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Los Angeles archbishop on fires: ‘We don’t know why these disasters happen’


As fires continue to burn through parts of Southern California, the Archdiocese of Los Angeles is offering its help to those affected by the fames.

At least ten people in the greater Los Angeles area have been killed in the fires, and nearly 200,000 people have been forced from their homes – however all of these numbers are expected to rise.

The Palisades Fire has burned through more than 19,900 acres and is only 6 percent contained while the Eaton Fire 13,600 acres and has zero containment, according to California state officials.

Officials also say the Kenneth fire has burned through 1000 acres and is 35 percent contained while the Lidia Fire has taken out 390 acres, but is 75 percent contained.

Other fires are hitting other parts of southern California.

Earlier this week, Archbishop José Gomez of Los Angeles has called for prayers for the victims of the fires.

“Please keep praying for all those suffering in the wildfires sweeping through Southern California,” Gomez said in a Jan. 8 statement. “My heart goes out to our neighbors who have lost their homes and livelihoods. Let’s pray for them and let’s pray for our firefighters and first responders.”

“May God keep all of our brothers and sisters safe and bring end to these fires!” he said.

With Gomez’ statement, the archdiocese announced that it was still in the process of assessing the damage and impact of the fires on Catholic parishes and schools, and will be sharing updates on its website, social media channels, and on Angelus News – the archdiocese’s multimedia news magazine.

Angelus News has already reported Corpus Christi Catholic Church in the Pacific Palisades has been destroyed by the fires, with only the frame of its structure remaining. There are also unverified reports that the parish’s school has been damaged, the outlet reported.

In his Mass on Thursday, Gomez noted the people are experiencing “difficult and challenging days for our city and county and our local Church.”

“As we pray, the wildfires keep burning around us and, as we know, the damage continues to be devastating. Thousands of our neighbors have lost everything: their homes and livelihoods, their parishes and schools, and their communities,” he said.

“We are reminded today how precious every life is, and how fragile. We are reminded also that we are brothers and sisters, that each of us — we all belong to the family in God,” the archbishop added.

“In times like this, we can be tempted to question God’s love for us, to wonder where he is while good people are suffering. Why does God let evil things happen? Why does he allow natural disasters like wildfires and hurricanes, and earthquakes and floods? There is no easy answer. But that doesn’t mean that there are no answers,” Gomez said.

He said Jesus told the faithful that there is not a sparrow that falls from the sky that God does not know about and care about.

“And then he reminds us: You are worth more than many sparrows. Brothers and sisters, you are loved by God, so much so that he gave his only Son for us. You are worth the price of God’s own Son. In times like this, we need to remember this beautiful truth,” the archbishop said.

“We don’t know why these disasters happen. But we do know that Our Father holds this world, and each of our lives, in his loving hands. And we do know that everything he does, he does out of love for us, and for our salvation. It is not an easy answer, but it is the truth,” he added.

“Because God has loved us first, we can love as we have been loved, and we can love as he has loved us,” he said.

“In this moment, God is calling each of us to be the instruments through which he shows his love and compassion and care to those who are suffering. We must be the ones who bring comfort to our neighbors in this time of disaster. And we must be the ones also who stand by their side and help them to rebuild and go forward with courage and faith and hope in God. Let us pray for them,” Gomez continued.

“Let us also pray for our firefighters and first responders. Let us feel first that love of God for each of us, then the call to love our brothers and sisters who are suffering in a very special way during this time,” he said.

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