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Harris supports the rape of innocence


It takes a special kind of evil to rape and sexually abuse children. I’m not speaking singularly of the kind of rape identified as the use of physical force or the threat of same to sexually violate a person against his or her will. I’m speaking specifically of the rape of innocence brought about by the inculcation of the vilest practices of sexual amorality being portrayed and presented as normal, progressive, harmless and the correcting of what amounts to a birth defect.

I’m referencing Kamala Harris, one of the most elapidal forms of humanity – worthy of the contempt reserved for Obama, Hillary and the Obama woman. (I cautioned about Obama in my November 2004 WND column titled “Darth Democrat.”)

With no less urgency, I continue my labor to set forth a warning of the threat Harris poses if the Democrats are successful in the larceny of this general election.

In my April 19, 2005, syndicated op-ed titled: “Do you want your child to be a homosexual?” I wrote:

I have asked any number of politically correct liberals the direct question: “Do you want your little boy or girl to grow to be a homosexual?” They, of course, reflexively respond with “We would love them just the same.” To which I respond: “I asked if you wanted them to grow up to be homosexual?” When all of the dancing stops and they are pinned down, without exception, not one – zip, nadda’ – have responded, “Oh yes, I can’t wait for my child to become a homosexual – we want that more for our child than anything else.”

But, that was 2005, and this is almost 2025. The rape of innocence is sanctioned by the inculcation of demonic lies promoted by the very institutions that at one time at least gave the appearance of protecting children.

From public schools and so-called institutions of higher-learning to medical facilities to the military and federal government, all are hell-bent and dedicated to promoting the most vicious forms of childhood and adolescent rape. And, Harris is the public face of support for such perversion.

Misleading gullible and impressionable children and young people into believing they can change their gender by having their bodies butchered and debased is beyond soulless. Threatening parents with the removal, i.e., confiscation, of their children if they do not support the child’s Erebusic delusions, is as evil as it gets. Schools actively smuggling children across state lines for secret abortions and the secret administering of hormone blockers that prevent puberty should be punishable by mandatory decades-long prison sentences. Children in primary schools are being conditioned for the menticide they’ll be subjected to in so-called higher education.

Harris is rabidly determined to have the federal government use taxpayer monies to provide so-called sex-change operations for prison inmate and illegal aliens alike.

The codification and the portrayal of such godlessness is the rape of innocence. It is using demagoguery and coercion to knowingly mislead our young people. That’s diabolical.

Over the weekend, I saw two young men, neither of whom could have been older than 12 or 13, walking in a store affectionately hugging one another. As if that in and of itself weren’t bad enough, the worst part was that many of the people in the grocery store appeared completely unphased by the behavior.

I repeat for the record: There is absolutely nothing normal about homosexuality. It is the very antithesis of normal on every quantifiable level. As with all Satanic behavior, it will always become more extreme. Thus the appetite for sodomistic sexual deviancy has transmogrified into an even more debaucherous act of Satanism, i.e., the so-called transgender fanaticism – which in reality represents the psychological breakdown of an ever-growing segment of society.

As I previously wrote:

It is part of the homosexual agenda’s goal. The following is an excerpt from part 1 of the “homosexual manifesto” (First published in Gay Community News, Feb. 15-21, 1987, and also placed into the Congressional Record. Author – Michael Swift):

  • “Our writers and artists will make love between men fashionable and de rigueur, and we will succeed because we are adept at setting styles.
  • “We will sodomize your sons, emblems of your feeble masculinity, of your shallow dreams and vulgar lies. We shall seduce them in your schools, in your dormitories, in your gymnasiums, in your locker rooms … youth groups. … Your sons …will be recast in our image.”

The goal of these people, and specifically Harris, Obama et al., is to create the next generation in their own image. They will have a pliable support base. The youth being conditioned to embrace cultural-Marxism and extremism today will be the same version of leaders in the future. It was difficult to brainwash my generation, and it was near impossible to brainwash my parent’s generation. But those days are long past.

We see in the zeitgeist of today people parroting whatever they are told and being compliant to whatever they are told. (Think fakery and lies people believed about COVID.)

This is the hour our faith is challenged. The words of Ronald Reagan ring out: You and I have a rendezvous with destiny. We’ll preserve for our children this, the last best hope of man on earth, or we’ll sentence them to take the last step into a thousand years of darkness. But, that rendezvous must be preceded with the words: “In Jesus’ Name.”

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