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Exact time major motorway used by 130,000 per day will close from TODAY – check full diversion routes

A MAJOR motorway is set to close from today with a handful of diversion routes put in place.

Drivers will be frustrated to discover that the M4 will be hit by multiple closures as a fresh batch of scheduled roadworks come into effect.

Drivers who use the M4 motorway will be dismayed to learn a set of closures are coming in over the next two weeks[/caption]
These closures, like this one pictured in 2021, are to maintain road signs, conduct surveys, as well as do electrical works, general maintenance, and structural inspections[/caption]
These delays and closures will begin later this evening and run until January 21[/caption]

Users of the popular route, which runs 189 miles from London to South Wales, terminating at Pont Abraham services in Carmarthenshire, have been warned to expect delays of up to 30 minutes at times over the next two weeks while works are carried out.

National Highways have said that a range of projects are being planned, many of which will see carriageways or lanes closed throughout January – starting from today from 8pm at junction 17.

These include maintenance of road signs, surveys, electrical works, general maintenance, and structural inspections.

Thankfully, most of these will take place overnight to avoid too much disruption to motorists.

However, delays can be expected between Chippenham and Swindon and Chippenham and Bath.

According to data from Highways England, the M4 – which first opened in stages over several years, with the first section opening in 1959 – carries over 130,000 vehicles every day.

Full list of closures on the M4 in the coming weeks

  • Between 8pm and 6am, January 13 to January 14, slight delays in both directions at junction 17 during lane closures for signs maintenance.
  • Between 8pm and 6am, January 14 to January 15, slight delays westbound between junction 17 and 18 during lane closures for signs maintenance.
  • Between 8pm and 6am, January 14 to January 15, slight delays westbound between junction 16 and 17 during lane closure for surveys.
  • Between 8pm and 6am, January 14 to January 15, slight delays westbound at junction 16 during lane closure for electrical works.
  • Between 8pm and 6am, January 15 to January 16, slight delays westbound between junction 17 and 18 during lane closures for signs maintenance.
  • Between 8pm and 6am, January 16 to January 17, slight delays both directions between junction 17 and 18 during lane closures for signs maintenance.
  • Between 8pm and 6am, January 16 to January 17, slight delays eastbound at junction 16 exit slip during lane closure for electrical works.
  • Between 9pm and 9am, January 17 to January 18, slight delays westbound, junction 17 to 18 during lane closures for carriageway repairs.
  • Between 8pm and 6am, January 20 to January 21, moderate delays westbound, junction 16 to 17 – carriageway closure for structure inspections. Diversion via B4005, A3102, A4, A420, A350 to join M4 at junction 17.

This comes as drivers across the country are bracing for a hefty tax hike that’s coming in a matter of months.

Vehicle Excise Duty, or VED, is rising in April and will heavily impact motorists who own petrol and diesel vehicles.

Indeed, first-year rates have doubled for buyers of many new models – a measure that will further widen the gap between fully electric and internal-combustion engines.

Van owners are set to be among the most affected by the new VED rates based on emissions.

Tom Banks of Go Compare, however, suggested there are some methods road users can employ to lessen the financial strain by April.

Firstly, perhaps the most straightforward way is simply by switching to a cleaner model to save money – although cutting back on costs elsewhere is another way around the price hikes.

Tom said: “If you can’t buy a suitable hybrid or electric van, you could opt for a ‘nearly new’ one instead.

“This allows you to enjoy a vehicle that’s virtually as good as new without breaking the bank and means you can dodge the increased tax.

“Failing this, see if there are any other ways you can reduce your motoring expenses to counteract the higher tax.

“Comparing van insurance policies might help you find a provider offering the same amount of protection for less, and finding new ways to maximise your fuel economy could help to cut costs further.”

Elsewhere, a hugely popular brand has slashed the price of two models by thousands after a drop in sales last year.

The Fiat 600e Crossover and its Abarth 500e Hot Hatch stablemate are now going for a bargain price.

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