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Diddy ordered me to have sex to ‘prove loyalty to my king’ at notorious Freak Off party, claims ex-assistant

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    SEAN ‘Diddy’ Combs’ ex-assistant has revealed the rap mogul once allegedly ordered him to have sex with a girl to prove his loyalty to his “king”.

    Phillip Pines fought back tears in a shocking documentary around Combs as he claimed to remember being pressured by his boss at a notorious “Freak Off” party.

    Sean ‘Diddy’ Combs’ ex-assistant has revealed the rap mogul once allegedly ordered him to have sex with a girl to prove his loyalty to his ‘king’[/caption]
    Phillip Pines recalled his alleged harrowing experiences with Combs in a shocking documentary[/caption]
    The disgraced rapper in court last year[/caption]

    Pines has accused the disgraced hip-hop icon of sexual battery, sexual harassment and other claims in a lawsuit.

    Combs, who is currently in jail awaiting trial on sex trafficking and racketeering charges, denies all of the allegations against him.

    Pines spoke out against Combs in a gut wrenching documentary titled “The Fall of Diddy“.

    He claimed the 55-year-old US rapper once invited him to a lavish party and handed him several alcoholic shots throughout the night.

    After a number of drinks, Pines then alleged Combs started to act in a chilling manner and ordered him to prove his loyalty.

    Combs massaged his shoulders in a way Pines recalls being like a “coach would give a player” before a match.

    Diddy then allegedly gave Pines a condom and told him to have sex with a woman sitting at a couch at the party, the ex-assistant claimed.

    Pines also accused Combs of giving him a chilling warning moments before pushing him towards the woman.

    He said: “I remember hearing the words ‘prove your loyalty to me, (your) king’.”

    An emotional Pines told Investigation Discovery he reluctantly “performed” for Combs due to the rapper seeing loyalty as a key trait for his friends and colleagues.

    Diddy gave signal he was having sex with underage girls, ex-insider reveals
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      He was also worried about the consequences of saying no to his boss after claiming to have seen Combs becoming “angry” at others who upset him, Pines said in the doc.

      Pines continued: “I froze before it took place, I didn’t know what was happening. In the moment it felt like what, is this fun for him?

      “Is this a test for entertainment, does he know he’s doing this? Is he that gone?

      “I didn’t know what to do.”

      The sexual acts were consensual, Pines confirmed.

      The assistant later said he managed to flee from the room when Diddy wasn’t looking and escape the party.

      Pines recalls staying quiet over his alleged harrowing experience for so long as he feared a “bomb would explode” if he ever spoke about it.

      He added: “My life changed and I’ve never really recovered from it.”

      The allegation forms part of Pines’ wider lawsuit against Combs which he filed back in December.

      Pines says he worked for Combs between 2019 to 2021 and claimed his duties often included enabling Combs’ alleged sexual acts.

      The Sun has reached out to Combs’ representatives for comment.

      Others who used to work for or with Combs in the past have made similar accusations.

      In February 2024, Rodney “Lil Rod” Jones, a producer who worked with Combs, sued the rapper for allegedly sexually harassing and drugging him from September 2023 to November 2023.

      In May 2024, model Crystal McKinney accused Combs of assaulting her after they met at a Men’s Fashion Week event in 2003.

      In December, a former staffer who worked for the rapper accused their ex-boss of holding “Wild King Nights,” which was an even darker version of his sick freak-offs.

      Recent lawsuits against Sean 'Diddy' Combs

      SEAN Combs was hit with a wave of lawsuits in late 2023 and 2024 with allegations of sex trafficking and sexual assault. He has denied all claims against him.

      • November 17, 2023: Cassie, Combs’ longtime girlfriend, sued him, claiming she endured “a cycle of abuse, violence, and sex trafficking” until their relationship ended in 2018. Combs and Cassie settled the suit the day after it was filed.
      • Combs was hit with two more lawsuits a week after he settled with Cassie.
      • November 23, 2023: Joi Dickerson accused Combs of drugging and raping her and filming the attack when she was a 19-year-old college student in January 1991.
      • November 24, 2023: A second unidentified accuser in a separate lawsuit claimed that Combs and another man sexually assaulted her and a friend in 1990 or 1991, then showed up at her apartment and beat her several days later.
      • December 6, 2023: Combs was sued again by an unidentified woman who claimed he and two men gang-raped her in 2003 when she was 17 years old.
      • February 26, 2024: Rodney ‘Lil Rod’ Jones, who helped produce Combs’ most recent album, claimed that the mogul sexually harassed, drugged, and threatened him from September 2022 to November 2023 as they worked together.
      • May 21, 2024: Model Crystal McKinney accused Combs of sexually assaulting her after meeting at a Men’s Fashion Week event in New York City in 2003. McKinney claims she was drinking alcohol and smoking weed with Combs and several of his colleagues when she took a hit off a joint that she claims was laced with another drug. McKinney claims she felt woozy, and Combs ordered her to the bathroom, where he allegedly forced her to perform oral sex on him.
      • May 23, 2024: April Lampros, 51, claimed in her lawsuit that she met Sean Combs in New York City in 1994 while attending the Fashion Institute of Technology. Combs is accused of drugging and raping Lampros in a hotel after promising to help mentor her in the fashion industry.
      • July 3, 2024: Adria English, an ex-porn star who went by Omunique, accused Combs of grooming her into sex trafficking in the early 2000s, according to TMZ.
      • September 24, 2024: Thalia Graves sued Combs, alleging he and his former bodyguard, Joseph Sherman, violently raped her at the Bad Boy Records studio in New York City in 2001. Graves, who was 25 at the time, said Combs offered her a glass of wine, which made her feel “lightheaded, dizzy, and physically weak” before losing consciousness. Graves alleged when she awoke, she found herself tied up and restrained while Combs and Sherman raped her.

      Combs has denied all three accusations.

      The disgraced music mogul is currently in a New York City jail cell as he awaits trial for a range of charges.

      Many of them stem from his alleged sex parties, called freak-offs, where he took pictures and videos of high-profile guests engaging in perverse activities as blackmail, prosecutors say.

      But despite the growing list of allegations, Combs’ team says they’re ready to prove his innocence in court.

      “No matter how many lawsuits are filed, it won’t change the fact that Mr. Combs has never sexually assaulted or sex trafficked anyone — man or woman, adult or minor,” his team told TMZ.

      “We live in a world where anyone can file a lawsuit for any reason.

      “Fortunately, a fair and impartial judicial process exists to find the truth, and Mr. Combs is confident he will prevail in court.”

      What happened during Sean Combs' 'freak offs'?

      SEAN Combs' infamous drug-fueled freak offs, first revealed by his ex-girlfriend Cassie Ventura's lawsuit in November 2023, have become a central narrative of the indictment, which alleges:

      • The music mogul “manipulated women to participate in highly orchestrated performances of sexual activity with male commercial sex workers.”
      • Freak offs “occurred regularly, sometimes lasted multiple days, and often involved multiple commercial sex workers.”
      • Combs “distributed a variety of controlled substances to victims, in part to keep the victims obedient and compliant.”
      • He and the victims “typically received IV fluids to recover from the physical exertion and drug use” after the freak offs.
      • Cops “seized various Freak Off supplies, including narcotics and more than 1,000 bottles of baby oil and lubricant” from his homes in Los Angeles and Miami.
      • Combs “hit, kicked, threw objects at, and dragged victims, at times, by their hair,” during and separate from the freak offs, which “often resulted in injuries that took days or weeks to heal.”
      • He also used the “sensitive, embarrassing, and incriminating recordings” that he made during freak offs as “collateral to ensure the continued obedience and silence of the victims.”
      The embattled rapper is fighting a raft of lawsuits alongside federal charges[/caption]
      Combs was allegedly hosting a ‘Freak Off’ party at the time of Pines’ accusations[/caption]

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