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Chicago's Jason Weaver looks back on his enduring childhood roles: Simba and Michael Jackson

Actor and Chicago native Jason Weaver will celebrate his 45th birthday on Thursday, but he said the festivities will be relatively simple.

“I’m not a club kind of guy,” said Weaver, who mentioned plans to have dinner at Mexican restaurant Diego in West Town. “I’m at a stage in my life where I just enjoy being around good people and having good food, where everyone can just have a good time.”

While Weaver is keeping it low-key, moviegoers all over the country are celebrating him, so to speak, on the silver screen. In honor of its 30th anniversary, “The Lion King” has been re-released in theaters this month.

At 12 years old, Weaver provided the singing voice of the cub Simba in the beloved Disney film, which is the highest-grossing traditionally animated film of all time. Having participated in a Hollywood Bowl anniversary concert set to stream on Disney+, Weaver has had ample time this year to reflect on his performance in the movie. He said that role, and his portrayal of Michael Jackson in the 1992 ABC miniseries "The Jacksons: An American Dream," are highlights of his career that still resonate with fans.

Young lion cub Simba, with the voice of Jason Weaver, sings "Hakuna Matata" with Pumbaa (Ernie Sabella, left) and Timon (Nathan Lane) in the 1994 animated hit "The Lion King."

Young lion cub Simba, with the voice of Jason Weaver, sings “Hakuna Matata” with Pumbaa (Ernie Sabella, left) and Timon (Nathan Lane) in the 1994 animated hit “The Lion King.”

©Disney Enterprises Inc.

He recently discussed the impact of "The Lion King" with co-director Rob Minkoff at the anniversary concert in May. “We were both saying how amazing it is to be a part of a film that has touched so many people's lives, and has had such a huge impact on people's childhoods,” Weaver said. “Even as adults, people are still in love with ‘The Lion King’ and still celebrate it."

Weaver was recruited for “The Lion King” on the set of “The Jacksons,” which he said drew a bevy of A-list superstars, including Janet Jackson and Tupac Shakur. When Elton John stopped by and saw Weaver perform, he was impressed. As co-writer of "The Lion King” songs, John invited Weaver to audition.

Weaver said his mother, Kitty Haywood, a notable Chicago jingle singer and recording artist, helped him prepare for the audition. She also negotiated a working fee of $100,000 and royalties instead of Disney’s initial $2 million offer.

At River Oaks, a first look

Weaver, who grew up in the south suburbs, said he will never forget the time he unexpectedly saw "The Lion King” trailer for the first time.

“My mother and I had actually gone to see a [different] movie at the River Oaks Theater in Calumet City,” he said. “That's when I first heard 'Circle of Life.’ To be taken by surprise in the middle of a theater, it was just amazing.”

When Weaver’s own son, Jaylen, discovered “The Lion King,” he didn’t initially understand that his father was singing “I Just Can’t Wait to Be King” and “Hakuna Matata.”

That changed when Disney invited them to the Animal Kingdom resort at Disney World in the early 2000s, Weaver said.

“They rolled out the red carpet for us,” he added. “So [Jaylen] began to put two and two together. And then there was a Simba doll that I purchased. Once you squeezed it, it would sing 'I Just Can't Wait to Be King.' My voice was coming out of this doll. And his grandmother was like, ‘That's Daddy, Jaylen.’ ”

Jason Weaver lives in Atlanta now but returns to Chicago often to work on "The Chi."

Jason Weaver lives in Atlanta now but returns to Chicago often to work on “The Chi.”

Joshua and Jackson Stewart aka JacksonxJoshua

Meeting the King of Pop

During his own childhood, Weaver said his role in the film was largely unknown to his schoolmates in Chicago. But that wasn’t the case for his turn as Michael Jackson in “The Jacksons.”

“It was insane,” he said. “The mall that I used to go to, River Oaks Mall, I couldn't go there anymore because I would get mobbed by kids and admirers of the Jackson family. It was just a big deal for my neighborhood and for the city of Chicago at that time.”

And the fondness for the project (posted on YouTube but unavailable on streaming services) hasn't waned over the years.

“I still have people that will come up to me and say, ‘For the longest, I thought you were the real Mike because I was a kid and I didn't know the difference,’ ” Weaver said.

Jason Weaver plays Michael Jackson in the 1992 miniseries "The Jacksons: An American Dream."

Jason Weaver plays Michael Jackson in the 1992 miniseries “The Jacksons: An American Dream.”


Weaver said he first auditioned for the role via tape through the Geddes Agency in Chicago. Then, he received a callback to audition in Los Angeles in front of Jackson's parents.

“I could tell that it was going really well because Mrs. [Katherine] Jackson was kind of smiling and looking over at Joe Jackson,” Weaver said.

Next, Weaver was included on a short list of actors whose taped auditions were submitted to Michael Jackson for the final approval.

Weaver said he met the superstar singer briefly while filming.

“He came to the set in disguise as an old man,” Weaver recalled. "They told me a special guest wanted to meet me. It wasn't until I looked at his eyes and then he began to speak that I was like, ‘Oh, snap, that's Michael!’ ”

Weaver said Jackson was sincere and complimentary.

“He was like, ‘Jason, I just wanted to let you know I think you're doing a fantastic job. I've been looking at the dailies and, from the dancing to the singing to even the way that you're acting, it just reminds me so much of those times when me and my brothers were coming up and just trying to make our mark in the world.' "

Jason Weaver plays Shaad alongside Lynn Whitfield as Alicia in a recent episode of "The Chi."

Jason Weaver plays Shaad alongside Lynn Whitfield as Alicia in a recent episode of “The Chi.”

Paramount+ with Showtime

Weaver went on to have memorable roles in the sitcom "Smart Guy," and in movies "Drumline" and "ATL." He recorded an album for Motown in the '90s and had a hit song, "One Call Away," with Chingy in 2004.

The 2007-2008 Writers Guild of America strike and the Great Recession prompted Weaver to attend Le Cordon Bleu, where singer Kelis was a classmate.

"I did not know what the future held as far as me continuing to pursue my dream of being a working actor," Weaver said. "My reason for going to culinary school was to pick up another skill, so that no matter what, I'm still able to put food on the table."

These days, Weaver lives in Atlanta, but is currently in Chicago filming “The Chi” on Paramount+. He will serve as the grand marshal for the South Side's Bud Billiken Parade on Aug. 10.

A passionate advocate for Chicago, Weaver curates an Instagram account that could double as a guide to the city. When asked to name some of his favorite bars and restaurants, Weaver easily rattled off well over a dozen, including Hugo's Frog Bar, Gene & Georgetti, Italian Fiesta Pizzeria and Lem's Bar-B-Q.

“I’m very proud to come from here,” Weaver said. “Chicago is a working-class town. We keep our heads down and we go to work day in and day out, no excuses. I'm a hard worker and I look to provide for my family and serve as a productive member of society and a good example for our community.”

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