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Airlines secret rule that mean flight attendants can turn passengers away at the boarding gate

IT’S THE time of the year when people are travelling home for Christmas – although many are likely to have coughs and colds.

If you’re catching a plane with a cough or a sniffle you might think you’re ok to board, but this isn’t strictly the case.

Flight attendants can turn away sick passengers if they have a contagious disease (stock image)[/caption]

Flight attendants can actually deny passengers boarding if they have a contagious illness and are displaying symptoms.

Earlier this year, Sun Travel’s resident flight attendant explained why cabin crew members really welcome passengers onto a plane.

It’s not just a nice gesture, cabin crew members are also working out how fit and healthy people are before the plane takes off.

Sun Travel’s flight attendant said: “We want to look out for anyone who looks unwell.

“Some people fly when they really shouldn’t and we’re well within our rights to remove someone from the plane if they look too sick.

“The last thing we really want is illness spreading through the cabin, so anyone who’s obviously unwell, or goes straight to the toilet after getting on board will be viewed with suspicion.

“We don’t have a lot of time between people getting on the plane and it taking off, so we very often have to make quick judgement calls on whether or not they’re fit to fly.

“So, if you’re strong and muscular, or ill and sniffling, we will be paying special attention to you when you get on board.”

Airlines in the UK like Ryanair, easyJet, Jet2, TUI and British Airways can be denied boarding if they have a contagious illness.

Ryanair’s policy states: “All air carriers reserve the right to refuse to carry passengers with conditions that may worsen, or have serious consequences for them or their fellow passengers during the flight”.

This includes infectious diseases like the flu, chickenpox and measles.

Meanwhile, low-cost carrier easyJet only lets passengers who have viral infections like the flu board when they are no longer contagious.

Airlines across the pond also operate with a similar policy.

A policy from Delta Airlines states: “[they] may refuse to transport or may remove passengers from its aircraft […] when the passenger has a contagious disease that may be transmissible to other passengers during the normal course of the flight [or] when the passenger is seriously ill, unless the passenger provides a physician’s written permission to fly.”

American Airlines and United Airlines will also deny boarding to passengers who they suspect of having a contagious disease.

Feeling bunged up isn’t nice at any time, but add in changes in air pressure while you’re on a plane, and it can lead to a painful flight.

A flight attendant has shared a tip on how to reduce your chances of your ears popping on a plane.

She said in a Tiktok video: “I always carry some kind of nose spray or cold or sinus medicine to keep with me.

“If I ever feel like I’m getting stuffy on a flight, I definitely always make sure to take it right before take off and 30 minutes or so before we land.”

Top tips to become the perfect passenger

HERE are several tips on how you can become the perfect passenger on your next flight.

Pay attention to your Safety Briefings

  • Flight attendants notice when passengers pay attention during safety briefings.
  • Flight attendant Hunter Smith-Lihas notes that attentive passengers stand out and are appreciated.
  • Apparently most people are distracted during these announcements, which can be dangerous.

Chat with your flight attendants

  • Don’t hesitate to strike up a conversation with flight attendants.
  • Hunter said that crew members appreciate conversations, especially during quieter moments on long-haul flights.

Downtime on long-haul flights

  • Although flight attendants have busy periods, they often experience downtime and welcome a chat with passengers.
  • Sharing recommendations for destinations, such as activities and restaurants, is always appreciated by the crew.

Meanwhile, a flying nanny has shared tips for making sure your child’s ears don’t hurt while they are on a flight.

A flight attendant has also revealed the one favour you should never ask for on a plane, as they will always say no.

Credit: caia image / Alamy Stock Photo
Flight attendants greet passengers to see if they’re unwell (stock image)[/caption]

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