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Urgent new caffeine rules issued after PT, 29, died when ‘accidental overdose’ left him ‘clutching at his chest’

THE UK’s food safety watchdog has issued warnings about caffeine consumption, following the death of a personal trainer from an accidental overdose.

People taking caffeine supplements and powder should take into account other sources like tea, coffee and energy drinks, to avoid consuming dangerous amounts of the stimulant, the Food Standards Agency (FSA) warned.

Personal trainer Thomas Mansfield, 29, ordered a 100g packet of caffeine powder to make supplement drinks at home[/caption]
He tragically died after making a mixture containing way above the recommended dose of caffeine[/caption]
Thomas was left clutching at his chest and foaming at the mouth before passing away from cardiac arrest
The FSA has issued new guidance on safe daily doses of caffeine and how to measure it[/caption]

Highly concentrated caffeine supplements such as caffeine powder can be “extremely potent” and cause a number of side effects if consumed at unsafe doses, it added.

The guidance was created following the death of personal trainer and dad-of-two Thomas Mansfield.

The 29-year-old from from Colwyn Bay, North Wales, died in 2021 after miscalculating the amount of caffeine powder he was meant to use.

He took a dose equivalent of up to 200 cups of coffee, which left him “clutching at his chest” and frothing at the mouth, according to his heartbroken widow Suzannah Mansfield.

An inquest into his death in 2022 heard that Thomas was “likely aiming for a mid range serving” but instead drank up to 5g of the powder – way above recommended dosages.

The massive caffeine dose gave the dad a “grossly abnormal” heart rhythm and he died of a cardiac arrest after being rushed to hospital by paramedics.

In response to the tragic event, the FSA issued new guidance on safe amounts of caffeine supplements and how consumers can make sure they’re not exceeding it.

It advised that people have no more than 400mg of caffeine per day – that’s about four cups of instant coffee or five cups of tea.

“Caffeine intakes of up to 400mg per day are unlikely to cause adverse effects in adults,” the FSA said.

“A limit of 200mg per day is recommended for those who are pregnant,” the health watchdog added.

It advised people taking supplements with caffeine to calculate how much of the stimulant they’re consuming alongside other sources, like coffee, tea and energy drinks.

Supplement users should always follow the dose instructions on the label and use accurate measuring equipment, it added.

The FSA also conducted a survey, which showed that less than half of respondents looked for dosage instructions on supplements, with 20 per cent saying they don’t read the label.

The research also revealed that many supplement consumers have limited or no knowledge of whether there’s caffeine in food supplements.

The superfit dad had meant to measure out a regular dose of caffeine powder
But he took a dose equivalent of up to 200 cups of coffee, the FSA said[/caption]

Professor Robin May, the FSA’s chief scientific advisor, said: “While caffeine is found naturally in many food products, we have evidence that people are unaware of the higher levels of caffeine in some supplements and the risk this can pose.

“Pure and highly concentrated caffeine supplements such as caffeine powder can be extremely potent, so you should always follow the dose instructions on the label and use appropriate measuring equipment to make sure it’s accurate.”

Caffeine added to food supplements can often contain much higher levels of caffeine than you would find in other products, such as coffee or some energy drinks. 

This is particularly the case for pure caffeine powder.

Caffeine is found in a variety of food supplements, including: 

  • 100 per cent caffeine powder, which is the most concentrated form of caffeine that can be found on the UK market
  • Caffeine supplements which contain caffeine and other ingredients and are sold dose in form
  • Food supplements in which caffeine is not specified in the name of the product but is listed in the ingredients, for example, pre-workout supplements
  • Food supplements in which caffeine is not listed as an ingredient on the packaging but contains an ingredient with a significant amount of caffeine, for example, guarana

Caffeine side effects

Consuming 400mg of caffeine a day is unlikely to cause side effects in most people.

But people who are sensitive to the substance may experience some side effects such as jitteriness, anxiety or difficulty concentrating, even at low doses, the FSA said.

In the short term, excessive consumption of caffeine can lead to interrupted sleep, anxiety and behavioural changes.

But in the longer term, having too much caffeine has been linked to cardiovascular issues, such as effects on the heart and blood vessels, the FSA warned.

Prof May: “If people are experiencing caffeine side effects, such as sleeplessness and agitation, they should consider the amount of caffeine they are getting from supplements in addition to other components of their diet.

Caffeine guidelines: how much is too much?

Single doses of caffeine up to 200mg and a total daily caffeine consumption of up to 400mg are considered safe for the general healthy adult population, according to The European Food Safety Authority (EFSA)

This equals about four cups of instant coffee or five cups of tea.

Single servings of caffeine of 200mg are considered safe for children.

A safe level of intake for children and teens is about 3mg per kg of body weight.

The FSA supports this guidance.

It advised that pregnant women consume no more than 200mg of caffeine a day.

This is the equivalent of roughly two mugs of instant coffee or one mug of filter coffee.

Researchers from Zydus Medical College in India have previously said that four cups of coffee per day is the safe limit, warning that any more caffeine could strain your heart

“We are also recommending that pregnant women limit their daily caffeine consumption to 200mg – the equivalent of roughly two mugs of instant coffee or one mug of filter coffee – and check the label for a warning that the product may be unsuitable.”

In guidance to businesses about caffeine dosages, the FSA said high exposure to caffeine can lead to nervousness, anxiety, irritability, nausea, pins and needles sensations and tremors – as well as sweating, palpitations, restlessness and possibly dizziness.

“These effects may be more severe in individuals who are caffeine sensitive or have underlying health issues such as heart disease or high blood pressure, and effects may occur at lower doses,” it said.

Adverse effects such a rapid heart rate, abnormal heart rhythms and seizures have been observed at intakes of approximately 1.2 grams (1,200 mg) of caffeine, the FSA warned.

“Caffeine intakes of above 10-14 grams (10,000 mg – 14,000 mg) have been reported to be fatal, although smaller doses can also be life-threatening to sensitive populations,” the watchdog added.

“These cases have occurred where pure caffeine has been measured incorrectly.”

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