Selena Gomez has released nine songs that charted in the top 10 of the Billboard Hot 100.
Her first song to crack the top 10 was "Come & Get It" in 2013.
Gomez's sole No. 1 hit on the chart is the 2019 single "Lose You to Love Me."
Selena Gomez has been releasing hit songs since she was a teenager on Disney Channel, reaching the top 40 on the Billboard Hot 100 with songs like "Round & Round" (No. 24), "Love You Like A Love Song" (No. 22), and "Who Says" (No. 21).
However, it wasn't until 2013 — when Gomez shed her former band and stage name, Selena Gomez & The Scene — that she finally cracked the chart's top 10. She has since achieved the feat nine times, as both a solo star and featured artist.
Keep reading for a ranking of Gomez's biggest hits to date, based on their Hot 100 performances.
7. "It Ain't Me" by Kygo
"It Ain't Me" was released in 2017.
Billboard Hot 100 peak: No. 10
"It Ain't Me" was released as the lead single from Kygo's debut EP, 2017's "Stargazing." It was also included as an international bonus track on Gomez's 2020 album "Rare."
6. "We Don't Talk Anymore" by Charlie Puth
"We Don't Talk Anymore" was released in 2016.
Charlie Puth/YouTube
Billboard Hot 100 peak: No. 9
Gomez and Charlie Puth sparked dating rumors when they released "We Don't Talk Anymore" and performed the duet during her "Revival" tour. Both denied a romance at the time, though Puth later said the song was inspired by true events.
"I don't kiss and tell, but the only way a song like that can come across as real is if there's something else going on behind the scenes," Puth told Billboard in 2018. "And that's what was happening. Very short-lived, very small, but very impactful. And it really messed me up."
5. "Hands to Myself"
"Hands to Myself" was released as a single in 2016.
Selena Gomez/YouTube
Billboard Hot 100 peak: No. 7
"Hands to Myself" was released as a single from Gomez's second solo album, 2015's "Revival."
The song was cowritten by Gomez, Justin Tranter, and Julia Michaels. The trio has continued to collaborate over the years, penning beloved songs in Gomez's catalog like "Bad Liar," "Lose You to Love Me," and "Look At Her Now." Gomez and Michaels also released a duet, "Anxiety," in 2019 and got matching tattoos later that year.
4 (tie). "Come & Get It"
"Come & Get It" was released in 2013.
Selena Gomez/YouTube
Billboard Hot 100 peak: No. 6
"Come & Get It" was released as the lead single from Gomez's debut solo album, 2013's "Stars Dance."
Gomez has since disavowed the song's brazenness, telling The Wall Street Journal in 2020, "That's so not my personality. The lyrics are, 'When you're ready, come and get it.' I would never say that!"
"The Heart Wants What It Wants" was released in 2014.
Selena Gomez/YouTube
Billboard Hot 100 peak: No. 6
"The Heart Wants What It Wants" was Gomez's final single released by Hollywood Records, the label known for housing Disney Channel starlets. In December 2014, she signed a new deal with Interscope.
3 (tie). "Good for You" featuring A$AP Rocky
"Good for You" was released in 2015.
Selena Gomez/YouTube
Billboard Hot 100 peak: No. 5
"Good for You" was released as the lead single from "Revival." It was met with positive reviews from critics, who praised Gomez's "breathy" and "sultry" performance.
3 (tie). "Same Old Love"
"Same Old Love" was released in 2015.
Selena Gomez/YouTube
Billboard Hot 100 peak: No. 5
"Same Old Love" was cowritten by Charli XCX and Ross Golan with the song's producers, Stargate and Blanco — aka Gomez's future fiancé.
The hit single marked one of the earliest collaborations between Gomez and Blanco. He is also credited as a cowriter and coproducer on Gomez's "Kill Em With Kindness," another track from "Revival" that was released as a single in 2016. (It peaked at No. 39 on the Hot 100.)
2. "Calm Down" by Rema
"Calm Down" was released in 2022.
Selena Gomez/YouTube
Billboard Hot 100 peak: No. 3
Gomez teamed up with the Nigerian singer Rema for a remix of his 2022 single, "Calm Down."
The song debuted at No. 15 on the chart, likely due to its surprise midweek release, before rising to the top spot in its first full week of tracking.
In her Apple TV+ documentary "My Mind & Me," Gomez said "Lose You to Love Me" was "the fastest song I've ever written."
"We wrote the song in 45 minutes," Gomez said. "It's about more than just a lost love. It's me learning to choose myself, to choose life, but also hoping that people can find grace and peace in that, too. The song is about knowing that you completely lost every part of who you are, just to rediscover yourself again." — быстрее, чем Я..., самые свежие и актуальные новости Вашего города — каждый день, каждый час с ежеминутным обновлением! Мгновенная публикация на языке оригинала, без модерации и без купюр в разделе Пользователи сайта
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