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Oscar Pistorius has ‘new girlfriend Rita, 33,’ as he tries to rebuild life 11yrs after he murdered model Reeva Steenkamp

OSCAR Pistorius has reportedly found a new woman just months after he was released on parole 11 years after he murdered Reeva Steenkamp.

The disgraced former Paralympian, 38, served nine years behind bars for gunning down his model girlfriend but he has apparently made time to find a new girlfriend since his release.

Oscar with murdered girlfriend Reeva (left) and new love Rita (right)
Rita Geyling/Instagram
New girlfriend Rita Greyling is a business management consultant[/caption]
Peter Jordan - The Sun
Oscar Pistorious has reportedly found a new girlfriend[/caption]

The double amputee dubbed “Blade Runner” for the prosthetics he used to compete in the Olympics and Paralympics was sentenced to 13 years and five months for murder.

Pistorius killed Steenkamp, 29, when he fired four bullets through the locked door of their bathroom in the early hours of Valentine’s Day 2013, in Pretoria, South Africa.

Pistorius has reportedly found a new partner after he was released from jail and granted parole on 5 January.

The convicted killer is said to be dating his family friend Rita Greyling, 33, according to South African newspaper Netwerk24.

Greyling, a business management consultant from Wakkerstroom, in eastern South Africa, has reportedly kept her romance with Pistorius quiet.

His reported new fling’s family also made headlines in 2022 when someone died at her brother Ghini’s bachelor party.

Sources close to the reported couple said the disgraced Olympian is attempting to revamp his life.

A source said: “He is trying to rebuild his life in a low-key way and avoids bars and restaurants and the general public and is flying under the radar.

“He is slowly trying to reintegrate into society but that is being done through families that his family have been close to for decades and is slowly slowly.

“The word on the street for three months now is that he is dating again.”

Pistorius moved into his wealthy uncle’s £2 million Pretoria home, and relies on him for protection.

His tycoon uncle Arnold, who made his millions from property and tourism, hired armed guards with attack dogs, while his nephew lives in a cottage on his grounds.

Part of his rebuilding has reportedly included volunteer work at a nearby Dutch Reform Church,  as he has reportedly found it difficult to find work with his record.

Pistorius’ sentence ends in 2029 and he is subject to certain conditions for life outside jail.



Oscar Pistorius shoots his girlfriend Reeva Steenkamp dead at home on Valentine’s Day


Pistorius is convicted of culpable homicide and sentenced to five years in jail – and later released on parole


The Supreme Court of Appeal overturns a lower judge’s ruling and finds him guilty of murder

JULY 2016

He is sent to prison for six years in a ruling dubbed ‘shockingly lenient’


The Supreme Court of Appeal extends Pistorius’ murder sentence to 13 years and five months

JUNE 2022

Pistorius meets Rita Steenkamp’s father as part of a victim-offender program

MARCH 2023

He is denied parole after serving nearly half of his 13-year sentence


The court agrees to release Pistorius on parole on January 5 2024

These include attending therapy for anger and “gender-based violence issues”.

Steenkamp family friend previously said Pistorius should not expect forgiveness and issued a stark warning to him.

They said: “Oscar will get the shock of his life when he is back out in the real world.

“It’s a very different world where gender-based violence is now taken far more seriously.

Rita Geyling/Instagram
Greyling is said to be Pistorious’ family friend[/caption]
Rita Geyling/Instagram
Sources close to the reported couple said they have kept their relationship mostly private[/caption]
Rita Geyling/Instagram
Greyling is from Wakkerstroom in eastern South Africa[/caption]

“I don’t know if he will be able to cope with no longer being the centre of attention and the superstar everybody wanted to be around. He will always be looking over his shoulder.”

The former Golden Boy of athletics claimed he woke in the early hours thinking a burglar was breaking in unaware his girlfriend Reeva was in the bathroom, on Valentine’s Day 2013.

He fired repeated shots through the door killing her instantly with special “dum dum” bullets but Reeva’s family have always claimed it was intentional.

The horrific shooting and his trial caught the world’s attention as he was initially jailed for culpable homicide which was later upgraded to murder.

Getty - Contributor
Reeva Steenkamp was gunned down on Valentine’s Day in 2013[/caption]
Peter Jordan - The Sun
Oscar Pistorius was sentenced with murder[/caption]

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