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What were the UK’s ‘Austerity Olympics’?

As the world recovered from years of war, how did the Olympics go down?

Television programme, 'A Very British Olympics', TX BBC Four Tuesday 18 October 2005 Members of the British Olympic Team of Gymnasts practising on the high bar in Hyde Park for the 1948 Olympic Games. WARNING: Use of this copyrighted image is subject to Terms of Use of BBC Digital Picture Service. In particular, this image may only be used during the publicity period for the purpose of publicising 'A Very British Olympics' and provided the BBC is credited. Any use of this image on the internet or for any other purpose whatsoever, including advertising or other commercial uses, requires the prior written approval of the copyright holder.nAs London looks forward to hosting the 2012 Olympics, the extraordinary spirit of the 1948 Olympics is captured with unique archive footage and interviews.nAthletes were housed in army camps. Rationing meant packed lunches and every nation was asked to bring its own food. The Paralympics were created so that the war-injuredncould compete. Hungarian Karoly Takacs learned to use his left hand after his right was shattered by a grenade and won gold in pistol shooting. Emil Zatopek, a former Czech Army Colonel, trained in his army boots to win the 10,000m. Crowds of 80,000 watched at Wembley, and the event was televised for the first time by the BBC. A record number of athletes (4,500) and nations (59) participated but neither Germany nor Japan were invited to take part and Stalin forbade Soviet athletes to compete for fear they d benbeaten by the US.nWARNING: Use of this copyrighted image is subject to Terms of Use of BBC Digital Picture Service. In particular, this image may only be used during the publicity period for the purpose of publicising 'A Very British Olympics' and provided the BBC is credited. Any use of this image on the internet or for any other purpose whatsoever, including advertising or other commercial uses, requires the prior written approval of the copyright holder.
Members of the British Olympic Team of Gymnasts practising on the high bar in Hyde Park for the 1948 Olympic Games (Picture: PUBLICITY PICTURE)

While France may have dubbed their games the ‘Popular Olympics’, the competition has not always enjoyed Paris’ opulence.

Britain’s own celebrations in 1948 were called the ‘Austerity Olympics’ and the games did not enjoy the scents of freshly baked croissants.

But as its combatants marked the end of World War Two the fires of compatriotism never burnt so bright.

An 85,000-strong crowd arrived to watch the opening ceremony at Wembley Park, and global unity finally seemed to be a thing of the present – not just a hopeful wish.

‘The hour has struck, a visionary dream has today become a glorious reality,’ Lord Burghley, opening the ceremony, said

‘At the end of the worldwide struggle in 1945… there is warm flame of hope for a better understanding in the world which has burned so low.’

In true London fashion, 2,500 pigeons were set free and King George VI declared the ‘Austerity Games’ to be open after a 12 year hiatus.

The financial and emotional cost of World War Two meant nearly every country was on its knees – but it was decided the prestigious event should return, with the UK asked to host.

Malvin Whitfield wins the 800 metre final at the 14th Olympic Games in London, England. 2nd August 1948. (Photo by Mirrorpix via Getty Images)
Malvin Whitfield wins the 800 metre final at the 14th Olympic Games in London, England. 2nd August 1948. (Photo by Mirrorpix via Getty Images)
Opening of the Olympic Games, London, 1948. Opening of the Olympic Games, London, 1948 Olympic Photo Association (Photo by Daily Herald Archive/National Science & Media Museum/SSPL via Getty Images)
Opening of the Olympic Games, London, 1948. Opening of the Olympic Games, London, 1948 Olympic Photo Association (Photo by Daily Herald Archive/National Science & Media Museum/SSPL via Getty Images)
Medalists of the women’s Discus (Picture: AFP)
Medalists of the women’s Discus (Picture: AFP)

Unlike the flashy and successful London games in 2012, no new venues could possibly built just three years after the peace treaties were signed.

Athletes had to stay in sub par accommodation as London only just began rebuilding the thousands of bombed out buildings.

British participants even hard to provide their own shorts and towels, with bed linen being provided half-heartedly.

Team GB athlete Jack Braughton did his morning shift on a construction site before taking the tub to race in the 5,000 metre heats.

Yet, a record 59 nations took part, with only a few countries – namely Germany, Japan and the Soviet Union – being banned or refusing to take part.

Fencing at the 1948 Olympic Games (Picture: Bettmann Archive)
Fencing at the 1948 Olympic Games (Picture: Bettmann Archive)
American divers in training for the 1948 London Olympics at Epsom baths, Surrey, 21st July 1948. Left to right; Vickie Draves, Juno Stover-Irwin, Zoe Olsen-Jensen and Patricia Elsener (later McCormick). Draves later won two gold medals at the games, with Olsen-Jensen taking a silver, and Elsener a bronze. (Photo by Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
American divers in training for the 1948 London Olympics (Picture: Keystone/Hulton Archive/Getty Images)
H S Bignall (right) hands over the Olympic torch at Redhill, Surrey, during the flame's journey from Dover to Wembley Stadium, London, for the opening of the 1948 London Olympics. (Photo by Central Press/Getty Images)
The Olympic torch handover at Redhill, Surrey (Picture: Hulton Archive)
9th July 1948: British Olympic high jumper Dorothy Tyler (Odam) jumping over the washing line at her home in Mitcham, Surrey. Dorothy Tyler (Odam) won silver medals in the 1936 and 1948 Olympic Games high jump. (Photo by George Konig/Keystone Features/Getty Images)
British Olympic high jumper Dorothy Tyler (Odam) jumping over the washing line at her home in Mitcham, Surrey (Picture: Hulton Archive)

No one tried to hide the games were held on a shoe string budget, but as expectations were already low, nations celebrated a feeling of being ‘back to normal’.

In total, 4,104 athletes took part across 19 different sports – an astounding number considering how many lost their lives over the war.

Highlights included Dutch sprinter and mother-of-two Fanny Blankers-Koen, aka the Flying Housewife, winning four gold medals in athletics.

The games were seen as a complete success, with a 580 report writing: ‘Thus were launched the Olympic Games of London, under the most happy auspices.

‘The smooth-running Ceremony, which profoundly moved not only all who saw it but also the millions who were listening-in on the radio throughout the world.’

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