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Columbus high schools' bathroom policies spark districtwide discussion

COLUMBUS, Ohio (WCMH) -- Columbus City Schools students have reported bleeding through clothing, getting UTIs and missing class time due to bathroom policies, and now students say the issues are districtwide.

Students across Columbus City Schools have contacted NBC4 to report bathroom policy concerns across the district. Reports include frequent locking of bathrooms and policies that limit when students can use facilities.

The messages from students, parents and staff came after NBC4 published an article on the bathrooms at Whetstone High School. Since then, one student included in the article said they were called to the principal’s office because they spoke to the media. A Whetstone senior who was not interviewed initially said administrators made an “aggressive and demanding” announcement telling students not to speak to news outlets.

NBC4 will not name the students in this article to ensure they do not face consequences. Student accounts have been vetted by NBC4, and any underage students' comments are included with parent permission.

In response to concerns, the district sent out a notice Wednesday asking for cooperation with bathroom policies, which Media Relations Coordinator Tyler Carter provided to NBC4. The letter said high school students have specific guidelines for safety concerns and encouraged them to speak with staff if they are experiencing a medical emergency.

"We ask all students to reflect on how their actions affect their peers, teachers, staff and themselves," the letter read.

NBC4 asked specific questions about various student and parent accounts, but Carter did not provide elaboration aside from the letter sent to parents regarding claims at any school aside from Whetstone.

Beechcroft parent Amber Hasty said the email did not address concerns of locked bathrooms or provide a solution.

"For the record, this [email] is BS," Hasty said. "This would still require the kids to find whoever has keys ... and then wait for them to go unlock a restroom. In an emergency, that is still far too many steps."

A senior at Briggs High School said students are also not permitted to use the restrooms in the first or last 10 minutes of class time. She said the school has implemented an escort policy for restrooms multiple times in her four years at Briggs. The policy requires classroom teachers to call a security guard or another teacher to escort any student who asks to use the restroom.

“They just do an announcement that we’re doing escorts only,” she said when asked why the school implemented this policy. “I’m going to be honest, some kids do smoke in the bathrooms, and they will do that after catching someone. But some days, they just do it.”

She said when students are not required to ask for an escort to the restrooms, they can ask for a hall pass. She said it is still difficult, alleging one of three bathrooms is frequently locked. 

“There have been times I have gotten a pass, and the bathrooms were closed or teachers were only allowing one student in the restrooms at a time while there’s multiple stalls open,” she said.

At some schools, bathroom concerns are not new. Hasty said despite a doctor's note affirming a medical condition, she had to call Beechcroft High School multiple times regarding bathroom use before her older daughter graduated in 2022. Hasty said things only improved when her daughter was granted faculty restroom use so she did not have to run around the building trying to find what was unlocked.

"I hope bringing attention to this gets something to change because this is ridiculous," Hasty said. "I can appreciate the intent, but there has to be a better way."

The letter sent to families mentioned discipline and said to refer to the district's Guide to Student Success for more information about how students are expected to behave. The success guide details various consequences for breaking rules like vaping or fighting, but none of the outlined consequences involve limiting bathroom use.

The letter referred to "bathroom guidelines implemented across the district," but these policies were not outlined in the letter or the student guide. NBC4 asked for clarification but did not hear back from the district.

The accounts are not just from students and parents; these policies are laid out in various high schools' student handbooks. According to Independence High School’s handbook, students are expected to use the restroom outside of class, and students are not able to get hall passes during fourth, sixth or eighth periods.

According to the Briggs student handbook, students have a limited number of hall passes per class. The handbook says the school may close restrooms if students are “hanging out in them” or if they need repairs, and says students will not be given hall passes after 2 p.m., half an hour before the school day ends. The handbook also states students who have medical reasons for frequent restroom use must file a doctor’s note with the school. 

Read the letter in its entirety below.

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