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5 must-watch new shows and movies next week from Apple TV+, Prime Video, and Paramount+

Netflix is the biggest game in town when it comes to new streaming options from week to week, but it’s certainly not the only one. There's always plenty of new content to add to your watchlist each week from the other major streamers, ranging from new TV shows to original movies, and the first seven-day stretch in November is certainly no exception.

From new feature films to live Election Night coverage available to stream, there'll be no shortage of new titles to check out as we head into the new month. And we'll take a closer look below at five titles worth streaming in the coming days from Prime Video, Paramount+, and Apple TV+.

Election Night Live with Brian Williams (Prime Video, Nov. 5)

Image source: Marc Stamas/Getty Images

Just days after Jeff Bezos managed to piss off every Democrat in America by declining to allow his Washington Post to endorse Kamala Harris, Prime Video will make its first foray into Election Night programming with this live special hosted by the venerable Brian Williams.

It's a first-of-its-kind experiment for Prime, which is otherwise focused on the same kinds of original TV shows and movies that the other streamers make and release. Amazon's streamer explains that the election night special will feature Williams delivering "real-time results and insightful commentary, accompanied by live reactions and analysis from guests representing a diverse range of backgrounds, perspectives, and political affiliations." And it all gets started at 5 p.m. ET on the big day.

Citadel: Honey Bunny (Prime Video, Nov. 7)

Image source: Prime Video

I don't know about you, but I don't think I saw this next one coming.

Prime Video’s big-budget Citadel spy series, which was led by the Russo brothers and reportedly cost $300 million, was widely regarded as a flop when it debuted in 2023. Somehow, though, the two international spinoffs of the series that Prime got behind, one set in Italy and the other in India, are much, much better. The former, Citadel: Diana, stars the always fantastic Matilda De Angelis and is out now -- moreover, Prime has raved that the Italian spy series achieved the largest first-weekend global viewership for an Italian Original outside its home country, hitting the Top 5 on Prime Video in almost 150 countries.

As for the Indian Citadel spinoff, Prime explains that this new spy thriller is set in the 90s and jam-packed with high-octane stunts and actions. "When stuntman Bunny (Varun Dhawan) recruits struggling actress Honey (Samantha) for a side gig, they are hurled into a high-stakes world of action, espionage, and betrayal. Years later, as their dangerous past catches up, the estranged Honey and Bunny must reunite and fight to protect their young daughter Nadia."

My Old Ass (Prime Video, Nov. 7)

Maisy Stella as Elliott in "My Old Ass." Image source: Marni Grossman/Amazon

My cheeks literally hurt from smiling so much at the trailer for this next Prime Video release, a movie from Megan Park who I've decided here and now is the Next Big Thing. I haven't even seen her new film My Old Ass yet, and I already can't wait to see what she does next.

My Old Ass is a coming-of-age feature starring Maisy Stella and Aubrey Plaza and built around an intriguing premise: What if you could come face-to-face with an older version of yourself?

Park’s story will have you deep in your feels, and the two lead actresses, with Plaza portraying the 39-year-old (“very young adult!”) version of the main character Elliott, were perfectly cast. It’s actually an 18th birthday mushroom trip that brings the free-spirited younger version of Elliott into contact with her older, wisecracking self, setting the whole story in motion. “But when Elliott’s ‘old ass’ starts handing out warnings about what her younger self should and shouldn’t do, Elliott realizes she has to rethink everything about family, love, and what’s becoming a transformative summer.”

You Would Do It Too/ Tú también lo harías (Apple TV+, now streaming)

Ana Polvorosa and Pablo Molinero in "You Would Do It Too" on Apple TV+. Image source: Apple

Apple's small but mighty streamer Apple TV+ has, in my opinion, enjoyed considerable success with its international TV shows like Tehran, Acapulco, and Bad Sisters (and I suppose you could also include Ted Lasso, since it's largely a British show). It's now added another, titled You Would Do It Too (Tú también lo harías, in Spanish).

Created and written by David Victori, who directed Netflix's excellent Spanish drama Sky Rojo, Apple's new Spanish-language thriller (for which new episodes are dropping weekly) takes place after an armed robbery on a bus near Barcelona results in three deaths. Explains Apple TV+, "Detectives and former lovers are on a mission to uncover the truth behind the six witnesses’ inconsistent timelines before time runs out. As they navigate a world where perception often trumps reality, this lightning-fast thriller shines a spotlight on the importance of truth in today’s society and the lengths people will go to protect their version of it."

Lioness (Paramount+, now streaming)

Zoe Saldana as Joe in "Lioness." Image source: Lauren Smith/Paramount+

Finally, we return to the Taylor Sheridan-verse on Paramount+, which offers a pulpy snapshot of the American experience via his TV shows encompassing everything from oil barons to settlers, mobsters, a ranching dynasty, the prison industrial complex, and the global war on terror. The latter is depicted in the Zoe Saldana-led Lioness, for which new episodes drop weekly and which was inspired by a real-life US military program.

In Season 2 of the series, Paramount+ notes that “the CIA’s fight against terror moves closer to home. Joe (Saldaña), Kaitlyn (Kidman), and Byron (Kelly) enlist a new Lioness operative to infiltrate a previously unknown threat. With pressure mounting from all sides, Joe is forced to confront the profound personal sacrifices she has made as the leader of the Lioness program.”

The post 5 must-watch new shows and movies next week from Apple TV+, Prime Video, and Paramount+ appeared first on BGR.

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5 must-watch new shows and movies next week from Apple TV+, Prime Video, and Paramount+ originally appeared on on Thu, 31 Oct 2024 at 17:07:00 EDT. Please see our terms for use of feeds.

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