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Mum, 26, died in taxi days after ‘high risk’ butt lift surgery in Turkey – and her family are still begging for answers

AN “amazing” mum died in a taxi just days after after undergoing a dangerous Brazilian butt lift in Turkey.

Demi Agoglia was only 26 when she died of unknown causes in January, leaving behind her three young sons.

Demi Agoglia, 26, died days after undergoing a Brazilian bum-lift operation in Turkey[/caption]
Demi pictured with her partner Bradley Jones[/caption]

An investigation into exactly what happened to the mum has been delayed, leaving Demi’s family still begging for answers.

Family members said she returned to the clinic following the procedure in Istanbul for a check-up but then fell ill.

She had a heart attack while in a taxi on her way to the hospital as her partner, Bradley Jones, gave her CPR in a desperate bid to save her life, according to the Independent.

Doctors were unable to save her on arrival and she was pronounced dead on January 8.

Her brother Carl, 37, said Demi’s family and partner had tried to convince her not to go through with the bum lift as they were concerned for her safety.

“It is tragic what happened. We are just in shock. She went to Istanbul to have it done. She had previously gone to have her teeth done. No one wanted her to go out and have it done but she is one of those people,” he previously told The Sun.

Her sister Georgina told the Manchester Evening News (MEN) Demi was “an amazing mum to her boys”.

In an emotional tribute video on TikTok showing her loved one she wrote: “I miss you so much, Demi. Nothing feels real anymore. How can you be gone?”

“Just wanna hear you shout alright kid nothing will ever be the same without you I love you Demi x.”

During a hearing at Bolton Coroner’s Court on Wednesday (July 17), coroner John Pollard told of “missing information” that he said he would need to “get the bottom” of what happened to Demi, according to MEN.

Mr Pollard said that his main concern was determining how Demi came by her death and said there was “no direct evidence” of what medical procedure took place and why it took so long.

“When something like this happens abroad it is a hundred times more difficult to deal with than if it happened in this country,” he told the court.

“I haven’t got the information I need, that’s bluntly the situation.”

Mr Pollard said he had contacted the foreign office to request further information.

He said he was also planning to write to Istanbul Hospital directly, adding that he would like statements from the surgeon, nurses and paramedics involved in Demi’s care.

Chrissie Wolfe, the lawyer representing Demi’s family, had so far been unable to get the necessary information for the court hearing from Turkey.

But she had been in touch with a Turkish lawyer to help with obtaining statements and Demi’s medical records.

The pre-inquest review heard that pathologist Dr Usha Chandran could not ascertain Demi’s cause of death in her post-mortem examination.


In the past few years at least 28 Brits have died — seven in Turkey — after complications from BBL ops.

Last year, a senior coroner wrote to the Health Secretary after a different British woman called Melissa Kerr, died following a ‘Brazilian butt lift’ in Turkey.

Norfolk’s senior coroner Jacqueline Lake vowed to tell of her concerns that people are unaware of the risks of having cosmetic surgery overseas.

Melissa, who was 31, travelled from her home in Norfolk to Istanbul to undergo the £3,200 procedure at Medicana Kadikoy hospital.

She was killed when injected fat entered a vein and blocked her pulmonary artery causing an embolism.

The controversial butt lift involves taking fat from the waist or stomach and inserting it in the buttocks.

It typically takes between one and two hours and involves a tiny cannula being inserted into a 2mm hole to extract fat.

The fat is then purified and re-injected into the buttocks.

According to the NHS, the risk of dying is at least ten times higher than many other cosmetic procedures.

The main worry is that injected fat can block a blood vessel in the lungs (pulmonary embolism).

Demi’s inquest was re-listed for November 5.

An investigation into exactly what happened to the mum has been delayed,[/caption]
Demi (right) leaves behind her three young sons

Risks of plastic surgery overseas

OVERSEAS surgeons are not subject to the same rules, regulations and training as doctors in the UK.

That means you can’t guarantee the safety of the equipment or material they are using.

Unsterile equipment dramatically increases your risk of infection, which could lead to necrotising fasciitis (flesh-eating bugs), sepsis or even death.

On top of that, if you are opting for fillers or injections anywhere on the body there is no way of knowing if doctors are using dangerous substances.

Cosmetic surgeons have warned against cut-price surgery as there is a real risk you will be injected with “unsafe substances”.

Prof Ash Mosahebi, honorary secretary of the British Association of Aesthetic Plastic Surgeons’ (BAAPS), said most patients either opt for cheap injections or implants to boost their bum.

“If they are having injections then god knows what they are being injected with, if it is safe, or if it is sterile,” he told The Sun Online.

“Oil, for example, does make it look bigger for a few days but then it deflates and it’s likely infection like sepsis can kick in.

“I know of silicone oil being used, which shouldn’t be used for medical purposes.

“I’ve heard of cement but I haven’t seen it myself, I wouldn’t be surprised if it’s things like that.

“Most of the time the injections end up having a lot of bacteria in them as well because they aren’t sterile.”

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