASHOOT)?

The story of Shiba Shootout begins in an old saloon, where a mysterious stranger, fond of mischief and Shiba Inu dogs, devises a plan to create the wildest meme coin in the Crypto West.

With a swift stroke of his digital pen, Shiba Shootout springs to life, featuring a bold logo with a fierce Shiba Inu, poised for action at any moment. Step into the digital frontier of Shiba Shootout, an exciting journey set in the crypto Wild West.

This project breaks through the traditional boundaries of cryptocurrency, inviting participants to join an adventurous experience filled with creativity, strategy, and the allure of a cowboy’s showdown.

At its core, Shiba Shootout involves navigating the vast and unpredictable landscapes of the crypto world with the agility and cleverness of a Shiba cowboy, engaging in high-stakes battles that promise not only excitement but also profitable ventures.

Introducing characters like Marshal Shiba and the Shiba Sharpshooters, against the backdrop of the vibrant town of Shiba Gulch, Shiba Shootout offers a unique and captivating experience for crypto enthusiasts.

$SHIBASHOOT stands out amidst the sea of meme coins as a symbol of innovation, creativity, and the spirited essence of the Wild West. Unlike traditional meme coins, $SHIBASHOOT embodies a duel of intelligence and strategy, providing participants with an immersive experience that transcends simple transactions.

Wild West Crypto Adventure

With its distinctive theme, engaging community activities, and a clear path towards sustainability and usefulness, $SHIBASHOOT aims to establish itself as a token with both appeal and value.

Key features and utility ideas of Shiba Shootout

Posse Rewards: Shiba Shootout launches “Posse Rewards,” a referral program where users can invite friends to join the community. For each new member who signs up, both the referrer and the new member receive bonus Shiba Shootout tokens, with rewards increasing as the posse grows larger.

Campfire Stories: Shiba Shootout organizes regular “Campfire Stories” sessions, where community members engage in casual, storytelling sessions to share their experiences with crypto and meme coins. The best and most entertaining stories earn rewards in the form of Shiba Shootout tokens.

Token Governance Roundups: Shiba Shootout holds regular “Token Governance Roundups” where token holders cast their votes on key project decisions, just like citizens in a Wild West town.

Lucky Lasso Lotteries: Shiba Shootout implements a “Lucky Lasso Lottery” system where participants purchase tickets using Shiba Shootout tokens for a chance to win big crypto prizes. A portion of the proceeds from each lottery goes toward charitable initiatives.

Savings Saddlebags: Shiba Shootout introduces “Savings Saddlebags,” a unique savings feature that allows users to automatically allocate a percentage of their Shiba Shootout tokens to a dedicated wallet. These funds can be locked up for a specific period, earning extra tokens as rewards.

Cactus Staking: Shiba Shootout introduces a staking mechanism called “Cactus Staking.” Users stake their Shiba Shootout tokens on a cactus plant in a digital desert landscape. As they stake for longer periods, they accumulate more tokens, visually illustrating increasing rewards in a playful manner.

With these Wild West-inspired key features and utility ideas, the Shiba Shootout project becomes a dynamic and engaging crypto experience, allowing community members to channel their inner cowboy spirit while actively participating in the meme coin rivalry and having a whole lot of fun.

Well-planned tokenomics of Shiba Shootout

Presale: 35% (770,000,000)

The Shiba Shootout presale beckons early settlers to saddle up, offering 770 million $SHIBASHOOT tokens—35% of our total bounty.

Staking: 20% (440,000,000)

Secure a spot around the campfire by staking tokens, with 440 million $SHIBASHOOT tokens reserved for those seeking additional earnings.

Project Funds: 10% (220,000,000)

Allocation of 220 million $SHIBASHOOT tokens ensures ongoing project development, keeping the saloon doors open and the project thriving.

Liquidity: 10% (220,000,000)

Dedication of 220 million $SHIBASHOOT tokens ensures smooth navigation through the crypto frontier, enhancing liquidity.

Marketing: 20% (440,000,000)

Spread the saga across the prairies with 440 million $SHIBASHOOT tokens—20% of the supply—dedicated to rallying the troops and expanding visibility.

Rootin’ Tootin’ Shooter Fund: 5% (110,000,000)

Reward the most daring sharpshooters with 110 million $SHIBASHOOT tokens, constituting 5% of our supply, from the special stash.

Shiba Shootout ambitious roadmap

Phase 1: Foundation and preparation

  • Shiba Shootout Community Launch
  • Conduct AI Contract Audit for Shiba Shootout
  • Execute Token Generation for Shiba Shootout
  • Launch a robust marketing campaign for Shiba Shootout
  • Initiate Presale for Shiba Shootout

Phase 2: Platform development and expansion

  • Release Campfire Stories
  • Integrate blockchain for Shiba Shootout
  • Execute Shiba Shootout Awareness Campaign
  • Beta release of “Shiba Shootout Mini Game”

Phase 3: Market expansion and partnerships

  • List Shiba Shootout token on popular DEXs with ample liquidity and accessibility
  • Public Launch of Shiba Shootout
  • Secure CEX Listings for Shiba Shootout
  • Forge Community Partnerships for Shiba Shootout
  • Obtain listings on CoinGecko and CoinMarketCap for Shiba Shootout

Shiba Shootout (SHIBASHOOT) presale raises nearly $500k

The dog-themed meme coin Shiba Shootout (SHIBASHOOT) has raised nearly $500,000 since the launch of its crypto presale. This Wild West-themed token is gaining momentum as one of the fastest-moving meme coin ICOs this summer.

Shiba Shootout is poised to become one of the standout meme coins this summer and potentially one of the largest shiba-themed tokens ever. The $SHIBASHOOT presale offers traders an opportunity to purchase tokens at a significant discount.

Early investors can still acquire $SHIBASHOOT at a price of just $0.0194 using ETH, USDT, or BNB. Additionally, there is a staking feature called “Cactus Staking” where early investors during the presale can earn an impressive 2,268% APY.

Visit their website for detailed instructions and the presale schedule, ensuring participants are ready for this digital frontier. The official token distribution date and time will follow soon after the presale ends. Watch official channels for updates.

Shiba Shootout has already undergone an audit by SolidProof and is rapidly gaining followers on social media. It has amassed nearly 1,000 followers on X and almost 2,500 subscribers on Telegram.

To take part in the $SHIBASHOOT token presale, visit shibashootout.com.


The post Expert Predicts SHIBASHOOT Could Be the Next 100x SHIB – Shiba Shootout Presale Review appeared first on ReadWrite.

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