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Toronto falls to Portland in a “game of runs”

Photo by Cameron Browne/NBAE via Getty Images

Despite both teams managing impressive scoring runs, Portland held on to win as the Raptors continue on the road

The Toronto Raptors completed the second leg of their road trip tonight in Portland, facing a Trail Blazers team they haven’t seen yet this season. In a game that showcased athleticism and pace from both teams, it was the perfect example of the commonly heard phrase “a game of runs”. With both teams taking turns with double-digit, unanswered scoring runs, it was difficult for either fan base to develop any sense of security in a lead as they were so quickly diminished. Ultimately, Portland was able to hold out for the final run, besting Toronto 105-102.

For the Raptors, this is a unique season, with a combination of opportunities for the bench to contribute, but also a sense of freeness and opportunities for whatever starters are on the floor. Watching Poeltl pull a 3-pointer, go coast-to-coast for a slam, and dribble in from the wing for a push shot from the elbow isn’t something we’re used to seeing on a nightly basis. Scottie is also showing a lot less hesitation and more aggression to take shots with zero consequence. It’s a secondary but equally as satisfying benefit to watching them this year.

With the return of Ochai to the lineup, Toronto’s energy on defence was even more evident. The combination of him and Shead seemed nightmarish at times, drawing fouls and generating steals while helping contribute offensively. Ochai finished with 19-3-2 while Shead had 10-2-6. Scottie’s aggression and ability to play with force in this game helped set the tone as well, finishing with 16-6-6 with 6 steals.

In the midst of their own rebuild, the Blazers have a unique mix of athleticism and talent but are simultaneously plagued with limited experience that becomes evident in their turnovers and shot selection. Their defence was aggressive throughout the matchup, making shots difficult and creating opportunities to make their way back into the game. Shaeden Sharpe continues to impress for the Blazers, a welcome sight for Basketball Canada as well. He finished the game with 17 points and 4 rebounds. Rookie Donovan Clingan’s presence was significant as well, with his large frame acting as a deterrent more than anything else, although he was able to pull in 14 rebounds and register 3 blocks as well. Simons, Avdija, and Camara all came up big for Portland as well, with 22, 19, and 21, respectively.

In the first quarter, Poeltl opened up scoring for Toronto with a corner 3-pointer. I don’t think any betting person would have put money on that, but the bench was on their feet to celebrate. It seemed to set the tone for the first quarter, with Toronto going 5 for 5 on shots to open the frame. In transition, Shead had a textbook lob to Ochai for a slam, and after taking a 22-6 lead, it felt like this was Toronto’s game. Portland seemed to take that personally, and slowly came into their own. It started to feel like we were watching a completely different team from the opening minutes of this game. They battled back, and Toronto’s lead was cut to 9.

Dalano Banton made a brief appearance to start the second, but despite how Raptors’ fans probably would have liked to see him more, he checked out after only 4 minutes with an empty stat sheet. Toronto gradually dialed up their defensive intensity and aggression to match the Blazers’, but an offensive spurt of 3-pointers from Simons, Camara, and Avdija allowed them to pull even with the Raps, tied 52-52 on the way into the locker room.

During the third quarter, Toronto took back the game. Scottie, Poeltl, Shead, and Agbaji returned to the floor, sparking a 13-0 run that recovered their lead. Shead and Ochai helped set the tone for defensive intensity, and as soon as they left the floor, bad habits crept in, allowing Portland a run of their own.

The final frame ended the precarious back-and-forth feeling of the first three quarters of the game, as the home crowd helped the Blazers build confidence, intensity, and a lead. Toronto continued to ride with their bench in the final minutes, with Lawson, Robinson, Battle, Castleton, and Agbaji running out the clock. A phenomenal 3-pointer by Battle made it a single point game, but Avdija converted his free throws and 5 seconds were not enough for the Raps to recover the lead. Robinson tried to cash a three in the final moments, but Thybulle was able to block the attempt, sending everyone home for the night.

Next, Toronto will travel to Phoenix tomorrow to face the Suns. Despite heading to the Valley with a loss, this is a win for the tank crowd.

Tune in tomorrow at 10pm ET on TSN to catch the action.

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