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15 of the best specialty items to get at Aldi this month for $5 or less

This month, Aldi is carrying seasonal items for the late-fall and winter holidays.
  • Aldi is kicking off November with plenty of festive items for the late-fall and winter holidays.
  • For Thanksgiving, check out the turkey-cranberry ravioli and garlic-mashed-potato-flavored chips.
  • Christmas-lovers will enjoy items like the themed hot chocolate products and coffee creamers.

With the most wonderful time of the year just around the corner, Aldi is ready to start celebrating with plenty of holiday-themed products hitting shelves in November.

Whether you're shopping for Thanksgiving or the winter holidays, the fastest-growing grocer in America has plenty of festive foods and beverages to ring in the season.

Here are the best items coming to Aldi this month, each for $5 or less.

Kick off the gifting season with the Choceur hot-chocolate stirrers.
The Choceur hot-chocolate stirrers are shaped like Rudolph, Santa, and a present.

This month, Aldi is launching these adorable Choceur hot-chocolate stir sticks, which make a great gift for loved ones — or yourself.

Each pack, available for $4, includes chocolate stir sticks in the shape of Santa, Rudolph, and a present. Just add hot milk and enjoy.

Make chilly mornings brighter with Barissimo's peppermint-mocha coffee creamer.
The Barissimo white-chocolate peppermint-bark creamer is the perfect way to elevate your morning coffee.

There's nothing like a peppermint mocha on a cold day, but this season, Aldi shoppers can skip the pricey coffee-shop version and get that same festive flavor at home.

The Barissimo white-chocolate peppermint-bark creamer will be available the first week of November for just $2.70.

The Choceur holiday clusters are perfect for snacking and hosting.
Choceur holiday clusters come in cinnamon-sugar and tiramisu flavors.

Whether you're looking for festive snacks to keep at your desk or something easy to throw in a bowl before having guests over, the Choceur holiday clusters are good to keep on hand.

The cinnamon-sugar blend includes pretzels, caramel, cinnamon-sugar, and a white candy drizzle. Aldi will also have a tiramisu version with vanilla cookies, tiramisu-flavored caramel, and a dark-chocolate drizzle.

Try one or both flavors for $3.50 each.

The adorable Choceur melting characters make great gifts.
The Choceur melting penguins and snowmen are filled with marshmallows.

In addition to the new hot-chocolate stir sticks, Aldi shoppers can also find melting cocoa characters shaped like snowmen or penguins.

Each character is made of chocolate and filled with marshmallows. The snowman even has dark-chocolate drops inside.

The Choceur melting characters sell for $2.50 each.

Get a taste of the holidays with Benton's chocolate-covered gingerbread cookies.
Benton's gingerbread cookies come covered in either milk or dark chocolate.

If you don't have time to bake a batch of gingerbread cookies this season, Aldi has you covered.

Benton's gingerbread cookies are covered in either milk or dark chocolate and come in fun shapes. Each box costs $5.

Aldi is expanding its gluten-free offerings with the Breakfast Best honey and cinnamon buns.
The Breakfast Best honey and cinnamon buns are gluten free.

Aldi is well-known for its selection of gluten-free products, and this month, shoppers will find two fun new offerings: honey buns and cinnamon buns.

Each box costs $4.30 and includes four individually-wrapped sweet buns, perfect for breakfasts, snacks, or desserts.

Make Thanksgiving-inspired pasta with Priano turkey-cranberry or bourbon-sweet-potato ravioli.
The new Priano ravioli options come in bourbon-sweet-potato and turkey-cranberry flavors.

Indulge in your favorite Thanksgiving flavors with these fan-favorite Priano ravioli flavors. Starting November 13, shoppers will be able to choose from turkey-cranberry or bourbon-sweet-potato ravioli for $3.70 each.

Sundae Shoppe's festive gelato flavors prove this sweet treat can still be enjoyed in the colder months.
This month, Aldi will carry Sundae Shoppe gelato in pumpkin, eggnog, and candy-cane flavors.

Gelato doesn't have to be limited to the summer months, especially with holiday flavors like pumpkin, eggnog, and candy cane coming to Aldi. Each container of gelato costs $4.30.

Indulge in a loaf of the Specially Selected maple-nut brioche.
The Specially Selected maple-nut brioche would make a great French toast.

The new Specially Selected maple-nut brioche is a versatile fall product. Enjoy it as a sweet bread for a peanut-butter sandwich or use it to prepare bread pudding or decadent French toast.

A loaf of this bread costs $4.90.

Satisfy your cravings with Clancy's Thanksgiving-themed potato chips.
This month, Aldi is selling Clancy's chips in turkey-stuffing and garlic-mashed-potato flavors.

For those who spend all of November dreaming of Thanksgiving dinner, Clancy's new potato chips are the perfect way to curb those cravings until the big day.

These wavy chips come in turkey-stuffing and garlic-mashed-potato flavors and cost $2.20 per bag.

Add a seasonal touch to any meal with the Never Any chicken sausage in chipotle and cranberry flavors.
The new Never Any chicken sausage comes in chipotle-and-Monterey-Jack and cranberry varieties.

November doesn't have to be all turkey and peppermint. Your regular meals can still get a seasonal touch with the new Never Any chicken sausage in chipotle-and-Monterey-Jack or cranberry flavors.

Grab a package at Aldi for $3.50.

Appetitos mini puff-pastry appetizers are perfect for entertaining.
Appetitos mini puff-pastries come in cranberry-and-feta and carmelized-onion-and-gouda flavors.

Whether you're prepping for Thanksgiving or a winter cocktail party, the Appetitos mini caramelized-onion-and-gouda and cranberry-feta puff pastries will be a hit with dinner party guests.

Each box costs $5 at Aldi.

Upgrade your dessert with Benton's seasonal mini waffle cones.
Benton's mini waffle cones come in hazelnut and peppermint flavors.

Although the weather may start feeling a little too cold for ice cream, you can still enjoy these mini waffle cones filled with peppermint- or hazelnut-flavored chocolate.

They're delicious on their own or paired with fruit. Grab a bag of mini waffle cones for $4.

Add Benton's Christmas tree puff pastry to your holiday shopping list.
Some of Benton's puff pastries are coated in chocolate and sprinkles.

If you can't get enough Christmas cheer, consider adding these new puff pastries to your Aldi cart. Some of these Christmas-tree-shaped treats even come coated in chocolate and sprinkles.

You can grab a package toward the end of the month for just $3.

Add some festive cheer to your mornings with the Barissimo eggnog- or gingerbread-flavored ground coffee.
Aldi will launch two fun new ground-coffee flavors later this month.

Later this month, Aldi is launching two fun, festive flavors of Barissimo ground coffee for the holiday season: eggnog and gingerbread. Each 11-ounce bag is only $4.95.

Read the original article on Business Insider

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