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Shoppers horrified by 2010s trend which is back on the high street – and even Molly-Mae has jumped on the bandwagon

IT’S the top most of us wore when going out clubbing – and the theme was apparently business casual.

Often spotted with sky-high stilettos, a pair of the notorious skinny jeans and a vibrant statement necklace, the viral peplum top had us all in a chokehold around 2010s.

The peplum top is officially back – and even mum-of-one Molly-Mae has jumped on the bandwagon
The Love Island star looked incredible for her NYE celebrations
Fashionistas have been left totally divided over the return of the top – so, will YOU be wearing it?

And fast-forward to 2025, it looks like the once-favourite wardrobe staple is making a comeback, with fashion icons, such as Molly-Mae Hague, also jumping on the bandwagon.

While its origins can be traced back to the ancient Greeks, the peplum wasn’t considered a high-fashion proposition until the 1940s.

The peplum’s most prominent fashion era was the 1980s, where it was widely worn with the skinniest of jeans.

Following this, the peplum soared in popularity again, in 2012, and was popping all over the runway during Fashion Week

Peplum is a frill, ruffle pleat or voluminous detail added to the waist of an item, which puffs or flares out.

Whether you’re ready or not, the business casual staple is now back, with numerous high street retailers, including H&M, offering their own take on the once-loved garment.

One fashion fans, Emma Fogarty, from Dublin, Ireland, spotted the top in a New Look store and took to TikTok to share the news – which have since left the internet users totally divided.

Showcasing the item, which came in both black and white for £21, Emma revealed that she couldn’t believe her eyes.

”You’re telling me that I have lived long enough to see the revival of the peplum top. Nahhhhh,” the mortified shopper wrote in the caption on the now-viral video.

Big divide

Hundreds of style lovers flooded to comments – and whilst some were happy to see the top making a comeback, others would not be racing to snap it up any time soon.

One declared: ”this top belongs with the skinny jean.”

Another chimed in: ”no, no. not again. not the peplum.”

”No one needs this again!” a third was horrified.

But there were also plenty of those who were delighted to see they could wear their ”favourite” top again and be trendy.

All the 90s trends that are making a comeback

WE might be in 2024, but fashion fans are looking to the past when it comes to new styles. So what trends from the 90s are making a comeback these days?

Claw clips

These hair accessories were a huge trend back in the 90s, but are now most popular among those trying out the “clean girl” aesthetic. Designers such as Prada have released their own versions, while there are thousands of colours and styles to choose from on the high street.

Platform flip flops

Again a popular choice among fashionistas in the 90s, these heels have made a comeback with designers such as Balenciaga trying their luck with their own styles.

Cargo pants

Once worn by the stars of All Saints, cargo pants became a popular trend for teens in the 90s. But they’ve now had a fashion overhaul, with stars such as Bella Hadid and Hailey Bieber all putting their own spin on the trend.

Jeans and a nice top

It was the phrase that defined fashion for a decade, and now famous faces such as Sofia Richie are sporting the reinvented trend – pairing their own denims with a more sophisticated top. But are you willing to dig your jeans and nice tops out of the wardrobe for a second time?

One fashionista said: ”I’m not even mad at it tbh I loved a peplum top back in the day and now want to hide my belly.”

Another added: ”I have patiently waited for this revival! New look were on top of their affordable peplum game.”

”Knew there was a reason I kept all my statement necklaces,” someone else chuckled.

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