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How to plan a trip to Camiguin

Camiguin is an island province located in Northern Mindanao. It’s one of the smallest provinces in the country. The lanzones is one of its most well-known products. Ferdinand Magellan landed in the province in 1521, and Miguel Lopez de Legaspi arrived in 1565. The establishment of the first Spanish settlement on the island took place in 1598. Camgiuin became an independent province in 1966 with its formal inauguration taking place in 1968. 

Despite its small size, the province is home to a number of natural, historic, and cultural attractions that make it a noteworthy destination. I found the province oozing with rural charm and is a contrast to the more developed and popular places to visit in the Philippines.

Getting into Camiguin

There are no direct flights from Manila to Camiguin as of this writing. However, you have options to get to the island province. 

By Air

You can book a flight to Cebu then get on another plane bound for Camiguin. Cebu Pacific, AirAsia, and Philippine Airlines have direct flights to Cebu. Cebu Pacific provides direct flights to Camiguin from Cebu. Book your tickets several months in advance to get a good deal.

Combo Transportation

You can also book a flight to either Cagayan de Oro City or Butuan City through Cebu Pacific and Philippine Airlines. If you’re arriving at Cagayan de Oro, you’ll have to take a van or a taxi to Agora Terminal. From the terminal, board a bus or van bound for Balingoan Port. From the port, you can catch a boat to Camiguin. If you’re arriving at Butuan City, make your way to the bus terminal. From the terminal, get on a bus to Cagayan de Oro then tell the conductor or driver you’ll alight at Balingoan Port.

Best time to visit

Camiguin is a year-round destination. However, for the driest and best time to visit, go to the island anytime between March and May. These are the summer months and are less likely to rain. You’ll have a better chance of good weather to experience all the province has to offer.

Make sure to visit White Island while in Camiguin. Joshua Berida/Rappler

You’ll need to register here for your trip to Camiguin. It’s an app the local government uses.

Getting around Camiguin

Camiguin is a laid-back destination with no signs of traffic and the daily grind of living in the city. The cheapest way to get around is to rent your own motorbike for the day. Prices vary around P500/day. You can also hire a motorbike with a driver for the day to get around. Prices for a motorbike with driver are around P1,000/day. 


Day 1

Regardless of where you came from (Butuan City, Cagayan de Oro City, or directly to Camiguin), take the day off before sightseeing. The island province has a nice and chill rural vibe. Mambajao is the hub of the island. Here you’ll find most of the restaurants, accommodations, and other commercial establishments (of course, there’s a Jollibee here as well!). You can use Mambajao as your base to explore Camiguin. 

Day 2

On your first full day in Camiguin, spend some hours relaxing in White Island. The latter is convenient and easy to reach from Mambajao. Make your way to the White Island Ferry Terminal then take a short boat ride to the island. You can charter a tricycle to take you to the terminal and back or just pay a smaller amount for the one-way ride. The boat ride costs around P550 for up to four passengers. It’s a fixed amount regardless of the size of your group. 

Enjoy the view from White Island. Joshua Berida/Rappler

This patch of fine, white sand in the middle of nowhere is a great place to relax in. Swim in the turquoise waters, sunbathe, have a picnic, and/or read a book during your stay. On a clear day, you’ll get beautiful views of Camiguin’s landscape. After spending the day in White Island, make your way back to Mambajao.

Day 3 

After breakfast, get an early start so that you can visit many of Camiguin’s attractions in one day. You’ll mostly be in the water or wet during your day trip. Start your adventure with a trip to Katibawasan Falls.

Majestic Katibawasan Falls. Joshua Berida/Rappler

This stunning attraction is one of the tallest waterfalls in the Philippines. Take a dip in its cool waters and feel the power of its cascade (even if you shouldn’t go directly under it). It’s easy to access with steps leading down to it. You can rent a shed or a table if you plan to stay for a while and have a picnic. You can chase another waterfall with a stop at Tuasan Falls. 

After visiting the waterfalls, drop by the Soda Water Pool. It got its name because its water tastes just like soda! You can go for a short swim or linger for a while before moving to your next destination. After dipping into cold waters in your first few stops, check out Ardent Hot Springs.

Dip into the therapeutic waters of Ardent Hot Springs. Joshua Berida/Rappler

As an island formed by volcanic activity, Camiguin is a great place to go for a therapeutic dip. If you want a cold version of a spring in the province, you can visit Sto. Niño Cold Spring as well. 

Swim in one of Camiguin’s cold springs. Joshua Berida/Rappler

If you’ve been to Legazpi, you’ll be familiar with the famous ruins that a massive volcanic eruption destroyed. You’ll find something similar on the island, which is the Old Church Ruins. An eruption that took place more than a century ago left the complex a shell of its former self. You can also take a leisurely stroll along the walkway and visit the Stations of the Cross.

The Old Church Ruins are a relic of the province’s past. Joshua Berida/Rappler

Wait for the sunset at Sunken Cemetery. The latter is a burial ground that sank because of multiple volcanic eruptions that took place in the 1800s. You can rent a boat that can take you to the marker.

The Sunken Cemetery is one of Camiguin’s most recognizable landmarks. Joshua Berida/Rappler

Day 4

Depending on the time of your flight or the boat to Cagayan de Oro, you’ll have time to eat and do a bit of souvenir shopping before leaving. If your departure time is early, check out of your accommodation and go to the port or airport.

If you have more time, you can go to Mt. Hibok-Hibok for a day hike or spend the day exploring Mantigue Island. Both are noteworthy additions to your itinerary.

How much will you spend?

Camiguin is an affordable province you can tick off your list. A budget of roughly P7,000 per person for a group of two covers budget accommodation and meals, tours, entrance fees, and boat rides. You can always spend more or less depending on the travel style you follow. It’s possible to include Camiguin to a longer trip around Eastern and Northern Mindanao. You can include other destinations such as Iligan (to see more waterfalls, specifically Tinago and Maria Cristina), Bukidnon, Cagayan de Oro, and other places. – Rappler.com

Joshua Berida is a writer who loves to travel. He blogs at www.thewanderingjuan.net.

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