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Biden’s parting shot against struggling Americans


The oaf has struck again. This time Joe Biden has ordained there will be no use of offshore hydrocarbon resources taken from federal lands.

Americans just voted for a man who said he would expand energy resources, but Joe Biden cast the results of that election into the waters. Presumably he did so in pursuit of his defense of democracy?

Constant political prattling focuses upon the method of “transition” from hydrocarbon energy and intentionally creates a shortage of such fuels, driving up the cost of this energy and adversely altering the lives of low- and middle-income people. The master plan is to force people into government dependency.

A half-century ago Americans enjoyed abundant, and thus affordable, energy. That energy came from the use of hydrocarbon fuels, hydroelectric projects and nuclear power, All three energy sources have been under constant attack. We were told nuclear energy was too dangerous. Coal and oil were too dirty. Dams altered the natural beauty of the rivers, changed the landscape, inhibited migratory fish and violently inhibited Native American rights.

Hundreds of non-governmental, government-funded organizations for decades have filed thousands of lawsuits to delay, obstruct and shutter the energy resources critical to the continuation of the United States of America. Nightmare “environmental impact statement” processes guarantee any project, from home construction to the operation of a nuclear power plant, will be made financially impossible.

Government manipulation of the basic necessities of life in America, things such as energy, automobiles, housing, food supply and health care, is imprisoning people. Biden inflation has driven private credit card-debt up to $1.3 trillion, and interest rates on that debt from 18 to 30%. Multiple economic surveys have concluded the average American family does not have $1,000 cash saved for emergencies and will never free itself from credit-card slavery.

The nation is not in sound financial shape.

Living under such constrictions forces the population to turn to government for mandated relief. Instead of living the dream and being free, Americans are plunging into an existence dictated by agencies and bureaucrats.

So as Joe Biden leaves office and writes his rules to live by for the ages, he forces the incoming president to issue a series of executive orders repealing his predecessor’s executive orders, and the nation suffers collective whiplash from the resulting back and forth. All countries require a steady hand, a basic agreement about its foundations and the concepts of the future.

Just as cases for separation and masking and vaccination “to prevent the spread” of COVID were never made – dictates were just imposed – the same political forces have not made a case for climate change. Climate change is a fictional scenario that completely ignores the historical geographic record of Earth. The remedy offered by Biden and the left is government control of the means of production and rules constricting the use and consumption of a product central to contemporary society.

The only possible outcome from the climate change fad will be the imposition of social and economic calamity as governments manufacture threats and impose “executive orders” as solution. In this futuristic model, a legislative body really has no decisions to make on its own. It just gives its blessing to the rule-making authorities and clears its schedule for lunch and a subsequent evening fundraiser.

Americans just voiced their support for a man who promised, among many things, to develop the nation’s energy resources. Joe Biden and the Democratic Party, which prattled often about the people who do not agree with them being a threat to “democracy,” just tried to overturn an election.

Get the drift? If executive orders are to used to block or to replace elections, has not the doer of these deeds destroyed the democratic institutions of this nation in the process?!

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