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Must Watch: Harmeet Dhillon Joins Tucker Carlson to Break Down Kamala Harris’s Entire Career History “It’s About What Country We Want in the Next Four Years” (Video)

Harmeet Dhillon/Image: Video screenshot @TuckerCarlson/X

San Francisco lawyer Harmeet Dhillon, who’s known Kamala Harris for more than 20 years, joined Tucker Carlson to break down Harris’s entire career history.

Her verdict? Harris is a criminal.

Tucker Carlson: So you are roughly a year younger than Kamala Harris, but in the same generation, you’re an attorney. You’re from San Francisco. You first ran into Kamala Harris in 2003, 21 years ago. You know everyone in her orbit. You live in the same world. And so, with less than two months to go before the campaign, I thought it would be interesting to hear the perspective of someone who actually knows a lot about Kamala Harris’s life. There aren’t don’t seem to be many of those. So thank you for doing this. Who is Kamala Harris? Exactly.

Harmeet Dhillon: Well, you see the words karma chameleon and, you know, nicknames like that applied to her today. Yes. And she really has been kind of a shapeshifter throughout her entire career and existence. I would call her in some ways a survivor. You know, she’s had a number of different environments sort of growing up in Oakland to two university professors as a small kid. And then after her divorce, her mom took her and her sister, Maya, to Canada, where she went to high school and then started college there. Yeah. And then she, you know, came as almost an adult to the United States and went to Howard University and sort of immersed herself in that culture of the predominantly black college. And then she came to San Francisco, where she went to Hastings in the Tenderloin area of San Francisco. So educationally, she’s kind of traveled all over the United States, but-

Tucker Carlson: She spent her high school years in Canada.

Harmeet Dhillon: Yes. Spent her high school years in Canada and, you know, not in San Francisco. And so I think one of the interesting things that I found when looking at her background is the first time she registered to vote was at age 29. So really? Yeah, so many years after coming to the United States and during the year that she dated our former mayor and speaker Willie Brown is the year that she registered to vote. And so connecting the dots, it seems like that might be the time when she decided that politics is in her future because, you know, she began to create a voting record and and setting down budgets.


Harmeet Dhillon: You know, you’re pandering to a particular element of society. I think eventually Democrats have wanted to legalize all of the illegal aliens in the country. That’s not a secret. Now, they tried to lie about it in the past, but today that’s a campaign promise of hers, that she wants to legalize all of these illegal aliens in the country and get their votes. So it’s a long term vote recruitment program by these folks. But look, you can’t forget the detail.

Tucker Carlson:  She’s the insurrectionist.

Harmeet Dhillon: She’s the insurrection.

Tucker Carlson: Overthrow the United States government and system and destroy democracy and invalidate our founding documents or core freedoms. I mean, that’s all those are all species of insurrection. It would seem to me she sounds like a criminal.

Harmeet Dhillon: Well, she’s broken a lot of laws over the years just in the, you know, white-collar laws. But she’s enabled hundreds, if not thousands of criminals to go on to commit violent crimes and even even fatalities. And there are police officers in San Francisco who lost their lives because Kamala Harris was soft on the criminals who went on to kill them as one of their dozens of offenses there.

There’s a long trail of victims in San Francisco and now California who have suffered because of Kamala Harris’s soft on crime policies. And she’s lied about it and gotten away with it.

And it’s kind of incredible that someone who failed, who increase the murder rate by many percentage points, who prosecuted almost no violent crimes in San Francisco during the many years she was a district attorney.

She she failed up to becoming the attorney general, where she went on to violate the rights of criminal defendants on a much more massive scale. But even before that, Tucker, one of the interesting incidents is in the last two years of her race, of her tenure as district attorney, she was embroiled in a major scandal involving the systematic violation of criminal defendants rights.

And in San Francisco and the drug lab, there was a drug technician who was supposed to test the drugs, and this person was sampling the drugs, taking them home and sampling them and also making numerous errors. This was an open secret in the district attorney’s office. So after, you know, people mentioned it on numerous occasions, judges chastise the district attorney’s office. Eventually, a top manager in the office sent a cover your ass email to Kamala Harris saying, ‘Hey, by the way, I think the head of this drug lab section is actually taking drugs and regularly violating protocols and handling evidence.’

Kamala Harris, instead of doing her immediate duty as a district attorney to inform all defense counsel in all the cases in which this lab technician had handled the drugs for testing, she sat on it for a period of three months, and it only came out not through Kamala Harris disclosing it. And so the judge in that case, Christine Mozilo, excoriated the district attorney’s office.

Now, by this time, Kamala Harris had been the district attorney for six years. In the six years she was the district attorney, she created no protocol for disclosing to defense counsel, this what’s called a Brady violation, a violation which is so massive that you have to disclose to the other side that there’s been a potential due process violation that could be exculpatory. So she got in trouble for that. She went on after that two years later to become the attorney general of California.

So there’s literally no accountability for, by some accounts, 1400 cases, either convictions or pending cases had to be dismissed in San Francisco because of this due process, violation of the rights of the accused.


Harmeet Dhillon: Well, you know, again, we go back to the Constitution. And when I look at this election, Kamala Harris has shown herself over all of her decades of public service exactly who she is. She’s someone who is ruthless, who has ignored the law when it benefits her, who is even ignored as a guardian of the law, the Constitution repeatedly, the rights of the accused? Yes, the rights of the wrongfully convicted, the rights of the citizens she has sworn to defend, and those laws that she is sworn to uphold. She has ignored them when convenient. And I think that’s. Particularly when you take on the mantle of ‘I’m the top cop and the borders are…. I’m the prosecutor. I’m America’s top law enforcement person.’

It’s scary that that person wants to be the number one person with the most power in the free world. And so that’s what’s at stake in this election. So it isn’t about mean tweets, it isn’t about style.

It’s about what country we want in the next four years.


You can watch the entire excellent interview here.

The post Must Watch: Harmeet Dhillon Joins Tucker Carlson to Break Down Kamala Harris’s Entire Career History “It’s About What Country We Want in the Next Four Years” (Video) appeared first on The Gateway Pundit.

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