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‘I’m gonna hit ‘Change’’: Shopper reveals Target app hack to buy products at cheaper prices

Target shoppers in big cities are getting hosed. Aud (@audaciouslyaud) shared a way to stop that from happening. And all it takes is a few clicks on Target's website or mobile application to prevent that from happening.

In a TikTok that's accrued over 217,000 views, she explains that different Targets sell the same items for different prices.

But there's a way around that.

Location trick

Aud begins her clip by replying to a comment made by another user on the app that asked how the pricing maneuver works. "How does the shopping at a local Target work?!?!" they asked.

Aud replies to the user's query. "TLDR if you didn't watch the first video," she says. "If you live in an expensive city, you can change your location on the Target app. And then shop cheaper prices but still pick it up at your local Target."

On many occasions, Target stores across the country will offer the same items. According to Aud, however, the prices of these offerings vary by region. Here's how the "hack" works. In the Target app, or on the store's website, you set your location to the zip code of a more affordable Target location. In her clip, Aud chose Roanoke, Virginia.

Next, do your shopping as you normally would with any online order. Aud chooses a Cerave face wash that would normally cost her $19.69 at her Upper West Side location in New York City. However, with the Roanoke zip code, it comes up to $15.49. ("That's a $4 difference.")

Savings, savings, savings

Then you set your pickup location at a Target store that's closer to you. Aud shows how in her recording.

"So here, when it says pick up you wanna change your store back to whatever your local store is," she shares.

Aud then proceeds to do that. While the pickup location for the product changes, the price does not. "So I changed that pick-up location from Roanoke, to, Upper West Side. And it now shows up in my cart as order pickup for Upper West Side for $15," she explains.

The savvy shopper also adds that this method works for orders you have shipped, too. "Hope this helps save some money. It also works for shipping if you need to just get it shipped to your address," she concludes.

Varying grocery store prices

According to Delish, depending on which state you live in, the cost of groceries per week can vary greatly. Hawaii, Alaska, California, Nevada, and Mississippi sport some of the highest weekly bills for consumers. If shoppers who live in these states use Target as their primary supermarket, this hack could help them save a lot of dough.

For instance, Hawaiians spend an average of $333.88 on food each week. In Wisconsin, it's about 1/3rd that price at $221.46. So if you're living and loving the island life, but aren't loving Target's prices, you may want to check Wisconsin zip codes.

Other folks have written about this Target "hack" as well. Jerry Galvin posted a Medium article about the price finagling protocol, too. In his piece, he detailed that he was able to get Naperville, Illinois Target store pricing in Manhattan. However, he does specify that folks will need a login to pull this hack off. So if you want to be able to switch around your base location and pick up somewhere else, key in those credentials. Or, sign up for an account if you don't already have one.

The hack also appears to have resonated with other New York City dwellers, hit with the "Manhattan Tax" on goods and services. Due to the high cost of rent and leasing, businesses will jack up the prices of products that are otherwise more affordable elsewhere. Redditors discussed this hack in a post uploaded to the r/NYC sub. It details similar steps presented in Aud's video and Galvin's Medium piece.

Price match

Commenters who replied to the TikTok mentioned that Target stores will match the prices of other locations. According to this user, you'll have to do it at the checkout counter, though.

Furthermore, they shared some of the Target locations they say are some of the most affordable in the country. "They also price match at the counter. Cheapest cities: Bristol, VA and Manhattan, KS and Columbus, OH."

Indeed, Target indicates that it offers a "price match guarantee" for identical items. This includes its brand name, size, weight, color, quantity, and model number. Moreover, the store does indicate that it reserves the right to verify the existence of said homogeneous offerings. If a Target rep cannot find the item offered at a lower price, then it can decline the price match request.

Additionally, Target writes that the price match extends to, Amazon, Walmart, or a Target Circle Deals advertised price.

@audaciouslyaud Replying to @Silviana A how to get lower target prices when you live in an expensive city! #targethacks #advicewithaud #early20s #savemoney ♬ original sound - aud !

Another user who replied to Aud's post thought that despite the Manhattan tax in question, the difference between the cost in items was egregious: "The price difference is criminal."

While someone else appreciated the tip from Aud, calling it "game-changing."

The Daily Dot has reached out to Target via email and Aud via TikTok comment.

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The post ‘I’m gonna hit ‘Change’’: Shopper reveals Target app hack to buy products at cheaper prices appeared first on The Daily Dot.

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