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M&S shoppers rush to buy ‘amazing’ £6 spray that is ‘the smell of Christmas’

M&S shoppers have been going wild for a £6 room spray that they say is “the smell of Christmas”.

The posh shop has released mandarin, clove and cinnamon room spray and fans just can’t get enough of it.

M&S’ Christmas room spray has been getting a lot of love from shoppers[/caption]

And with just 45 days until the big day, it’s fair to say that its helped many shoppers to get into the Christmas spirit.

Writing in the reviews on the M&S website, one enthusiastic customer said: “A staple every year honestly just screams Christmas.

“Perfect festive scent always complimented on the aroma in the home love it.”

While another said: “This is my regular favourite scent of winter and Christmas.”

And a third wrote: “Smells of this smell.

“I buy three bottles and use it a lot during the year.”

A fourth cried: “Brought four of these before they sell out.

“This is the best scent for the Christmas period ever!!!!

“They sell out fast in store so don’t wait!!!”

The spray combines mandarin with sweet, spicy notes of clove and cinnamon.

It comes in a 100ml glass bottle which is decorated with a festive scene that M&S say makes it a “stylish addition to your decor”.

The scene shows a red front door adorned with Christmas lights and a wreath.

You can buy the scent at M&S where you’ll find it in the homeware section.

If you’re not sure where your nearest branch is, you can find it using the store locator tool on the M&S website.

You can also order it online, but bear in mind you will have to pay a small fee for delivery.

We had a quick Google to see how the M&S spray compared price-wise with other similar items on sale at the moment.

The White Company is selling a 100ml winter home spray for £18 – £12 more than the M&S spray, plus it’s the same size.

Aery Living is flogging a 50ml festive home scent, but it costs £18 and it’s only half the size of M&S’ offering.

We did manage to find two festive spray that was slightly cheaper than M&S’ product.

Dunelm has two £5 room sprays for sale online and in its stores, and the bottle is slightly bigger at 114ml.

There are two variations of the spray – white winter fir and spiced pinecone.

It always pays to compare prices so you know you’re getting the best deal, and remember to factor in the cost of delivery if you’re ordering online.

Prices can also vary day to day and by what deals are on at the time, plus remember you might pay for delivery if you’re ordering online.

You can compare prices on platforms like Google Shopping.

This room spray isn’t the only item that M&S shoppers are raving about this Christmas.

The M&S Light Up Candles have returned to shelves, just in time for the festive season.

The posh shop is also selling a solid milk chocolate presents sleigh for just a fiver and customers say they are “brilliant”.

How to save money on Christmas shopping

Consumer reporter Sam Walker reveals how you can save money on your Christmas shopping.

Limit the amount of presents – buying presents for all your family and friends can cost a bomb.

Instead, why not organise a Secret Santa between your inner circles so you’re not having to buy multiple presents.

Plan ahead – if you’ve got the stamina and budget, it’s worth buying your Christmas presents for the following year in the January sales.

Make sure you shop around for the best deals by using price comparison sites so you’re not forking out more than you should though.

Buy in Boxing Day sales – some retailers start their main Christmas sales early so you can actually snap up a bargain before December 25.

Delivery may cost you a bit more, but it can be worth it if the savings are decent.

Shop via outlet stores – you can save loads of money shopping via outlet stores like Amazon Warehouse or Office Offcuts.

They work by selling returned or slightly damaged products at a discounted rate, but usually any wear and tear is minor.

What else is M&S selling this Chrismas?

M&S is renowned for its Christmas food, it’s the time of year when shoppers upgrade their usual food shop and spend a little bit more as a treat.

We were lucky enough to try M&S’ huge Christmas range with 450 new items including Xmas dinner dip, turkey feast lasagne and hot honey brie.

A dip inspired by Christmas dinner featuring bacon bits, turkey, cranberry and even stuffing will be top of my shopping list this year.

Served up on little crisp breads, or scooped up with crisps, the dish is something you could eat by the spoonful.

Not forgetting the tipples for the big day, shoppers will be pleased to see the return of the original snow globe gin liqueur after being missing from shelves last year.

In previous years the drinks have been so popular that M&S slapped them with a buying limit because of the huge demand.

This year the liqueur which contains edible gold glitter comes in just one flavour, Clementine, and in a new gifting box for £20 (70cl).

White mulled wine (£6, 11%) is another new twist on a winter favourite, with pear, vanilla and mulled spice flavours.

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