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Kamala Harris goes into hiding with election party canceled and team refusing to answer questions after huge Trump wins

KAMALA Harris has canceled her election party and her team is refusing to answer question after damaging losses to Donald Trump in a number of crucial states.

Results trickling in from several key states are showing disappointing numbers for the Democrats, with Donald Trump leading in many counties.

The Kamala Harris campaign is reportedly no longer talking to the press
The mood at Kamala Harris’ watch party in DC is downcast[/caption]
Harris supporters gathered at Howard University in Washington DC[/caption]

The Republican candidate has won North Carolina, the first swing state to declare on election night.

Harris is also currently trailing in Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Arizona, four of the crucial states she needs to win to secure a path to the White House.

Fox News is reporting that Harris’ press spokesperson has told staff not to talk to the media.

A CNN reporter at the Harris campaign HQ in Washington DC said that they were getting “silence” from the Harris team.

Crowds of supporters were visibly tense as the results continued to come in at Howard University, Harris’ former college.

“The operative word right now is silence,” the correspondent said.

“There’s not a lot being said. The Harris team appears to be searching for bright spots in the map.”

However, in an email sent out by Harris’ Campaign Manager Jen O’Malley Dillon to campaign staff, she remained upbeat.

“We have known all along that our clearest path to 270 electoral votes lies through the Blue Wall states,” she said.

“And we feel good about what we’re seeing.”

Associated Press reports that the Harris campaign turned off its projected broadcasts of CNN at the election night party.

A guest on CNN said tonight felt “more like 2016 than 2020,” with the New York Times reported that the crowd had “significantly thinned,” and the mood was “seriously downcast” at Harris HQ.

The cheers in the crowd became less frequent as more results came in from the battleground states.

Harris’ route to victory is narrowing fast as the Republican vote in rural areas and suburbs has delivered for Trump.

Some attendees began leaving the event after it was revealed Harris would not be speaking tonight.

It comes as…

A source close to the Harris campaign has warned that her path to victory is now very difficult.

“Her path is so narrow and she is not doing what she needs to do in Pennsylvania, Michigan, and Wisconsin,” the source told Fox News’ Senior White House Correspondent, Jacqui Heinrich.

Co-chair of the Harris-Walz campaign Cedric Richmond told supporters Harris would not be speaking at Howard University until Wednesday, triggering a stampede for the exits.

CNN said that it was “not a happy crowd” at Howard, with one talking head quoting Bob Dylan saying, “You don’t need a weatherman to know which way the wind blows.”

They also pointed to the similarities with 2016 when Hilary Clinton’s campaign chair John Podesta made a similar speech on election night and said the candidate would be speaking the following day.

Clinton did speak the next day to concede to Donald Trump.

The Republicans have also taken control of the Senate after flipping the two seats needed.

Republican Jim Justice has defeated his Democrat opponent in West Virginia, while Bernie Moreno has unseated Democratic Senator Sherrod Brown in Ohio.

The party needs to win 51 seats for an outright majority.

Republican incumbent Senator Deb Fischer has held her seat in Nebraska, meaning the Republicans have secured their majority in the Senate.

It isn’t known who the new Senate majority leader would be, with long-time Kentucky Senator Mitch McConnell stepping down.


POLLSTER James Johnson, co-founder of polling firm J.L. Partners, has told The U.S. Sun when the election result will come and urged caution over exit polls.

James Johnson explained that the information we can get from the exit polls in the U.S. is “quite limited.”

The exit polls tell us what voters’ biggest issues were on the day.

“For example, one of the exit polls this evening showed that democracy was the biggest issue with the economy close behind,” he said.

“It also tells us what kinds of voters voted. Another exit poll said that more white voters were voting than last time, black turnout being a bit lower, and as the night goes on we get more detail.”

But James urged caution on reading too much into the exit polls.

“We have to be really cautious about them because they are done using the same methods as the polls throughout the campaign,” he explained.

“So if there is a big polling error, then actually, these exit polls could be making the same mistakes, and often months later we will see revised studies of how people really voted, and they differ quite a lot.”

As results come in thick and fast, James said that the key state to watch will be Pennsylvania.

“Our J.L. Partners election model has shown that Pennsylvania is going to be the key state which the election hangs on, because even if Trump wins Georgia, Florida, Nevada, and Arizona, he still has to win one Midwest or mid-Atlantic state, and all of the eyes are on Pennsylvania because it has the most electoral votes,” he said.

But Pennsylvania’s vote counting is “going to be a longer process,” he added.

“There will be some results tonight, but it is going to take a bit long into Wednesday. If it’s super close, it could even drag further into the week.”

Much has been made of the voting disruption triggered by a series of bomb threats made to polling places across the country.

Johnson said authorities have been at pains to ensure the process is all above board and fair, even if it slows down the voting process.

“We’ve seen these bomb threats in Georgia. We’ve also seen tabulation errors in other counting areas.”

“The courts have been very responsive today in saying those places can extend.

“So in some of those areas which have been affected by issues, whether bomb threats or clerical problems, they’ve extended those timings that doesn’t slow down the results from the rest of the state, but it does slow down results for the counties that are affected.”

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