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My bathroom ceiling was covered in mould that I couldn’t get rid of – until I was recommended an ‘amazing’ £4 Amazon buy

CLEANING fans are raving about an ‘amazing’ product that will banish mould in no time at all. 

So if your home is covered in stubborn mould that won’t shift, we’ve got just the thing for you.

Facebook/Mrs Hinch Cleaning Tips
If your bathroom is covered in stubborn mould, fear not, you’ve come to the right place[/caption]
Mrs Hinch fans have praised a £4.20 buy from Amazon, which ”destroys all moulds immediately and easily”[/caption]
So if you’re on a mission to battle mould this winter, you’ll need to check this out[/caption]
According to cleaning enthusiasts, the HG Mould Spray is “amazing”[/caption]

There’s nothing more annoying than forking out cash on pricey cleaning products and spending hours scrubbing away at mould, only for it to reappear the next day.

However, luckily for you, Mrs Hinch fans have gone wild for a cheap buy, which you can nab for just £4.20 from Amazon

It comes after an anonymous user posted on Mrs Hinch Cleaning Tips, a public Facebook group with 504,200 members, asking for advice on how to clean mould.

The frustrated person asked: “How do you clean mild mould from a bathroom ceiling?

“The ceiling paint is bathroom moisture resistant but we get a build up every now and then but am finding it hard to clean. 

“Any tips or do I just need to repaint the ceiling? Many thanks.”

Cleaning fans then raced to the comments to share their advice on how to banish mould.

Users raved about the HG Mould Spray, which you can purchase from Tesco and Asda for £5.25, or Amazon for only £4.20. 

One person said: “HG mould clean, spray on and leave.”

Another added: “HG spray. I used it on mould in my bathroom. Very good.

“Very strong though so I used a mask and gloves but it really made a difference to my bathroom tiles.” 

A third commented: “HG Mould – amazing.” 

What is mould and how to get rid of it?

Mould is more likely to grow during the winter months.

Olivia Young, Product Development Scientist at Astonish revealed exactly why this is.

“Unfortunately, mould is a common problem many people face during winter. It thrives in conditions that are warm and damp, so your bathrooms are likely to be the most affected place.

“That said, during the colder months most rooms in your home could be vulnerable to mould growing.

“This occurs primarily from condensation that builds up on your windows when you’ve got your radiators on.

“If you think about it, when windows and doors are closed, there’s not much chance for the air to circulate and the moisture to make a swift exit.

“This build up is what can cause dreaded mould to make an appearance, especially in bathrooms, as it creates that warm and wet environment that is a breeding ground for mould.

“If left untreated, not only is it unsightly but it can also pose a serious risk to your health, so it’s really important you treat it.

“The key to tackle mould is to act fast.

“Try to come into as little contact with it as you can. So, grab your gloves, tie up your hair and get to work to remove any signs of mould as soon as you notice them.

“To keep mould at bay, there are some simple solutions you can introduce throughout home.

“The first is keep it ventilated. Yes, even in the cold winter months try to leave your bathroom window open for at least 10/15 minutes post shower or bath. This will get rid of any excess moisture quickly preventing mould gathering.

“If you’re having a repeat problem with mould in one particular area, it might be because the humidity levels are too high. You can get a dehumidifier that will help keep the levels low and reduce the risk of mould returning.

“The golden rule to remember when dealing with mould is the quicker you can treat it, the better. If you leave it, it will only get worse so never ignore it!

“To successfully get rid of mould every time, I recommend opting for the UK’s No 1 Mould & Mildew Remover, that effectively removes mould and mildew stains almost instantly, with no scrubbing necessary.”

Whilst someone else advised: “Clean it off with HG mould killer, ventilate the room well whilst spraying, use protective glasses and mask.”

The 500ml spray ”destroys all moulds immediately and easily” and it’s a ”a self-acting cleaner that deals quickly and effectively with unhealthy black mould stains”.

It’s suitable for a wide range of surfaces, as it removes mould and fungus from plastered walls, tiles, bathroom seals, windows and more. 

It’s quick and simple to use – all you need to do is simply spray the solution directly onto mould or mildew in damp areas and leave it to work for 30 minutes. 

Common Bathroom Habits That Increase Mould

Plumbworld, a leading expert in bathroom and kitchen products, has shared the daily habits that increase the chance of mould growing in homes.

Leaving wet towels and bathmats on floor 

Wet towels and bathmats on the floors after a shower or bath can increase humidity levels which provides a perfect breeding ground for mould spores.

To prevent this, hang towels and bathmats in an area where they can dry quickly and to wash them regularly.

Not turning on the fan 

An exhaust fan is critical in reducing moisture levels in the bathroom. 

When taking a hot shower or bath, steam increases the room’s humidity level, creating an ideal setting for mould to flourish on walls, ceilings, and other surfaces.

An exhaust fan helps by moving the moist air outside, significantly reducing the risk of mould growth. 

Experts suggest running the fan during the shower and for at least 20-30 minutes afterwards to lower humidity levels.

Ignoring small leaks

Even minor leaks from the sink, toilet, or shower can contribute to increased moisture levels in a bathroom, fostering an environment where mould can thrive. 

Over time, these leaks can cause significant water damage, promoting mould growth in less visible areas such as inside walls or under flooring. 

Fix leaks promptly to prevent mould and potential structural damage.

Keeping shower curtains or doors closed 

Keeping the shower area closed after use traps moisture inside, delaying the drying process and creating a humid environment conducive to mould growth. 

Mould can easily develop on shower curtains, doors, and in tile grout if they remain wet for too long. 

To avoid this, leave the shower door or curtain open after use to improve air circulation and allow the area to dry more quickly.

Storing too many products 

Shower caddies and corners filled with bottles and accessories may seem harmless, but they can obstruct airflow and trap moisture and creates hidden, moist niches where mould can grow unnoticed. 

Keep shampoo and shower gel bottles to a minimum, and regularly clean and dry the areas underneath them to prevent mould growing. 


Not only this, but other Facebook users were keen to suggest alternative methods that they recommend for banishing mould. 

One cleaning fan recommended: “Find the source of the damp, repair, then clean with white vinegar.”

A second advised: “Neat bleach kills mould particles.” 

Someone else wrote: “Airing a room well after bathing helps too.”

And another suggested: “Cillit Bang mould remover, then put ventilation in to stop it recurring.”

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