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This Election Is Too Important for Pro-Lifers to Stay at Home – We Must Come Out in Force to Support Republicans and Support Life

By Janet Morana For pro-lifers and all Americans who care about the future of our nation, this is not the time to abandon the Republican party.

The post This Election Is Too Important for Pro-Lifers to Stay at Home – We Must Come Out in Force to Support Republicans and Support Life appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

By Janet Morana

For pro-lifers and all Americans who care about the future of our nation, this is not the time to abandon the Republican party.

Yes, it is disheartening that vice presidential nominee JD Vance has said he supports access to the deadly abortion drug mifepristone, which now accounts for the death of more unborn children than surgical abortion. And while many involved in pro-life would like to see a national ban, or better yet, a personhood amendment, the reality is, those things are not on the immediate horizon.

At this moment, most babies are protected from abortion in 16 states. But if we turn on the Republicans now, not only are we looking at the return of Joe Biden – or a last-minute substitution – to the White House, but also to the not-farfetched possibility of losing control of the U.S. House and Senate to the Democrats.

If that happens, it won’t be long before our nation becomes a place we don’t recognize.

Senate Democrats recently tried to advance a bill called the Reproductive Freedom for Women Act that sought to restore abortion access that was guaranteed under Roe v. Wade and to build upon it. Thanks to the Republicans, the bill was blocked.

But if Senate Democrats somehow find themselves with a filibuster-proof majority, they likely would toss out that act in favor of the much more radical Women’s Health Protection Act, which would do away with every single abortion law on every level of government. Born-alive protections for newborn survivors of abortion? Gone. Parental consent and notification? Gone. Gestational limits on abortion? Gone. You get the idea.

Our nation would once again be soaked in the blood of the unborn.

The Democrats also will set their sights on other goals – goals that have thus far been unattainable because of the Republicans. The For the People ACT would do away with free and fair elections and, with a Democrat majority, non-citizens could very well gain the right to vote.

Any concept of a border would be thrown out the window as we allow in anyone who has the gumption to get here, including some very nasty terrorists who might like to see 9/11 become one of the lesser attacks on our soil.

Women will continue to be canceled as the bizarre transgender movement finds even more allies among the Democrats. Ever-increasing numbers of girls and women in sports will lose titles and scholarships to mediocre male athletes who pretend to be women just to win medals.

Women in prison and those who, through no fault of their own, find themselves in domestic violence shelters will continue to be forced to share quarters with men, some of them with clear ill intent.

Parents will lose all rights to raise their children and, indeed, lose custody of children unless they go along with their minor child’s gender identification. And thanks unethical efforts of the “transgender woman” who is second in charge of our federal Department of Health and Human Services, gender-mutilating surgeries will be performed on ever-younger children.

All of this – and more – seems insane, and yet all of it is within reach if Democrats come away from the 2024 elections with the perfect trifecta – the White House, the Senate, the House of Representatives.

Despite the changes in the GOP platform this year in regard to abortion, we know that if Trump is elected, he likely will re-establish the protections of his enhanced Mexico City policy, which protected U.S. taxpayers from funding abortions overseas;  end the Veterans Administration’s side hustle in abortion, and pardon the peaceful pro-lifers serving lengthy sentences in federal prison, among many other pro-life actions.

And while a Republican-majority Senate and House might not pass a personhood amendment or a law protecting babies at a given gestational age, at least the drastic Women’s Health Protection Act won’t be a threat anymore. State laws protecting babies and mothers would continue to be enforced.

So the road ahead is very clear. We need to stand by the party willing to offer some protections to the unborn and we need to get those people elected. Once in office, we can push and prod and lobby and insist and complain as loudly as we need to be heard.

The election is nearly upon us. Certainly we can wait that long to take the Republicans to task for what we see as their shortcomings.

The future of our nation relies on that patience.

(If you want to get involved in the election, visit ProLifeVote.com to find out how you can help.)

Janet Morana is the executive director of Priests for Life and the co-founder of the Silent No More Awareness Campaign. She is the author of Everything You Need to Know About Abortion – For Teens.

The post This Election Is Too Important for Pro-Lifers to Stay at Home – We Must Come Out in Force to Support Republicans and Support Life appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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