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March Madness TV setups for the ultimate viewing experience

Watching March Madness games is one of the highlights of basketball season, but if you don’t have a great TV setup, you’re not truly experiencing the games as much as you could. A better setup for March Madness means you can watch the games more clearly and hear everything the coaches, fans, players and refs are yelling.

A new TV with crystal-clear picture and sound is a must. Or, you can upgrade the TV you currently have with a new soundbar system and a streaming device like Roku Sticks, Apple TV or an Amazon Fire Stick. A wall-mount for your TV also makes your viewing experience much more enjoyable for all your friends and family watching the games with you. 

Don’t miss a single second of March Madness, you get unlimited access with a Hulu or Paramount+ subscription. Max is also streaming all the March Madness games. 

The perfect TV setup for March Madness starts with the right TV. If you’ve been dying for an upgrade, now is as good a time as any upgrade. These smart TVs have everything you need to make your March Madness party even better.


You want a high-definition TV when you’re watching sports so you can catch every moment of the action. The Hisense 65-inch Class A6 series has 4K Ultra high-definition and Dolby Vision that creates the ideal viewing experience for sports fans.

In sports mode, the TV automatically adjusts to optimize content. The color is brighter and motion is smoother in sports mode. Google TV is also built in, so you access all your streaming and cable channels in one place.

If you’re an Amazon Prime member, you can get many of these items sent to your door ASAP. You can join or start a 30-day free trial to start your shopping today.

Original price: $899.99

A Roku Smart TV includes a built-in streaming experience paired with a bright 4K picture. Thanks to the Dolby Vision IQ, sports, TV and games all pop off the screen, making you feel like you’re in the middle of the action. This TV is powered by AI, so it’ll automatically adjust the color and sharpness as you switch to different channels and platforms.

Original price: $1,299.99

Sony TVs are powerful TVs with realistic pictures and movie-theater-quality sound. The Sony 65-inch TV doesn’t disappoint. You get a lifelike picture, so you’ll feel like you’re sitting in the stands watching your favorite March Madness teams. Google is built in, so you can ask Google Assistant to play shows and switch between streaming apps.

Original price: $1,697.99

The Samsung 65-inch S90D series TV has a pixel-packed screen complete with real depth enhancer that makes anything you're watching look extremely lifelike. It has built-in Dolby Atmos, giving you surround sound directly from your TV. 

Original price: $1,797.60

Get a high-quality Sony BRAVIA 7 TV when you want an ultra-clear picture that turns sporting events into live sporting events. The motion clarity will make it feel like you're on the court. The 65-inch TV works with Google Assistant and comes with a voice remote control, so no more typing out what you're looking for. 

Original price: $2,799.99

For a serious upgrade, the Sony QD-OLED 55-inch TV is the one to pick. It has a lifelike picture that makes all colors stand out, replicating how you see the real world. This premium smart TV has Google TV built in, so all you need to do is use your voice to search for your favorite shows, sports channels and movies. 

Soundbars elevate your TV’s sound, turning your living room into a movie theater. You can find compact soundbars you can tuck under your TV, or go all-out with a surround sound system.

Original price: $129.99

Sony’s S100F soundbar is a high-quality speaker with a bass reflex speaker for crystal-clear sound. The slim design means you can put it anywhere in your living room, including mounted on the wall. Just connect the soundbar with an HDMI cord and seamlessly connect via Bluetooth for a better TV sound.

Original price: $499

You can experience surround sound with a Sonos Beam smart sound bar. The bar has Dolby Atmos built-in that delivers clear dialogue and vibrant bass, no matter what you’re watching. You can connect via Bluetooth with the Sonos app.

Original price: $99.99

The ULTIMA sound bar has five full-range drivers that create an immersive sound experience. The speakers also light up, and you can adjust the lighting to your mood or situation, which adds to the immersive experience. The system is divided into three pieces, including two side pieces and a middle channel, all of which disconnect from each other, so you can place them wherever they need to go.

Mounting your TV means you can move it around more easily and create the perfect viewing experience every time. A full motion mount is the best way to tilt your TV, swivel it around and move it so you get the ideal view no matter where you’re sitting.


You can mount TVs up to 40-inches with the Amazon Basics full motion TV mount. It’s an affordable mount with a wide tilt and swivel range. The mount is fairly basic, so it’s easy to mount, and you get all the mounting hardware included.

A Mount-It! TV mount is a durable metal wall mount that’s scratch-resistant with a long arm that makes it easy to move your TV however you need to. Ideal for TVs up to 55 inches, you can rotate and pivot the TV quite a bit compared to other mount options.

Original price: $59.99

If you have a larger TV, the MountFTV full motion TV wall mount is sturdy enough to hold it. It can handle TVs between 37 to 82 inches that weight up to 132 pounds. The steel mount is long-lasting, with an arm that can extend almost 15 inches out.

Don’t have a smart TV? No problem! A streaming device can turn your TV into a more user-friendly smart TV. Amazon, Roku and Apple all have their own version of streaming sticks and devices that are easy to hook up.

Original price: $59.99

An Amazon Fire TV Stick organizes all your apps and subscription services in one area. Since it's an Amazon device, you can use voice recognition to talk to Alexa and ask her to find your favorite shows, movies and sporting events. With an Amazon Fire stick, you get access to 4K Ultra HD and Dolby Atmos audio, for a better viewing experience.

Original price: $49.01

Turn your ordinary television into a Roku TV with a Roku Streaming Stick. Just plug the stick into your TV and you get access to all the major streaming channels, including those that stream March Madness (Max, Paramount+ and Hulu). Roku pairs with all popular voice assistants, including Siri, Alexa and Google.

For more Deals, visit www.foxnews.com/category/deals

Apple TV is Apple’s answer to an all-in-one streaming platform. You can connect to Apple TV using Wi-Fi or an Ethernet cable. It provides a 4K viewing experience with Dolby Vision and you get a voice-enabled Siri remote included.

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