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'Beacon of selflessness': ISIS victim Kayla Mueller honored at congressman's swearing-in 10 years after death

FIRST ON FOX: Newly-minted Arizona Republican Rep. Abe Hamadeh was sworn in to the U.S. House on Friday, revealing to Fox News Digital that he honored the life of ISIS victim Kayla Mueller by using her family’s Bible during the ceremony in Washington, D.C.

"This year will mark 10 years since the tragic loss of Kayla Mueller, a beacon of selflessness and courage whose legacy continues to inspire Americans across the nation. Kayla’s parents, Carl and Marsha Mueller, have borne the unimaginable pain of losing their daughter and endured years of uncertainty surrounding her fate," Hamadeh told Fox News Digital. "Their strength and resilience are the foundation of Kayla’s extraordinary spirit."

A humanitarian worker from Arizona, Mueller was abducted by terrorists while leaving a Doctors Without Borders hospital in Aleppo, Syria, in 2013. She was held hostage for 18 months, when she was believed to be repeatedly tortured and raped by ISIS militants, including then-ISIS leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi. 

Mueller was killed in February 2015. 


Mueller’s parents, Carl and Marsha Mueller, have previously praised President-elect Trump for carrying out a military mission in 2019 that killed al-Baghdadi, and spoke at the 2020 Republican National Convention. 


"The Trump team gave us empathy we never received from the Obama administration. Kayla should be here. If Donald Trump had been president when Kayla was captive, she would be here today," Carl Mueller said. 

Hamadeh cited the Muellers’ 2020 RNC address in his comment to Fox Digital, reflecting on how the young woman’s mom read a letter her daughter wrote while imprisoned, which stated: "I have been shown in darkness light and have learned that even in prison, one can be free."

"What a powerful thing to write in the face of such horror. Kayla’s unshakable faith and inner strength were a reflection of the values instilled by her remarkable parents," Hamadeh said. 

"As I take the oath of office, I am profoundly honored to fulfill my promise to the Muellers and the American people by being sworn into Congress using Kayla’s family Bible. It serves as a testament to her unwavering belief in light over darkness and freedom over oppression," he continued. 

Hamadeh, 33, is an Army veteran and former Maricopa County prosecutor who won his election to represent Arizona's 8th Congressional District during the 2024 cycle. The Trump-backed candidate, who is the son of Syrian immigrants, joined Fox News Digital in November for his first interview since winning the election, where he celebrated the GOP's successes nationwide and previewed his top priorities. 


"I know election integrity is the top of my list as well, because without secure elections, we can't have a republic, and so I know that's going to be top priorities, election integrity, border security, as well as making sure we increase our energy independence, because that's going to help reduce inflation rather quickly once we start growing the economy," Hamadeh told Fox Digital at the time. 

"[Trump] does have a mandate from the American people," Hamadeh said. "The last time a Republican won the popular vote and Electoral College was 2004 with an incumbent president, President George W. Bush. You know, the last time it was a non-incumbent, I believe, was 1988 under George H.W. Bush. And he was still at least the VP at the time. So this was a historic mandate. And President Trump, I'm going to support him all the way in Congress and make sure that we're going to change our country around very quickly."

Hamadeh told Fox Digital that he will carry Kayla Mueller's legacy with him as he dives into his work in Congress

"Kayla’s memory calls on us to live with purpose and courage, and I will carry her legacy with me as I fight for the freedoms and values she so deeply cherished. I am eternally grateful to Carl and Marsha Mueller for entrusting me with this sacred honor and for their enduring faith in our country’s ability to uphold the principles Kayla embodied," he said. 

Hamadeh's swearing-in ceremony follows a tragic terrorist attack in New Orleans on New Year's Day that left at least 14 dead and dozens of others injured when a truck plowed through crowds of people on Bourbon Street. 

Authorities confirmed an ISIS flag was recovered in the suspect's car and reported that the individual was "inspired" by the terrorist organization, but believe he acted alone in carrying out the attack. 

Fox News Digital's Andrew Mark Miller contributed to this report. 

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