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Where are noughties pop band allSTARS now 22 years after top 10 hits – from Hollyoaks to CBBC and quitting fame

ALLSTARS were a popular pop band that were active in the noughties.

Ashley Taylor Dawson, Rebecca Hunter, Sam Bloom, Sandi Lee Hughes and Thaila Zucchi made up the lineup.

AllSTARS had a string on top 10 hits when they were active in the noughties[/caption]
The group also starred in their own show on CITV that aired for two series[/caption]
Getty - Contributor
The venture launched Ashley Taylor Dawson who went onto star in Hollyoaks[/caption]

The band were best known for their TV show, STARStreet, which aired on CITV from 2001 to 2002.

The first series aired as part of SMTV Live which was presented by the likes of This Morning star Cat Deeley as well as Ant and Dec.

It showed the pop group living together in a fictional house where extraordinary events happened on a regular basis.

In 2002, their song The Land of Make Believe made the top 10 in the Official Single Charts, coming in at number nine.

They also reached the top 20 a number of times, most notably for their cover of ‘Is There Something I Should Know?’, which was originally performed by Duran Duran.

But who were the members and where are they now?

Ashley Taylor Dawson

The actor appeared in Strictly Come Dancing after playing Darren Osbourne in Hollyoaks from 1999[/caption]

Ashley, 42, is arguably one of the more famous names of the group due to his showbiz activity after the groups tenure in the charts.

He is best known for his appearances in the hit teen Channel 4 soap, Hollyoaks as Darren Osbourne.

The star has had a number of stints on the long-running show from 1999 and continues to star on the serial drama to the present day after a return in 2003.

2013 also saw Adam take part in the eleventh series of Strictly Come Dancing where he made it to the quarter-final where he was paired with Ola Jordan, 42.

Away from his showbiz life, he is a father of three children whom he shares with his long-term partner, Karen McKay.

Thaila Zucci

Thalia went onto appear in series eight of big Brother UK in 2007[/caption]

After AllSTARS split up in 2002, Thaila, 43, continued with her acting career.

She featured in shows such as The IT Crowd, Star Stories, Hotel Babylon and Hollyoaks later.

In 2007, she famously appeared in the eighth series of Big Brother in the UK.

She entered the house as an Australian housemate from the down under counterpart which ran at the same time.

The housemates saw the Australian diary room as ‘Pauline’ was invited to fly over and compete in the UK version of the show.

However, Davina McCall revealed that she was in fact an actor and her appearance was all part of the infamous ‘Fake Week’ twist.

Rebecca Hunter

Rebecca Hunter appeared as a presenter on Channel 4 before stepping back from fame[/caption]

Like some of her co-stars, Rebecca Hunter continued with her acting dream after the split.

She appeared in the Channel 5 series Family Affairs between 2003 and 2005.

In the show she played the role of Melanie Costello before going on to have a role in the TV movie, Sex, The City and Me.

In 2007 she played the lead role as Joy, before making a brief appearance as a presenter on Channel 4’s PopWorld.

That year she married her husband Ryan Smith and has since gone on to have two children.

Sam Bloom

Sam Bloom appeared in a number of productions after the his stint in the band[/caption]

Before he joined the group Sam had a small role in the BBC‘s adaptation of Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice.

He made his acting debut in 1994 playing the role of a young Wickham.

After the band’s success, he appeared in various panto productions of The Snow Queen and Aladdin between 2006 and 2008.

This was before he left the entertainment industry and moved into recruitment.

Sandi Lee Hughes

Sandi Lee-Hughes shares two kids with her former CBBC presenter husband[/caption]

Sandi Lee Hughes, 45, was one of the more recognisable singing voices from the group.

However she decided to step back from the limelight after the break-up in 2002.

The former singer married CBBC presenter Dominic Wood in 2005 and they share two sons named Tommy and Sam.

She has since all but vanished from the spotlight as she now focuses on her family and home life.

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