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Xavi could become Pulisic's new boss at Milan: What does it mean for USMNT star?

As Christian Pulisic continues to shine for AC Milan, his performances underscore a complex backdrop involving potential changes in the club’s coaching staff.

As Christian Pulisic continues to shine for AC Milan, his performances underscore a complex backdrop involving potential changes in the club’s coaching staff. The club’s current manager, Paulo Fonseca, is under pressure following mixed results in Serie A and the Champions League, with the club’s hierarchy evaluating alternative options if results don’t improve. Apparently, Fonseca’s next few games could decide his fate, and among the names floated as potential replacements is former Barcelona coach Xavi Hernandez, Barca Reservat say. However, the Spaniard’s availability remains uncertain, as he is currently enjoying a year-long sabbatical from soccer.

Paulo Fonseca, who was appointed at Milan with high hopes, is facing scrutiny after managing only four wins from their first nine Serie A matches. Despite Pulisic’s standout performances, the manager’s tactics and results have left Milan in eighth place in the league, well below expectations. Moreover, Milan has shown inconsistency in the Champions League, raising concerns over their progress under Fonseca’s leadership.

Reports suggest the Rossoneri’s top brass—including senior advisor Zlatan Ibrahimovic, technical director Geoffrey Moncada, and CEO Giorgio Furlani—are rapidly losing patience. Thus, matches against Monza, Real Madrid, and Cagliari are supposedly crucial in determining Fonseca’s future. Although the Portuguese boss remains hopeful of turning things around, the pressure is intensifying as Milan weighs its options.

The idea of appointing Xavi Hernandez as head coach has stirred interest in the soccer community. Xavi, who left Barcelona at the end of the last season, is currently on a planned break from coaching and has previously expressed his intention to take a full year off. Despite this, he has been linked with high-profile coaching positions, including at Manchester United. However, with United appointing Ruben Amorim, Xavi is reportedly reluctant to take on any major coaching role before his sabbatical ends.

Should Milan formally approach Xavi, there is skepticism about whether he would accept. The report adds that the 44-year-old is enjoying time with his family and prioritizing personal life over professional engagements for now.

Pulisic’s role of ‘untouchable’ in Fonseca’s system

Throughout the past two seasons, Milan has seen solid returns from key transfers. Pulisic’s arrival in 2023 brought immediate dividends, and Fonseca has similarly found an essential player in Youssouf Fofana, a robust midfielder providing stability and physical presence. Italian media has described Pulisic as one of the two “immovable totems” or essential pillars of the squad, alongside midfielder Youssouf Fofana. Fonseca relies on Pulisic for decisive offensive contributions and consistency, while Fofana fills a defensive gap that the Red-and-Blacks had previously struggled with.

His ability to adapt and support his teammates, even as he excels individually, is invaluable. His dynamic with players like Rafael Leao, despite recent lineup rotations, shows his commitment to collective success. Should Fonseca’s tenure continue, Pulisic is expected to remain a focal point in the squad. Yet, if a new manager, like Xavi or another candidate, is appointed, Pulisic’s adaptability and positive locker room presence will likely make him an integral part of Milan’s future plans.

What would coaching change mean for Pulisic?

Milan greatly benefits from the 26-year-old who is now in the prime of his career. He has been an integral part of the club’s offense since his time in the Premier League with Chelsea made him a stronger player. With seven goals on the board, Pulisic has shown to be dependable and consistent, something that Fonseca highly appreciates. As a result, he is one of the team’s most utilized players. Beyond just scoring goals, he adds to the club’s already impressive roster with an adult, team-first mentality.

Depending on the tactical inclinations of the potential incoming manager, the American’s position may change if Fonseca is replaced. He has relished playing a significant part in Milan’s offensive scheme under Fonseca. Pulisic could have more chances to demonstrate his inventiveness and tactical adaptability under a coach like Xavi, who is renowned for his possession-based approach and focus on swift transitions. But Xavi may also switch up the lineup more, which might affect Pulisic’s current abundance of playing time.

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