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Cybertruck owners share their likes and dislikes as Tesla's pickup approaches its first birthday

The Tesla Cybertruck is almost at the one-year mark of its first delivery.
  • The first Tesla Cybertruck deliveries took place almost a year ago.
  • Business Insider interviewed 10 Cybertruck owners to hear what they thought of the vehicle.
  • They praised the vehicle's handling and said they felt like celebrities — but they also experienced some hostility.

It's been almost a year since Tesla celebrated its first Cybertruck deliveries on November 30, 2023.

So what do its owners think of the vehicle?

The angular, futuristic stainless steel electric pickup truck has consistently made headlines since Tesla CEO Elon Musk first unveiled it in 2019. The billionaire has boasted about its apocalyptic abilities and bullet-resistant exterior and lamented the challenges of ramping up production of the head-turning vehicle.

Despite its high price tag, delivery delays, and various recalls, the Cybertruck continues to have a loyal following, with numerous online forums and communities dedicated to sharing experiences and enthusiasm for the vehicle. Celebrities from Jay-Z to Kim Kardashian have been spotted driving it.

Elon Musk at Tesla Cybertruck delivery event in November 2023.

For many, the Cybertruck is more than a car — it's a prized possession, a symbol of technological advancement, and a form of self-expression. Even those who have experienced negative incidents with the vehicle continue to sing its praises.

Business Insider spoke to 10 Cybertruck owners about their experience with the EV and the most notable parts of owning it.

'It drives like a dream'

When asked about their favorite part of owning a Cybertruck, the owners nearly unanimously praised the way it drives.

Anthony Ardizzone, a Cybertruck driver from Jupiter, Florida, says he's driven vehicles ranging from a Honda Civic to a Rolls Royce — and the Cybertruck "drives like a dream."

"I thought the steer-by-wire would make me a little nervous, but the steer-by-wire is amazing," Ardizzone told BI.

The Cybertruck uses a steer-by-wire system, which varies the steering wheel's responsiveness depending on the vehicle's speed to improve maneuverability.

Tesla's Cybertruck uses a steer-by-wire system.

Jeremy Judkins, a Cybertruck YouTuber, didn't know if he would like the feeling of driving such a big truck. But he told BI the steer-by-wire and rear-wheel steering make it "easy to drive" and "feel like a small vehicle."

Lamar MK, a Cybertruck owner in North Carolina, said that the flatter steering wheel design was more comfortable for his hands.

"It makes maneuvering the vehicle so smooth," MK said.

Tommy Huynh from Austin said the steering provides a "tight turn radius" and the vehicle accelerates like a sports car.

Customers say they're often left in the dark when it comes to company communication

Many Cybertruck owners waited years to receive their truck after placing a preorder — and some owners said they are still waiting for promised updates or parts to arrive. Several also owners told BI that the company could improve its customer support — whether it was being more transparent about delays or communicating updates.

Stephen Kapusta, a self-described "Tesla fanboy" from Orlando who owns the top-of-the-line Cyberbeast variant of the truck, said he doesn't want to have to wait an unknown amount of time for his Cybertruck off-road light bar add-on to arrive after paying over $100,000.

Jason Burtman, a Cybertruck owner from Harrisburg, Pennsylvania, received his vehicle in the last couple of weeks and said it was "incredible." But he's still figuring out how to get the FSD update without access to home WiFi from his garage.

Jay O'Brien, a Cybertruck owner from Kansas City, Missouri, said the truck exceeded his expectations. But he's still waiting for his wall charger to be installed and new wheel covers that were supposed to come a month after he got the car in May. He said the wheel covers don't matter — but "what does matter is setting expectations to a consumer" and not delivering on them.

Tesla did not respond to a request for comment from BI.

Cybertruck owners feel like celebrities — but you might get the finger while driving

While it doesn't happen often, getting flipped off seems to be a right of passage of sorts for most Cybertruck owners. Some also reported getting cut off or cursed at by strangers.

Cybertruck TikToker Joe Fay told BI the bulk of the negative reactions he receives have been online or on the road. He said truck drivers have screamed out their windows and called him "homophobic slurs."

Huynh, from Austin, told BI he thought the people who "often give you the finger on the road" or cut him off may not be fans of Elon Musk or EVs.

Most of the interactions tend to be positive though, many of the owners told BI.

Tesla's Cybertruck tends to draw onlookers with its unique design.

Charlie Redmond, a Cyberbeastowner from Piermont, New York, said kids run up to his car and hop up and down while chanting "Cybertruck." He said he's even been asked if he's Elon Musk's son.

Kapusta, who has his Cybertruck wrapped, similarly said he enjoys the attention and considers the truck a form of "self-expression."

Other Cybertruck owners have received unusual requests.

Lamar MK said he's been asked to attend birthday parties with his Cybertruck. O'Brien said he had the opportunity to participate in a local parade with it. O'Brien said bringing a quick bit of joy to people is his favorite part of owning the EV.

But the celebrity-like status comes with its downsides too. Kapusta said people's curiosity and interest go too far when they start looking inside his window.

O'Brien similarly said when he doesn't have time to stop and show people around the car, people get upset and there's a "missed expectation."

"There's nothing special about me," O'Brien said. "But I feel like I know what celebrities feel like more now."

Read the original article on Business Insider

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