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Three Women Season 1 Episode 8 Review: Twilight

Was anyone else surprised that this episode coincided with Maggie’s arc after the previous one ended with Gia meeting Sloane? When …

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Was anyone else surprised that this episode coincided with Maggie’s arc after the previous one ended with Gia meeting Sloane?

When it was released, Twilight was a phenomenon. I was never gung-ho about it, but Twilight was essential to Maggie Wilken and Aaron Knodel’s relationship.

While the series touched on it briefly before, it explained why the movie was so important to the couple in Three Women Season 1 Episode 8. It’s disappointing that Maggie will never think of her favorite film the same way again.

(Courtesy of Starz)

Forbidden Romance or Sexual Grooming?

Maggie’s storyline always has a different vibe than the other women. Theirs had drama and angst and hot sex, while Maggie’s focused on losing her innocence with her first meaningful sexual relationship.

As Maggie testified in court, she explained the details of her relationship with Aaron Knodel. She often compared them to the forbidden romance of Edward and Bella from Twilight, saying loving someone gives them power to hurt you.

That was certainly true in their case. Aaron Knodel made all the rules and seduced her often, as we saw their physical relationship play out in flashbacks.

Sneaking a kiss in a classroom would have been risky and romantic if they were two teenagers. But he was a teacher and locked the door, giving off a creepy vibe.

(Starz/ YouTube Screenshot)

Being in an affair with a married man is never easy. Ask Lina. You end up making out with the man in a parked car. But this is so much worse. Maggie was 17 years old.

At best, it was sexual grooming. At worst, it should have been statutory rape.

Like many complicated cases in Law & Order: SVU, it was harder to prove, and it felt like Maggie was on trial for having an affair and not being a good girl.

Aaron Knodel’s lawyer attacked her for breaking up a marriage. The parallels and cinematography were beautifully done as it showed Mr. Knodel’s wife and mother starring Maggie down.

While many victims often seem like they’re on trial, it’s unfair. It was also unfair that they painted Maggie as the seductress who ruined an excellent teacher’s marriage.

Playing by Aaron Knodel’s Rules

At 17, Maggie had her entire life ahead of her, including college. Being in limbo proved difficult. She didn’t want to attend prom with a random boy but couldn’t show off her adult teacher boyfriend.

(Courtesy of Starz)

Aaron Knodel imposed so many rules that it made him look like more of a jerk. He summoned her by text whenever he wanted to see her, but she couldn’t text him.

He had the audacity to suggest they wait five years before revealing their relationship because she would be more age-appropriate and his kids would be older.

If he realized she was too young, then they should not have been dating!

Yet things become even more dangerous when a fellow teacher caught Maggie in Mr. Knodel’s classroom after they had sex behind locked doors.

Aaron Knodel was such a savvy liar that he lied his way out of that as easily as he convinced the court that he never wrote notes in Maggie’s Twilight book or discussed anything other than her fractured family.

(Courtesy of Starz)

In that respect, the only person who suffered was Maggie. She got dumped as soon as his wife found out and was seen as a temptress, not a victim.

Maggie fought for her rights so others would have that strength, too.

Another Devastating Loss for Maggie

I’m relieved the series didn’t show Mark Wilkin’s suicide. Viewing an actual suicide could have triggered some viewers.

Mark Wilkin seemed to be crashing since he couldn’t handle anyone knowing their dirty laundry. He was embarrassed to be an alcoholic who failed his family, even if things had improved since then.

(Courtesy of Starz)

When he made her that photo collage and kissed her goodbye, it felt like he was saying goodbye to Maggie. Although they argued a lot, she was a daddy’s girl in many ways.

It devastated me that he didn’t say goodbye to his wife or son, and they seemed more shocked that he committed suicide, whereas Maggie was angry and wanted to blame someone else.

Everyone in High School Needs a Tribe

Three Women showcased the importance of female friendships; sometimes, the bonds you create in high school will be there for you through anything.

Brilliant Minds showcased the importance of having a tribe in high school to help you belong recently and not being rushed to grow up.

That was Maggie’s problem. She thought hanging out with her older teacher was more fun than hanging out with her friends or prom.

(Courtesy of Starz)

It wasn’t her fault. It’s the adult’s responsibility in these sexual grooming cases, and she was a teenager. Part of me understood why her friend Jordan was conflicted.

I felt for her best friend Billie, who knew something was off. These were the type of best friends you called at 2 am, who wouldn’t hesitate to help bury a body.

Despite that, her friends stood by her and were there to back her when she came forward and sat in court to support her.

Despite the tension and disagreements, Jordan and Billie comforted Maggie when her dad died. That’s the kind of friend she needed.

It no longer mattered if Jordan thought Aaron Knodel’s life shouldn’t be ruined, even if he crossed some lines.

(Courtesy of Starz)

Billie even tried to help Maggie think of Twilight as something they saw together and shared instead of an unwelcome memory with Aaron Knodel.

That was a sweet gesture, although it will take time for Maggie to grieve both Aaron Knodel and her dad.

What did you think of Maggie’s day in court, TV Fanatics? Are you impressed by her strength? Were you surprised her dad killed himself?

Let’s discuss this case, so hit the comments with your thoughts.

Watch Three Women Online

The post Three Women Season 1 Episode 8 Review: Twilight appeared first on TV Fanatic.

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