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I’ve made £1,200 extra cash for Christmas – it’s so quick and I can do it from my sofa watching telly

With the cost-of-living crisis still hitting families hard, many people are picking up side hustles to make a bit of extra cash for Christmas.

Single mum Kate Propert, who lives in Bristol with her daughter, is one savvy saver who has done just that – and now she’s earning hundreds of pounds from her sofa.

Kate Propert is making money from her sofa selling on eBay

The 39-year-old, who works as a surgical care practitioner, has raked in £1,200 in the past year by selling old clothes on eBay.

She told The Sun: “This is the perfect way to help save for Christmas. I put some of my earnings from the marketplace into savings across the year, and this means I build up a pot to help fund the festive period.”

Having a little more money on top of her monthly salary helps take a bit of pressure off her squeezed family budget.

“My energy bills went up again from the start of October, and my weekly food shop has gone up too,” said Kate.

“That’s why selling on eBay is so great – as it means I can make some extra cash. As a single parent, every little helps.”

The entrepreneurial mum is a long time eBay lover. For almost a decade, she has been boosting her bank balance by selling stuff, but on a smaller scale.

She told The Sun: “I began my eBay journey back in 2015. My earliest sales were items from my wedding, including my dress, veil, shoes – as well as some bridesmaid dresses.”

In the beginning, Kate’s motivation was the desire to declutter and free up more space at home, but now she’s earning around £100 extra a month selling old bits and bobs.

“All the items I list are things from around the house that we longer use or need,” she said.

“Over the years, I’ve listed a huge variety of bits and pieces including home-ware, garden tools and children’s stuff.

“Recent sales include an unused professional make-up kit for £135, a Zeta Citi stroller pushchair for £80, an IKEA desk for £35, a Golf Wang ‘save the bees’ hoody for £35, and a riding helmet for £25,” she added.

“I’ve also just sold a Frozen puzzle and a wooden spelling game. The run-up to Christmas is a great time for selling kids clothes and toys.”

The resourceful mum is always willing to have a go at finding a buyer for things she no longer uses.

“I’ve even listed dog bowls, mudguards and artificial plants,” she said. “I’ve found new homes for all these things – and they’ve all helped me make some extra cash.

“You really can sell anything on eBay. One really unexpected profit was getting £5 for a bulk of old hair pins.”

The busy mum is able to do her listings from her sofa and they take just minutes each.

“I often put the time in when I’m sitting in front of the TV in the evening,” she said.

Recent changes by eBay

eBay recently announced (October 1), that it is now free for people to sell across all categories on the platform (with the exclusion of motor listings, including the sale of cars, motorcycles and vehicles.)

Prior to this, private sellers have had to pay a fee of more than 13%. Read more with ‘Massive change to eBay selling fees could save you serious cash – how does it compare to Depop and Vinted?’

“This has been a game-changer for me,” said Kate.

“I’ve already sold so much on the platform, but this makes me even more keen to do so. I’m really excited to see how the new features will help improve my sales – and boost my selling journey.”

The savvy mum has been sorting through every room in the house to see what else she can list and sell including a custom-made opal ring made, which cost Kate around £200.

“I’m planning to list this in the next few weeks – and will look to price it at around £180,” she said.

“This would free up a nice extra bit of cash for Christmas – plus the ring will make a fantastic gift for someone else. November is a great time to list items you know will make for great presents.”

Kate says eBay’s change to ‘free listings’ for sellers might see more individuals give eBay a try.

“This change could encourage others to do what I do – and sell unused items they have in their homes.”

Kate’s top tips for selling on eBay

Kate has urged sellers to take care to list your item accurately using relevant keywords. This will increase the chances of buyers finding your items.

Be sure to communicate clearly and responsively with the buyers throughout the process, she added.

“Try selecting the ‘Use AI description’ option for a helping hand when writing descriptions for your listings,” she explained.

“The tool automatically creates attention-grabbing captions which can make it easier for buyers to make a decision. 

“Remember that there are protections in place when using eBay, such as the Money Back Guarantee. With this program, if a buyer has any issue with their purchase, eBay will support them to get a refund.”

Don’t fall foul of the tax rules

Under a recent crackdown, digital platforms such as eBay – as well as the likes of Etsy and Vinted – are now required to share seller information with HM Revenue & Customs.

Data must be passed to HMRC if you sell 30 items or more a year – or if you earn more than £1,700.

This is because individuals selling items online may be liable to pay tax if they earn £1,000 or more.

This isn’t a new tax. The rules have always stated that sellers who earn over £1,000 in 12 months must declare that income – and pay income tax on it. This is done by filling out a self-assessment tax return.

The crackdown is about ensuring that people who boost their income with a side hustle pay up what they owe. It also gives the taxman more visibility over the amount you’re earning.

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