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Man’s stage 3 bowel cancer revealed after he took acid reflux tablet 

A MAN’S life was saved after an acid reflux tablet helped reveal his hidden cancer.

Steven Wise, 71, had been battling painful acid reflux for a year when he was prescribed lansoprazole – a power heartburn medication dished out on the NHS.

Steven Wise with diagnosed with stage 3 bowel cancer (pictured with his wife, Maggie)
Steven, with his grandkids, Tommy and Ella at the football

But his body had a severe allergic reaction, sending him to the hospital where doctors made a lifesaving discovery.

“I hadn’t had any symptoms,” Steven, from Hampstead, London said.

“Without that scan, it would have gone to stage 4 and I would have almost certainly died.”

At the hospital, the grandad-of-seven was given an adrenaline shot, an endoscopy and a CT scan.

The scan revealed a 7cm mass in his bowel, diagnosed as stage 3 cancer.

Three weeks later, Steven had surgery to remove the tumour, and it was a success.

Bowel cancer is the fourth most common type of cancer in the UK.

Cancer Research UK estimates around 44,100 new cases are diagnosed each year.

While 94 per cent of cases are diagnosed in people like Steven who are over the age of 55, the disease can strike anyone at any age.

Around 60 per cent of people survive cancer, with early diagnosis being key.

“If it wasn’t for that tablet reaction, I’d never have known I had cancer – it’s given me a second chance to live life to the fullest,” he said.

Steven praised the medical team at Royal Free Hospital, who went above and beyond to ensure his comfort.

They even re-stitched him so he could avoid a stoma bag, a pouch attached to the stomach used to collect waste when the body is unable to.

“They were incredible,” he said.

‘Grateful to be here’

Although chemotherapy was part of his treatment, he had to stop due to side effects.

But his recovery was smooth, and he was recently given the all-clear after a colonoscopy.

Now in a five-year follow-up program, Steven is back to coaching tennis and football, and he’s “truly grateful to be here.”

“I’m out playing golf again and keeping busy with my grandchildren. Life is good.”

Bowel cancer screening is offered to everyone aged 54 to 74 every 2 years.

The NHS uses a test called a faecal immunochemical test (FIT) to look for blood in a sample of poo as this could be a sign of bowel cancer.

It will soon be available for everyone aged 50 to 74 years old, thanks to The Sun’s No Time 2 Lose campaign.

If you’re 75 or over, you can ask for a kit every two years by phoning the free bowel cancer screening helpline on 0800 707 60 60.

Steven, with his son and grandkids

The signs of bowel cancer you need to know - remember BOWEL

  1. B:Bleeding

There are several possible causes of bleeding from your bottom, of blood in your poo.

Bright red blood could come from swollen blood vessels, haemorrhoids or piles, in your back passage.

Dark red or black blood could come from your bowel or stomach.

Blood in your stools is one of the key signs of bowel cancer, so it’s important to mention it to your doctor so they can investigate.

2. O: Obvious change in loo habits

It’s important to tell your GP if you have noticed any changes in your bowel habits, that lasts three weeks or longer.

It’s especially important if you have also noticed signs of blood in your poo.

You might notice you need to go to the loo more often, you might have looser stools or feel like you’re not going enough or fully emptying your bowels.

Don’t be embarrassed, your GP will have heard a lot worse! Speak up and get it checked.

3. W: Weight loss

This is less common than the other symptoms, but an important one to be aware of. If you’ve lost weight and don’t really know why, it’s worth mentioning to your GP.

You may not feel like eating, feel sick, bloated and not hungry.

4. E: Extreme tiredness

Bowel cancer that causes bleeding can cause a lack of iron in the body – anaemia. If you develop anaemia you’re likely to feel tired and your skin might look pale.

5. L: Lump or pain

As with lots of other forms of cancer, a lump or pain can be a sign of bowel cancer.

It’s most likely you’ll notice a pain or lump in your stomach or back passage.

See your GP if it doesn’t go away, or if it affects how you eat or sleep

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