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Beauty fans are raving about a Charlotte Tilbury dupe from Aldi – it makes you look ‘youthful’, ‘glowy’ & is £34 cheaper

BEAUTY fans are raving about a new Charlotte Tilbury dupe from Aldi, claiming it not only makes you look ‘glowy’, but ‘youthful’ too.

So if your skin is looking a bit lacklustre and you’re keen to get a glow in time for Christmas, you’ve come to the right place.

Shoppers are going wild for a new Charlotte Tilbury dupe from Aldi[/caption]
Not only is it incredibly ‘glowy’ and ‘dewy’, but it’s £34 cheaper than the viral buy too[/caption]
Jade Doutch was left beaming with the affordable Specialbuy[/caption]

Jade Doutch, a blonde-haired beauty from the UK, was left beaming when she tried out the new Luminous Filter Glamour Foundation.

The influencer advised shoppers to “run, don’t walk” to Aldi for the dupe foundation, which has been described by shoppers as ‘just like’ Hollywood Flawless Filter by Charlotte Tilbury.

But if you’re on a budget and can’t afford to splash £39 on the viral product, then don’t worry, as Aldi’s dupe is much more affordable.

At just £4.99, not only is it a real steal, but it’s £34 cheaper than the cult buy. 

Beaming with her buy, Jade took to social media to share her honest review, leaving many open-mouthed. 

As she filmed herself in her car, she said: “Guys, I’ve just come back from the hairdresser and when I got there, my hairdresser’s skin looked amazing – I was like, what treatment have you had because I need it.”

Jade’s hairdresser confessed that she hadn’t splashed out on a posh treatment and instead, had been using a new product – the Charlotte Tilbury dupe from Aldi.

As a result, Jade quickly flocked to her local store and shared: “I just raced there and I got the last number three, I opted for the same colour she had on. It’s the Charlotte Tilbury dupe and it was £4.99.

“I’ve tried a tiny bit on because I’m too impatient to wait till I get home, but it gives a very dewy, glowy, youthful look.”

Clearly very impressed with her Lacura beauty buy, which is available to buy in the supermarket’s Specialbuys aisle, Jade explained: “It’s a hit for me, I’m definitely, very, very pleased with it. 

“I hope they don’t stop selling that because it’s very nice.”

But if you want to get your hands on the Luminous Filter Glamour Foundation, which is said to provide an all-day glow, you’ll need to move fast. 

What are the best Aldi beauty dupes?

ALDI has become well-known for its affordable beauty dupes that often rival high-end brands in terms of quality and effectiveness.

Here are some of the best Aldi beauty dupes that have garnered rave reviews:

Lacura Healthy Glow Exfoliating Tonic

Dupe for: Pixi Glow Tonic

Price: £3.99 (compared to Pixi’s £18)

Description: This exfoliating tonic contains glycolic acid and works to gently exfoliate and brighten the skin. It’s a fantastic, budget-friendly alternative to the popular Pixi Glow Tonic.

Lacura Q10 Renew Anti-Wrinkle Day Cream

Dupe for: Nivea Q10 Plus Anti-Wrinkle Day Cream

Price: £1.45 (compared to Nivea’s £10)

Lacura Caviar Illumination Day Cream

Dupe for: La Prairie Skin Caviar Luxe Cream

Price: £6.99 (compared to La Prairie’s £292)

Lacura Hot Cloth Cleanser

Dupe for: Liz Earle Cleanse & Polish Hot Cloth Cleanser

Price: £3.99 (compared to Liz Earle’s £17.50)

Lacura Snapshot Ready Foundation Primer

Dupe for: Smashbox Photo Finish Foundation Primer

Price: £5.99 (compared to Smashbox’s £26)

Lacura Miracle Cream

Dupe for: Elizabeth Arden Eight Hour Cream

Price: £3.99 (compared to Elizabeth Arden’s £28)

Lacura Ebony Rose Face Mask

Dupe for: Fresh Rose Face Mask

Price: £6.99 (compared to Fresh’s £52)

Lacura Charcoal Clearing Mudmask

Dupe for: GlamGlow Supermud Clearing Treatment

Price: £5.99 (compared to GlamGlow’s £42)

Lacura Velvet Touch Foundation

Dupe for: Estée Lauder Double Wear Foundation

Price: £5.99 (compared to Estée Lauder’s £34)

Lacura Tinted Lip Oils

Dupe for: Rare Beauty Soft Pinch Tinted Oil

Price: £3.99 (compared to Rare Beauty’s £20)

The TikTok-loved ‘glow booster’ is said to provide your skin with that ‘real life filter effect’, blurring out any imperfections for a smooth finish. 

It’s a purse-friendly alternative to the Charlotte Tilbury buy and boasts multiple shades that will suit nearly every skin tone.

Why do Aldi and Lidl have such fast checkouts

IF you’ve ever shopped in Aldi or Lidl then you’ll probably have experienced its ultra-fast checkout staff.

Aldi’s speedy reputation is no mistake, in fact, the supermarket claims that its tills are 40 per cent quicker than rivals.

It’s all part of Aldi’s plan to be as efficient as possible – and this, the budget shop claims, helps keep costs low for shoppers.

Efficient barcodes on packaging means staff are able to scan items as quickly as possible, with the majority of products having multiple barcodes to speed up the process.

It also uses “shelf-ready” packaging which keeps costs low when it comes to replenishing stock.

Boasting a “light” and “creamy” consistency, the affordable find can be used as a primer underneath foundation for those looking wanting a dewy and glowy appearance.

Not only this, but it can also be worn as a lightweight foundation for beauty lovers desiring a more natural look. 

Beauty fans beam

The TikTok clip, which was posted under the username @jadedoutch, has clearly left many open-mouthed, as it has quickly racked up 139,900 views in just four days. 

Beauty fans were impressed with the cheap buy and were eager to get their hands on it. 

Oh wow I need

TikTok user

One person said: “Oooohh that looks really nice.”

Another added: “Oh wow I need.” 

Meanwhile, other bargain hunters confessed that they too have tried out this middle aisle find and were keen to praise it as ‘amazing’.

Use this all the time. I love it and I am always being complimented on my skin

TikTok user

One shopper beamed: “I use this and it’s amazing!” 

A second chimed in: “Use this all the time. I love it and I am always being complimented on my skin.” 

Someone else wrote: “I agree it’s amazing – your skin looks incredible.” 

Whilst one woman confessed: “I’ve got it, it’s beautiful on my skin, just like Charlotte Tilbury.”

Beauty fans claimed that they always get compliments on their skin thanks to the Lacura find[/caption]
Charlotte Tilbury
It’s a much more affordable product compared to Charlotte Tilbury’s Hollywood Flawless Filter[/caption]

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