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How to apply foundation to mature skin to banish wrinkles – never do it before concealer, warns make-up artist

A MAKE-UP artist shared her top tips for applying foundation to mature skin.

She explained that anyone over 35 should make small tweaks to their beauty routine to maintain a youthful glow.

TikTok user Shira showed her followers her foundation tips for flattering mature skin
TikTok @simply.shira

In her viral video, TikTok user Shira (@simply.shira) demonstrated her techniques as she applied her make-up.

The pro, who has 15 years of experience, explained that she specialises in helping older women with their beauty routines.

First, she recommended exfoliating the skin with pads to get rid of dead cells.

She blamed these for “making everything look cakey and preventing skin from breathing properly”.

Shira also applied moisturiser to give her skin a hydration boost before she began her make-up.

“I highly recommend starting your routine off with a concealer if you’re over 35,” she told her followers.

“This way I’m correcting any problem areas so when I do go in with foundation I’m not going in with full mask.”

She explained that thicker layeres of foundation have more of an opportunity to move, crease, and shift throughout the day.

This eventually causes the products to settle into fine lines and wrinkles.

By applying your concealer first, you are giving yourself better coverage with less product.

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Next, she recommended using a loose powder as foundation powder “adds to cakey-ness and dries out skin”.

She demonstrated how to lift the powder onto your sponge and pat it into place, focusing on any oily areas.

According to the expert, you should carry your powder and sponge with you to reset during the day.

Next, she applied bronzer, which she recommended blending out with an angled brush to focus on specific areas.

Shira also advised her followers to lift their bronzer brush upwards when blending so as to give the face a lifted look.

Top beauty trends for 2025

Hayley Walker, Beauty Expert at Justmylook spoke exclusively to Fabulous about the big beauty trends for 2025.


Hair gloss treatments are a must-have as beauty enthusiasts love the salon-quality shine and enhanced colour delivered by the trending treatment. 

Hair glosses are multifunctional as they nourish the hair while offering a vibrant, healthy-looking finish, combining 2025’s core trends. This treatment is perfect for those seeking an affordable, at-home glow-up. 

2025 will focus on skin repairing and texture-enhancing treatments. 


Rejuran treatment, a celebrity-endorsed procedure, will see a rise in demand this year as many seek to enhance the skin’s appearance. The procedure entails injecting polynucleotides derived from salmon DNA to enhance skin texture and elasticity. “Rejuvenation is expected to dominate 2025 skincare trends as many seek to a achieve flawless, youthful complexion. 

Skincare routines will also include back-to-basic products for a simplified routine. 

Ginseng cleansing oil and panthenol cream are among the trending products for 2025. The cleansing oil is excellent for dissolving makeup and impurities without clogging pores and is enriched with nourishing properties to leave the skin feeling and looking refreshed and radiant. 


Makeup trends will follow suit to achieve youthful and radiant looks. Under-eye brighteners will be sought-after products for delivering coverage while enhancing natural radiance. This beauty tool will complement natural beauty while improving and brightening dull skin. 

Makeup looks will be bigger and bolder in 2025 with cluster lashes expected to surge this year. These lashes bring the glam to glamorous looks as they deliver dramatic volume to enhance everyday or special occasion looks. 

Peel-off lip stains circulated the beauty industry in 2024 and are expected to dominate in 2025. The growing popularity of this product is due to its ability to provide long-lasting, transfer-proof colour to lips, enhancing a natural aesthetic. Additionally, cherry-coded aesthetics are expected to be everywhere this year as the deep, rich hue can be achieved using peel-off lip stains or bold lip looks for a dramatic effect. 


2025 will be another year of countless, show-stopping nail trends. Goddess Nails and Aura Nails deserve an honourable mention as these designs channel an ethereal, celestial aesthetic for bold, self-expressing nails.

After adding a small amount of blush to her upper cheeks and nose, the make-up artist showed her audience her “fresh, happy, hydrated” face.

TikTok users shared their thoughts on the technique in the comments section.

“My skin feels and looks so much better since I’ve start using exfoliating pad! It’s day and night,” wrote one viewer.

“I can’t thank you enough for this!” said another follower.

“Thank you so much for all your information. I will try this method. My skin is very dry,” commented a third person.

Shira advised her audience to apply their concealer before their foundation for less cakey coverage
TikTok @simply.shira

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