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Your Daily Horoscope by Madame Clairevoyant: November 5, 2024

Photo-Illustration: by The Cut; Photo: Getty Images

This morning, the moon enters Capricorn, one of its most solemn, no-nonsense positions. It’s a good time to get serious about your responsibilities, to stop hoping someone else will do the hard work of changing the world, and figure out what you can take on. At the same time, don’t demand so much of yourself that you shut down. What you (and the people you love) need now isn’t tough love but gentleness, so offer it where you can.

Aries Daily Horoscope


You’ve been under an incredible amount of stress lately, and given the circumstances, you’ve been keeping it together surprisingly well. Your friends might not even realize how much of a load you’ve been carrying. But today, the more you try to downplay what’s going on with you or disguise your true feelings with jokes, the more likely you are to lash out. Outbursts can feel good in the moment, but ultimately they’ll only add to your stress, so try to open up to others before it gets to that point.

Taurus Daily Horoscope


Your normal routines might become suffocating today. Work seems unbearable, and the activities you usually love suddenly seem less enjoyable. It’s probably only temporary — no need to upend your entire life based on a restless day or two — but even so, let the feeling guide your actions for now. If you’re bored and antsy, it’s a sign that you could use something different. Get out and spend time with other people. You can return to your norms later.

Gemini Daily Horoscope


Your emotions could be unusually intense today, and because of it, you might be drawn to intense situations — it can be strangely comforting to feel that the outside world aligns with your inner life. And if the drama you want isn’t forthcoming, you might be tempted to stir it up yourself. But it’s easy to do too much right now, starting unnecessary conflicts or creating more trouble than you’re actually prepared to deal with. Try to find a balance: You need passion and activity right now, but you need comfort, too.

Cancer Daily Horoscope


Sometimes it seems silly to make an explicit effort to support people. Why bother making a fuss over something so foundational, so obvious? But the truth is that it’s easy to forget, to slip into isolation, to attempt to bear all your problems alone. Today, make a conscious effort to reach back out and connect to the people you love most. If you’re hungry for closeness, that probably means that they are too. You have the power to create the kinds of relationships you want, so use it.

Leo Daily Horoscope


It’s easy to start resenting the people around you today. They all seem to go about things the wrong way, or make foolish choices, or waste their precious time on inconsequential matters. It can be tempting to lecture everyone for not being better, to point out everything they’re doing wrong. But it won’t be satisfying for either of you — and it won’t actually help anyone change. Try to remain generous, even when it’s tough.

Virgo Daily Horoscope


You’re wise enough to know that you don’t know everything and that you can learn so much from others if you’re willing to listen. So you try to pay attention to what happens around you and keep an open mind. But today, it’s just as important to remember that it works both ways: You know things that others don’t. No one else on earth has experienced exactly what you have or sees the world exactly as you do. Your ideas are unique and valuable, so don’t hold them back.

Libra Daily Horoscope


You understand how important it is to build and maintain a support system. Close relationships don’t just pop up out of nowhere; they take work. If you want yours to grow, or you want your friendships to deepen, you need to be willing to step up for the people who need it. Today, though, remember that it works both ways: Community isn’t built only when you give care and support to others. It’s strengthened just as much when you let yourself be vulnerable so that people can care for you.

Scorpio Daily Horoscope


Today, you might struggle more than usual to maintain a sense of objectivity. You can’t hold the events of the world at arms’ length to examine dispassionately — it all feels way too personal for that. Some people might try to make you believe that this is a problem, a failing on your part, but your emotional responses matter, so don’t ignore them. Just do your best to notice when you’re reacting subjectively — what holds true for you might not for others.

Sagittarius Daily Horoscope


As much as you can, you try to stay optimistic, but today you might be acutely aware of all that you have to lose. Everything seems precarious, like it could be swept away in the blink of an eye. Try to remember, though, that there are also things that nobody can take away from you. Your personality, your courage, your capacity to love and care for other people: These are yours, and no matter how much life changes, they always will be.

Capricorn Daily Horoscope


You worked hard to prove your worth — not only to others but also to yourself. In spite of all your efforts, there’s still a part of you that fears you haven’t done enough. Sometimes this feeling is a useful indicator that you’re holding back and there really is more you could do. But not always. Today, if you’re feeling inadequate, it’s more likely a reflection of how massive the world’s problems are. You’re doing your best, so try to remember that the problem isn’t you at all.

Aquarius Daily Horoscope


The world might seem unbearably noisy today. Everyone has an opinion to share; they all want to demonstrate just how smart or moral or right they are. There’s probably part of you, too, that wants to prove that your values are the correct ones — but trying to make your voice heard over the crowd right now is likely to leave you feeling drained and irritated. Resist the pressure to join the fray. You’ll have plenty of chances to speak out, but today, give yourself time to think.

Pisces Daily Horoscope


Even though you know, intellectually, that you’re not the only person who’s ever felt the way you do, it’s still easy to feel like you’re on your own. People cope in different ways, and when your friends do so by pretending nothing is wrong, it’s easy for you to get the impression that they simply don’t care — at least, not as deeply as you do. Today, do what you can to reconnect with the people you love. The more you share with each other, the more you’ll relate — and the more you’ll remember that you aren’t alone.

Buy Claire Comstock-Gay’s book, Madame Clairevoyant’s Guide to the Stars, here.


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