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Wailing Lefties STILL don’t get it despite Trump landslide – he understands ordinary working people, they’re deluded

FRIENDS! Gather round! It’s time for us all to settle down and have a good belly laugh at the witless, deluded lefties currently throwing their toys out of a pram.

Hell, I live in the wilds of the Pennines but even I can hear the wailing and gnashing of teeth coming from the direction of London.

Moaning lefties like Emily Maitlis can’t understand why Donald Trump has smashed Kamala Harris in the last election[/caption]
US President elect Trump understands the views of the ordinary working bloke[/caption]

And the greatest thing about it all is they STILL don’t get it.

They do not understand why Donald Trump won the American presidency by not far short of a landslide.

But win he did. By an enormous margin.

As you would have understood immediately yesterday morning if you switched on ITV, Sky or the BBC.

The presenters and correspondents might as well have been wearing black armbands.

The tone was sombre interrupted by bouts of weeping.

I don’t know if you can remember when Barack Obama was first elected.

The mood in the BBC studio that day was one of joy.

They were thrilled! Just a little bit different to the mood yesterday morning, then.

Unpartisan my backside.

The Beeb, along with ITV and Sky, has spent the last four weeks attacking Donald Trump (and Elon Musk) at every possible opportunity.

And predicting that the fabulously useless Kamala Harris would probably win.

Because of the women voters.

And because she was nice.

And wasn’t Trump.

Well, you all look a bit crap today, don’t you?

Trump supporters cheer at the Florida convention centre as they wait for him to appear[/caption]
Trump is joined by his family and campaign team onstage[/caption]
Donald Trump walks on with wife Melania and son Barron[/caption]
Believe me, Trump’s victory is a disaster for our government[/caption]

Meanwhile Emily Maitliss – who was never capable of reining in her obvious bias – started swearing on screen, she was so upset.

These people hate it when other people disagree with them.

They can’t bear it.

Oh, and the luvvies, howling at the moon.

Do you give a monkey’s what Jason Manford thinks about anything?

Well, here’s what he said about Trump: “Urgh I knew I’d wake up this morning to that psychopath being declared president! What is wrong with people! God help us all.”

What’s wrong with people, Jason, is that they sometimes have a different opinion to you. OK?

Then there’s Carol Vorderman, famous for having an arse.

Oh and for appearing in ads for pay day loan companies.

Which fleece the poorest people in the country with huge interest charges.

Don’t have a clue

She was VERY upset, bless her.

And indeed very, very, wrong.

“Women are turning out to vote Harris in their tens of millions,” she said on election day.

And added, so we got the message: “HARRIS WILL WIN.”


Then there’s Rory Stewart, who earns a living as Alastair Campbell’s dimwitted pet Tory in a smug politics podcast.

He had been convinced that Kamala Harris was going to walk the election.

He said: “Obviously if I’ve totally miscalled this it’s would be a massive lesson in humility. And would suggest my whole framework is cracked.”

Too right, Rory. It would also suggest that people should ignore your podcasts as you don’t have a clue.

Campbell also predicted Harris to win, by the way.

Then there’s the Labour Party.

I suspect Sir Keir Starmer will have spent the last day cringing in embarrassment.

So many of his frontbenchers have been appallingly rude about the leader of the free world, the bloke with whom we are supposed to have a “special relationship”.

Take that walkin’, talkin’ calamity, David Lammy.

He described Trump as “a racist KKK and Nazi sympathiser”.

Virtually the entire front bench has slagged off Trump at one time or another.

All eager to score a few brownie points in the cause of infantile leftism.

If I were Donald Trump I would totally ignore anything Lammy or Starmer have to say.

Put them somewhere between Benin and Laos in the list of countries to do business with.

I suspect Sir Keir Starmer will have spent the last day cringing in embarrassment[/caption]
Foreign Secretary David Lammy described Trump as ‘a racist KKK and Nazi sympathiser’[/caption]

Believe me, Trump’s victory is a disaster for our government.

The point, though, is that this keeps happening.

Across Europe one country after another has gone to the polls and backed people the left liberals think are ghastly.

And the reasons are pretty much the same.

People want an end to illegal immigration.

And indeed quite a lot of legal immigration.

They are sick of it. Sick of their communities changing. Sick of the pressure on each country’s infrastructure.

They also hate the divisive and frankly insane identity politics which pits black against white and gay against straight.

And that’s why Kamala Harris lost and Donald Trump won.

Because he represented the views of the ordinary working bloke.

The very person those left wing parties were set up to represent. But no longer do.

Carol Vorderman was VERY upset with Trump’s emphatic win[/caption]
Former spin-doctor Alistair Campbell had been convinced that Kamala would walk the election[/caption]

How do the US presidential elections work?

BY Ellie Doughty, Foreign News Reporter

The Democratic and Republican parties nominate their candidates with a series of votes – called state primaries and caucuses – in the run up to the election in November, held every four years.

This gives members the opportunity to choose who they want to lead the party into an election – this year, Donald Trump and following Biden’s resignation, Kamala Harris.

There are also some independent candidates running for president – arguably the most well-known was Robert F Kennedy Jr who pulled out in August and endorsed Trump.

In US elections the winner is not the candidate who gets the most votes across the country.

Instead Trump and Harris will compete to win smaller contests held in each of the 50 states.

Many of the states often vote the same way – but seven of them – Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, Georgia, Wisconsin, Nevada and Arizona – tend to go in either direction.

Each state has a number of electoral college votes – partly based on population sizes – with a total of 538 across the country up for grabs.

The winner is the candidate that gets 270 or more, marking a majority in the electoral college.

All but two of the US’ 50 states – Maine and Nebraska – have a winner-takes-all rule.

Meaning whichever candidate gets the highest number of votes wins all of the state’s electoral college votes.

In 2016 Hillary Clinton won more votes nationally than Donald Trump – but she still lost the election because of electoral college votes.

The candidate who will win this election is the one who secures 270 or more college ballots.

Usually the winner is declared on the night, but it can take days to finalise the result.

In 2020 Joe Biden wasn’t officially announced as the president-elect until November 7.

The new president will be sworn into office in January on the steps of the Capitol building in Washington DC.

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