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Eric Pollard makes shocking confession as his health battle takes a turn in Emmerdale

ERIC Pollard reveals a shocking truth in Emmerdale as his ongoing health struggles worsen.

Eric and Brenda throw an engagement party next week in Emmerdale.

Rodney is curious as to where Eric got his new influx of wealth
Meanwhile Eric’s health seems to deteriorate dramatically[/caption]

Eric gives his speech announcing a honeymoon cruise, and Brenda is overjoyed.

With the engagement party in full swing, Rodney is curious as to where Eric got his new influx of wealth.

Although Eric plays wry, he suddenly panics and makes to leave with a suspicious Leyla following behind.

Having followed him home, Leyla is gobsmacked when Eric makes an admission.

This comes after Brenda was left shocked when Eric revealed his plans for a Christmas wedding.

Eric then revealed the engagement ring he bought for delighted Brenda at the auction.

However, Eric’s health seems to deteriorate dramatically.

Viewers learned that Emmerdale’s longest serving character has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s, the fastest growing neurological condition in the world.

In emotional scenes, Eric tearfully confided in Mandy about how terrified he was feeling as he looked to his future.

Emmerdale has worked closely with the charity Parkinson’s UK, who will continue to support the production team to give Eric’s story a realistic and authentic depiction whilst creating awareness of the condition and how it affects those afflicted.

Last week, Eric was visibly still suffering from tremors and in shock when Caleb confronted him at the shop.

“Stay away from my depot, and wind your neck in or I will,” Caleb declares, leaving Eric visibly distressed.

His health taking a turn for the worse has left Emmerdale fans fear the character will be killed off after 38 years on the ITV soap.

Taking to X, one fan wrote: “Don’t like Eric getting bad when it’s nearly Christmas. Don’t want a Christmas death #Emmerdale.”

Most devastating soap deaths

SOAP viewers are frequently left heartbroken after watching some of their favourite characters bite the dust.

Here is a list of the most devastating deaths that have taken place in soapland over the years.


Barry Evans – Evil Janine (Charlie Brooks) lured her trusting fiance to Scotland for a quickie marriage after learning he was dying. 

Her plan to inherit Barry’s fortune was thwarted when Barry told her that the doctors had mixed up his medical files. 

Furious that she was no longer set for a windfall, she pushed Barry off a cliff after telling him their love was “fake”. 

Bradley Branning – Bradley was accused of killing Stacey Slater’s rapist Archie Mitchell (Larry Lamb) after he punched him twice on the night he died. 

He was spotted in the Square by a police woman who chased him up a fire escape.

Bradley lost his balance and tragically plunged to his death. 


Tina McIntyre – Tina was getting it on with Peter Barlow – despite him being married to Carla Connor.

When she threatened to reveal the truth, Carla’s brother Rob got into a physical altercation with her.

Tina lost her footing and fell off a balcony – then warned Rob she was going to tell the cops he pushed her.

In a panic, Rob brutally clobbered her over the head with a metal pipe.

Molly Dobbs – Molly was one of the victims in Corrie’s 2010 tram crash, alongside Ashley Peacock (Steven Arnold).

Married to Tyrone (Alan Halsall), Molly had been having an affair with Kevin Webster (Michael Le Vell) in the months before her death.

This resulted in the birth of their son, Jack (Kyran Bowes), who was named after Jack Duckworth.

As fate would have it, Kevin’s wife Sally (Sally Dynevor) was by Molly’s side in her final moments.

Sally was stunned as Molly confessed Kevin was Jack’s father, before dying of her injuries.

Vera Duckworth – Having appeared regularly in Corrie since the 1970s, there was no denying Vera Duckworth was an iconic character.

Alongside her husband Jack, the pair formed one of the soap’s most beloved couples.

Viewers were heartbroken when Vera was killed off in 2008, being discovered having passed away peacefully in her chair.

Liz Dawn, who played Vera, made a brief return two years later for Bill Tarmey’s exit as Jack.

Paul Foreman – Fans were heartbroken when Paul Foreman succumbed to his illness after battling motor neurone disease.

Introduced in 2018 as David Platt’s (Jack P. Shepherd) cellmate, he later embarked on a romance – and marriage – with vicar Billy Mayhew.

The MND storyline was announced in 2023 – with the expectation it would result in the character’s death.


Sarah Sugden – After the family got into financial problems, Sarah’s son Andy (Kelvin Fletcher) decided to make some quick cash from an insurance company by setting fire to the Sugden barn.

He didn’t realise his mum was inside the building, and she got trapped in the blaze.

Nine villagers – The shocking 1993 plane crash episode brought in 18 million viewers for Emmerdale.

Mark Hughes was killed by a falling wall, Archie Brooks was burned by jet fuel, Elizabeth Pollard was killed by debris and newcomer Leonard Kempinski died in a car crash caused by the crash. 

Five other non-recurring characters from the village also died. 


Carmel McQueen – The talented singer died in shocking scenes when a train crashed into a her family’s car.

Carmel managed to free her cousin Theresa from the rubble – but got stuck in it herself.

Moments later the train exploded and Carmel died in the arms of her family members, promising to be their guardian angel.

Another added: “Eric is gonna die next year #Emmerdale.”

A third penned: “Why is the grave next to Val Omg Not Eric #Emmerdale.”

Emmerdale airs weeknights at 7:30pm on ITV1 and is available on ITVX.

Will Eric’s and Brenda’s Christmas wedding go to plan?

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