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The hotel named the best in the UK has Peak District views and guests say is ‘worth every penny’

THERE are almost ten thousand hotels across the UK – so when it comes to picking the best place to stay, it can be daunting.

However, The Times has just made it a lot easier by revealing their list of top 100 hotels in the country and their top choice is a particularly cosy stay.

The Cavendish Hotel is a 28-room hotel in Baslow[/caption]
The charming hotel is decorated with portraits and period furniture[/caption]

Bagging themselves the number one spot and the title of ‘Hotel of the Year’ from The Times is The Cavendish Hotel.

Found in Baslow, Derbyshire, the 4-star hotel is set on the sprawling estate of Chatsworth House with the house and garden just a 1.5 mile walk away.

The hotel was acquired by the Chatsworth Estate in the 1830s, and rebuilt as The Cavendish in the 1970s.

The Times called it one of the “UK’s most beautiful stately homes” with “18th-century interiors” designed by Nicola Harding.

The Cavendish Hotel has 28 rooms, two restaurants and incredible views of the Peak District.

Room rates start at £195 for a cosy double which still looks very spacious – they do also have special offers so keep an eye out for those.

The price quickly begins to tot up if you want to add breakfast and dining experiences.

The full review adds: “All rooms also have two unbeatable staples for a country weekend away: superb views over pea-green hills, and baths for a long, soothing soak after a yomp through them.”

As for where to eat at the hotel, there are a few options, one being The Gallery which has 3AA-rosettes. You can head there for breakfast, lunch and two or three course dinners.

The Garden Room is informal with seasonal meals and a great place to enjoy afternoon tea.

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Every room has views of the Peak District and a bath[/caption]
The Gallery restaurant is the place to be for formal dining[/caption]

In the summertime, the terrace is the best place to eat as it has views of the rolling hills of Chatsworth.

One of the more unique eating experiences is called the ‘Kitchen Table’, where guests literally get a front row seat in the kitchen – and get a bespoke menu too.

Every guest also has access to the health and fitness club at Chatsworth where you can get treatments, go to classes and use their 15metre swimming pool and gym.

If guests opt for an additional package, they can also get a private guided tour of Chatsworth House – a stately home built in the 1600s.

Due to its location, it’s a great place for walking, but you can also explore the town of Bakewell – the home of Bakewell pudding.

Or head up into the sky with the Heights of Abraham cable cars in Matlock.

The Times team said they cherry picked their top hotels in the country based on three main things: “excellence in design, facilities and value for money“.

But this year, they also took close attention to “dining and service”.

The Times aren’t the only ones to recognise The Canvendish Hotel, one reviewer called it “a true gem nestled in a perfect spot” on TripAdvisor.

Another said: “The staff are the best I have come across in a long time, they take pride in their jobs & are very polite. I love the fact that the food is locally sourced & high quality.”

A third insisted: “The quality of food in the restaurant was Michelin star class. All in all, worth every penny if you want to treat yourself.”

Other regional winners included Scotland‘s The Torridon, The Newt in Somerset, Meadowsweet in Norfolk and The Goring in London.

They also crowned Saltmore in North Yorkshire the ‘best beach hotel’ and New Park Manor in Hampshire as the ‘best family-friendly hotel’.

We had a lovely stay in the New Park Manor spa hotel which is perfect for couples and families.

And the best hotel according to TripAdvisor that has been called a ‘hidden gem’.

Here Are Our Favourite Hotels You Should Visit in 2025

Four of our favourite hotels across the UK from countryside retreats to city pads...

The Swan, Lavenham

Looking at the sleepy medieval village of Lavenham in Suffolk today, you’d never guess that 80 years ago, more than 350,000 US Army Airforce troops were based in the surrounding fields and countryside.

In the heart of the village lies The Swan at Lavenham Hotel – a magnificent 15th century timbered building with a cosy, luxe interior where the building’s period features shine, from oak beams and flagstone floors to open fires and cosy nooks.

Harry Potter fans should enquire after the tiny door under the stairs which opens into an enchanting bedroom. Its Airman’s Bar is named after the British and American servicemen who used the pub as their local when stationed at nearby RAF Lavenham. – Head of Travel, Lisa Minot

The Retreat, Berkshire

My only regret when I visited The Retreat at Elcot Park in Berkshire earlier this year was not arriving at the crack of dawn to take advantage of the beautiful patch of countryside that this hotel sits on – not to mention the excellent facilities.

The whole place has a chic Cotswolds members club vibe, with cosy rooms occupying the upper levels of a characterful 18th century Manor House and coat-wearing pooches padding through the lobby where a large fireplace is roaring at all hours of the day.

A handful of the rooms are dog friendly (£30 per dog per night which includes a dog bed, two dog bowls, some doggie treats and a handy dog towel) and pooches are welcome in certain restaurants, including the Atlas Room and bright Orangery. – Assistant Travel Editor, Sophie Swietochowski

Artists Resident, London

London is hardly short of amazing hotels – home to both the most expensive and biggest in the UK.

But my favourite is one that makes you feel like you are staying at your cool mate’s pad, with a few extra treats, which is where Artists Residence enters.

Having opened their first hotel in 2008 in Brighton, it has now spawned another four across the UK in Cornwall, Bristol, Brighton and London.

Their London branch is one of my favourites, found in Pimlico. – Deputy Travel Editor, Kara Godfrey

Warwick Castle Hotel, Warwick

Hotel stays can often be very bland with big-chain brands having the same personality-deprived features like a lonely wardrobe, a stale desk and a rock-hard bed.

Luckily, the newly-opened Warwick Castle Hotel didn’t get the memo, much to my relief.

From the lobby and the rooms to the huge banquet hall, the Warwick Castle Hotel is a place where history, literature, myths and legends all seamlessly collide to create a fun-filled family-friendly overnight stay.

One of my favourite features has to be the huge animatronic knight on horseback that sits in the lobby, but I was equally impressed by other medieval motifs like a coat of arms and tapestry-inspired artwork that decorates the walls. – Travel Reporter, Hope Brotherton

The Cavendish Hotel is The Times’ Hotel of the Year

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