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Nottingham Forest 1 Liverpool 1: Slot’s super-subs combine 22 SECONDS after coming on to equalise but Arsenal get boost

ARNE SLOT will never make a better substitution in his career.

Nottingham Forest were rolling with the punches and hanging on comfortably to their slender lead, following Chris Wood’s early opener.

Diogo Jota levelled for Liverpool[/caption]

For the first time this season, Liverpool’s title charge looked on the verge of being derailed as Forest appeared to be on course to dish out a second defeat to the Dutchman.

But it’s when the chips are down the great bosses earn their lolly – and some go on to become legends.

That’s when Slot turned to his bench and sent on Kostas Tsimikas and Diogo Jota for Ibrahima Konate and Andy Robertson.

But even he couldn’t have imagined the instant impact his changes would make.

Because 22 SECONDS later Liverpool were celebrating one of great turnarounds of the Dutchman’s career as Tsimikas delivered a corner from the right with his first touch.

And Jota stole between Murillo and Chris Wood to head past Matz Sels to score a sensational leveller with his first touch to maintain Liverpool’s stranglehold at the top of the table.

Seconds earlier Jota had hugged with his old boss Nuno Espirito Santo on the sideline – yet Nuno must have known better than anyone what the little striker was capable of.

Jota has now scored seven goals in his last seen games against Forest and he could have had a hat-trick if he wasn’t denied by two stunning Sels stops.


Suddenly Liverpool looked like champions and Mo Salah cursed his luck twice as Sels defied him with a stunning save before Ola Aina cleared another netbound effort off the line.

In the end a share of the points will please both sides after Chris Wood picked the ideal time to score his first ever career goal against Liverpool after eight minutes.

For a while it looked as if the 33-year-old hitman had blown the title race wide open – until Slot played his jokers!

The City Ground seemed to have turned the clock back to the heady days of the 70’s and 80’s when this pair regularly battled it out for all the major prizes.

Forest were in their traditional red, white and red Adidas kit – Liverpool, as they used to be in yesteryear, white-shirted with black shorts.

Then, just before kick-off, the hairs on the back of your neck rose as Forest fans belted out their anthem Mull of Kintyre as the City Ground cranked the volume up to 11!

Yet it was Liverpool who found their feet first as they pinned the home side back from the first whistle.

Cody Gakpo was first to let fly with an ambitious attempt which sailed high and wide.

Then Ryan Gravenberch sliced a similarly ambitious effort high into the Trent End.

When the Dutch midfielder worked a one-two with Mo Salah to carve Forest open, only to fire over again, Arne Slot couldn’t hide his frustration and spun round in his technical area.

Chris Wood opened the scoring[/caption]
His fine form continued[/caption]

Yet things were about to get a lot more complicated for the Dutchman when Forest did what they’ve been doing all season.

Soak up pressure – then ruthlessly spring out of defence like a coil – to score on the break!

Ironically, it was Liverpool’s best player this season, Salah, who was the sinner on this occasion.

He cheaply surrendered possession near the halfway line, but what happened next was pure Forest 2025-style!

Callum Hudso-Odoi pounced on the ball and pinged a pass through the lines to Anthony Elanga.

The former Manchester United winger took two touches, one to set himself up, the next a sublime diagonal ball into Chris Wood’s path.

The big Kiwi had expertly pulled off Virgil van Dijk’s shoulder to create a few yards of space for himself and he put it to good use, expertly clipping the ball left-footed beyond Alisson to find the far corner. 

One attack …. 1-0 to Forest. Where have we heard that before under Nuno?

Jota got Liverpool back on level terms[/caption]
He had only just come off the bench[/caption]

The City Ground exploded in a frenzy of red and white as Forest fans danced in delight.

It was Wood’s third goal on the spin for Forest as he took his goal tally up to 13 for the season.

Significantly, it was his first ever career goal against Liverpool …. at the ripe old age of 33.

But judging by his celebration he appeared to think it was worth the wait!

Forest were soon back on the front foot when they lost possession cheaply again and Murillo drove forward before letting fly with a long range rocket which flew just wide.

Liverpool were rocking and so was the City Ground as the home crowd lapped up the action. 

Wood’s goal was enough for Forest to temporarily leapfrog Arsenal, into second place in the Prem – a mere three points behind leaders Liverpool.

The burning question was could they stay there?

Liverpool’s composure had gone and even Van Dijk seemed affected as he clattered an attempted clearance off Elliott Anderson.

The ball ricocheted across the face of his own goal past Alisson but fortunately Andy Robertson was on hand to shepherd the ball out for a throw-in as Elanga threatened to pounce.

Forest were like a big lad teasing his little brother – holding Liverpool at arm’s length – watching them take swings without making contact as a string of long-range shots flew by.

Luis Diaz was the latest to take a pot shot which failed to trouble Matz Sels, then Dominik Szoboszlai headed a Gakpo cross off Neco Williams as Forest continued to defend deep and in numbers.

Liverpool’s growing angst was summed up when Trent Alexander-Arnold sent Diaz sprinting forward with Gakpo to his right to create a 2v1 situation.

But it was Forest’s lone defender Murillo who read Diaz’s intent perfectly to intercept the striker’s pass and come away with the ball to roars of appreciation.

Match Stats

By half-time Liverpool had enjoyed 70% of possession and managed nine shots – but not one of them was on target.

Forest picked up a pair of bookings either side of the break. 

Morgan Gibbs-White for urging ref Chris Kavanagh to book Szoboszlai for fouling him – then Ryan Yates joined him for grabbing Diaz.

Slot must have feared his side were on course to suffer their second defeat of the season at Forest’s hands.

Especially as Murillo was at his magnificent best – attracting the ball like a human magnet – rampaging up the park to win tackles and generally rattle the Reds.

But then Slot turned to his bench and hit the jackpot.

Arne Slot performed a masterclass with his subs[/caption]

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