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The exact temperature you should set your home to ward off dementia in later life & 9 other ways to reduce your risk

WHILE energy bills have risen this January, many people have been keeping their heating low this winter

However, new research suggests this money-saving method could be putting their brain at risk.

Setting your home at the right temperature may help reduce the likelihood of developing dementia later in life
In colder homes, the body works harder to maintain warmth, causing blood vessels to constrict, which reduces blood flow to the brain

Scientists from Harvard found that setting your home at the right temperature may help reduce the likelihood of developing dementia later in life.

The US study, which tracked adults aged 65 and older for a year, found that the optimal temperature for brain health is between 20°C and 24°C (68°F to 75°F).

Those living in homes within this range were less likely to report difficulties with concentration compared to those in colder or warmer living situations.

Just a small shift in temperature – around 4°C – was enough to double the likelihood of attention problems.

Dr Amir Baniassadi, a brain health expert and lead author of the study, said: “Our findings show how environmental factors, like indoor temperature, can have a major impact on cognitive health, particularly in older adults.

“With global temperatures rising, ensuring access to climate-controlled environments is crucial to protect brain health.”

In colder homes, the body has to work harder to stay warm, causing blood vessels to constrict, which reduces blood flow to the brain. This can increase the risk of dementia.

On the other hand, excessive heat can lead to dehydration and disrupt sleep, both of which have been linked to cognitive decline.

The study’s findings, published in The Journals of Gerontology Series A in December, are even more pressing given the challenges posed by climate change and the rising cost of living.

Many older adults may already be living in environments where temperatures could negatively impact their cognitive health.

Meanwhile, the current financial strain may make it harder for them to afford heating or cooling.

The energy price cap rose in January, bringing the cost of a typical annual bill to £1,738 – £21 a year more than from October to December.

Bills had already become more expensive from October, up 10 per cent a year – or £12 per month.

Ensuring everyone has access to a comfortable, temperature-controlled home will be crucial for safeguarding cognitive well-being

Dr Amir BaniassadiHarvard Medical School

While the research is observational and doesn’t prove a direct cause-and-effect relationship, it adds to growing evidence suggesting that the right temperature is important for maintaining brain health.

About a million Brits have dementia and the disease is on the rise as more of us live to very old age.

With around half of all dementia cases believed to be preventable, keeping our homes at the right temperature could be one of the easiest ways to protect cognitive function as we get older.

For the study, researchers from Harvard’s Hinda and Arthur Marcus Institute for Aging Research tracked 47 adults in Boston over a year.

The 9 best things you can do in January to slash your risk of dementia

MAYBE you've promised yourself you'll hit the gym five days a week and you've already skipped several sessions.

Or perhaps your goal is to stop snacking on biscuits but you’ve polished off two packets of Bourbons in the last few days alone.

Here, brain experts reveal the top things you can do this January to stay sharp.

1. Get moving

2. Be a social butterfly

3. Take a nap

4. Unplug

5. Tip the scales

6. Eat the rainbow

7. Pick a hobby

8. Less screentime

9. Get tested

To find out more about each tip, read the full story here.

Each participant had a sensor installed in the room they spent the most time in, to monitor the temperature.

They also filled out weekly questionnaires on their concentration levels.

The participants were, on average, 79 years old, with 80 per cent of them being women, who are more likely to develop dementia.

Starting in October 2021 and finishing in March 2023, the study reinforced previous findings that older adults sleep best – a key factor in reducing dementia risk – when temperatures are between 20°C and 25°C.

“This research highlights the need for public health interventions and housing policies that prioritise climate resilience for older adults,” Dr Baniassadi said.

“As global temperatures continue to rise, ensuring everyone has access to a comfortable, temperature-controlled home will be crucial for safeguarding cognitive well-being.”

Things you can do to slash your risk of dementia

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